I am a retired supervisor of the water works for the City of Toronto after 30 years. In my spare time I try to teach Lew that you cant catch Pickeral on 12" lures.
I got a phone call two days before Christmas from my daughters boyfriend in Ottawa asking my permission to marry my daughter. He,s a great guy and of course I said yes.
Glen, My father in law had the same operation in August and was discharged 5 days later. Right now he is in Texas in his motor home for the winter and never felt better.
I just took my snowmobile into the dealership to get brake pads installed and he said it wont be ready untill Wednesday next week and I said does it really matter. LOL
Welcome. Were almost neighbours. Heres a tip for you. Worlds Finest Chocolates have a great outlet store just up the road from you in Campbellford. Enjoy.
A few years ago I used to see a little dog with no hind legs. His owner had a little wagon that the pup put his bum in and used his front legs to take him where ever he wanted without a care in the world.