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Everything posted by Dnthmn

  1. Check out Cabela's Whuppin Stick spinning rods. I have them in various lengths and for the price they make a great multi-purpose rod. Get a good reel in the $100.00 range and you should be set.
  2. Don't forget the fourth section...Flies.
  3. It's not selfish at all, just natural. I understand where you are coming from, I was the same this past October when my Dad lost his battle with brain cancer. My condolences go out to you and your family.
  4. Figured it was worth a shot ...oh well.
  5. add one more to the tally
  6. Alright, between the fishing, the cooking & the laundry you made out like a bandit. Ask your folks if they want to adopt a 28 year old son
  7. Hmmm...steak & Eggs or the Weekender...steak & eggs or the Weekender, this will be a tough decision. I've got 8 hours in a classroom and by the sound of that meal it may not be enough time Thanks for the recommendations guys, much appreciated.
  8. Looks like a great time!
  9. Thanks, I'll try exiting the 403 at Eglington and looking for it.
  10. Hello All, I've got a training seminar coming up in a couple weeks that has me commuting from a Burlington Hotel to the training in Mississauga. I'm planning on leaving early to try and avoid traffic and would appreciate any recommendations on a good restaurant for breakfast near Courtneypark & Tomken. Thanks in advance for the help. Dan
  11. Common practice for me once the shiners are gone.
  12. There are several marine exhibitor that will be there like Hully Gully, Ships Ahoy Marine & Maple City for seats. Hully Gully & Ships Ahoy are both local shops so if they don't have stock at the show get them to check their stores for you. For the trolling motors (assuming electric) stop by angling outfitter & angling sport. Normally I would say to stop by the Forest City Fly Fishing Club booth so I could say hello but I'm not able to make it this year.
  13. And I though Timmie's was bad at $1.65 for an XL
  14. True, intensity will play a factor. So will body type, resting heart rate, age, diet, hydration level, muscle mass, caloric intake and so on. The common misconception is that 20 minutes is all anyone needs to begin to burn body fat. In truth for the average person it takes about 15 - 18 minutes or so for the body to get through its available energy from recently ingested food and then draw on fat stores for fuel. A trainer at a gym will be able to asses ones current condition and create an exercise plan that will help them get the most out of their workout. You will absoutely burn more calories and lose more weight with a higher intensity workout but it is proven that the body burns more fat at lower intensity levels. High intensity workouts can also be dangerous for someone who is just starting out. It is farly easy for someone who has been mostly sedentary to reach or exceed their maximum heart rate and cause damage. The links below explain a little about MHR and target heart rates for excercise. The one is a heart rate calculator that takes fitness level into account. Try it out with the selection at each fitness levels and see how much the target range changes. Mine nearly doubled!! http://exercise.about.com/cs/fitnesstools/l/bl_THR.htm http://exercise.about.com/cs/cardioworkouts/l/aa022601a.htm Which ever way you choose to do it, consulting a Doctor and a trainer is good advice.
  15. The way you excercise will play a big role in how quickly you burn body fat as well. Thank to marketing campaigns the "20 Minutes a Day" is a misconception for an adequate amount of cardio to burn body fat. This duration will help you to maintain a weight level but may not allow you to burn body fat. Sit down with a trainer at your gym and have your excercise plan geared to your goals
  16. I tow with my Ram ('03 2wd 2500 crew cab) with the same engine. Last year I made it from Windsor to Goderich towing a camper trailer that would either be comparable to or outweigh the boat mentioned, did all of the driving around town for the week and drove home on a single tank of fuel.
  17. How bout a trade for a set of steelie flies?
  18. Shift Manager in a casino for the 40+ hour a week job. Telecomm Service direct sales and tackle manufacturer/commercial fly tyer are the home based businesses so I can hopefully one day leave the gaming industry!
  19. LMAO charlied check your inbox. Aside from opportuinties such as the one I pm'ed you there is internet marketing. If you are handy you can advertize for odd jobs on Kijiji (I'm surprising the wife with a 5th anniversary trip back to the same resort we went to on our honeymoon by doing odd jobs this way. It let me pay for the trip without her knowing about it!). I also sell flies that I tie and other baits I make at home.
  20. More true words could not be spoken. Creating that "Plan B" income stream from home does not hurt either. There are a ton of ways to make extra cash from home. It's better to have it set up and running before the lay-off notice comes.
  21. Awesome post Urban.
  22. Anytime
  23. Here is the big question, is it a must for the mortgage to be paid of or is it more about having less money going out every month? Someone else already mentioned the line of credit option to replace a mortgage. They can be set up as "Interest Only". Switch your mortgage to one of those and even at 4% your required payment will be like $100 a month. I know that this will not pay down the principle...I'm getting to that. Split the difference from what you would have been paying on the mortgage and put half in RRSP/GIC and the other half goes to making life a little easier for you and the missus. Take your bigger than usual income tax refund and slap it on the principle amount of $30K. Based on your stating that $10K was a years worth of Mortgage payments This will free up about $350 a month for you and let you save about $4K a year. Meanwhile sit on your current investments until they recover enough for the Wife to agree to let you pull them.
  24. That was awesome!!
  25. Lookin' Good!! Glad to hear you went to visit Jay & Stu for a lesson. There is also the Forest City Fly Fishing Club. During the winter they have a mentoring program and give free tying lessons to members then as spring approaches they turn to casting lessons and group outings. Best part is that a few of the local shops, like Jay's, will give members a discount so you can basically get the membership fee back and then some depending on how much material you buy in a year. http://www.fcfc.ca If you ever want someone to tie with let me know.
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