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Everything posted by Eddyk

  1. tjsa. Dont worry. When Diane and Sherry get the invitation they will make sure Lew is there even if its opening day. He,s not as tough as he lets on .
  2. Its a little to far for me but I know you guys and girls will have a good time.
  3. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed that.
  4. I am a retired supervisor of the water works for the City of Toronto after 30 years. In my spare time I try to teach Lew that you cant catch Pickeral on 12" lures.
  5. Glen. Thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning.
  6. Weather man says theres a snow storm coming to TO Monday.
  7. Ohio Fisherman. Him and I have been fishing together for a couple of years now. Who would want a son in law that didnt fish? LOL
  8. Yes Moe, the answer was a definite yes.
  9. I got a phone call two days before Christmas from my daughters boyfriend in Ottawa asking my permission to marry my daughter. He,s a great guy and of course I said yes.
  10. Woke up yesterday morning in Delta {south of Ottawa } and found 3 inches of snow on the ground.
  11. All I had to do on my puter is click VIEW,then click TEXT SIZE and then click LARGER.
  12. All the best to you and yours Roy...
  13. Fishing Christmas Day? You must be kidding.
  14. Check out Angus Lake Lodge. I spend a week there every June and love it. There are about 10 lakes you can portage to and the fishing is great.
  15. Now thats the Christmas spirit.
  16. Does that mean your Christmas present to me will be a day late this year?
  17. Glen, My father in law had the same operation in August and was discharged 5 days later. Right now he is in Texas in his motor home for the winter and never felt better.
  18. Eddyk


    I just took my snowmobile into the dealership to get brake pads installed and he said it wont be ready untill Wednesday next week and I said does it really matter. LOL
  19. I agree with you Mike. Every day this week I get up and wish I hadnt put my boat away so early but what can you do. LOL
  20. Lew. You know what I think of Boatland Canada. Nothing they would do could surprise me.
  21. Welcome. Were almost neighbours. Heres a tip for you. Worlds Finest Chocolates have a great outlet store just up the road from you in Campbellford. Enjoy.
  22. Same to you and yours
  23. Lew , Thats probably one that I caught and let you hold it for the picture.
  24. No one likes a Newfie joke more than a Newfie.
  25. A few years ago I used to see a little dog with no hind legs. His owner had a little wagon that the pup put his bum in and used his front legs to take him where ever he wanted without a care in the world.
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