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Everything posted by Dnthmn

  1. Just wanted some feedback on the bucktail spinner below. One of the guys at work asked if I could make him some and this is my first attempt. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Dan
  2. I thought that was the plan as well. I might not be able to make the show depending on whether or not I want sleep but will try and meet up with everyone after for sure. Cheers.
  3. Only way to be sure would be to call a local office and ask. For the few extra bucks you might want to consider the 8 day option. Then if you get a chance to go out again during his visit you'll be covered as well.
  4. The Alibi sounds good to me. Did you want someone to make a call Ryan?
  5. Give these guys a call if you would be willing to drive to London. I have not bought from them in a long time but if I told them what I could get it for somewhere else they would usually beat it. They have stores all over but I can only speak to the service I got from the London one. http://www.vanandtruckworld.com/ Performance unlimited here in town has also been really good to me and they usually had better prices than Van & Truck World. http://www.performanceunlimited.ca/pages/index.php
  6. I'm on the grave shift that night but would love to join in on a G2G if time permits!! Let me know when & where. Cheers
  7. Great point. I believe I still have a copy of last years information sheet I created for our work family fishing day I organized. If you would like a copy PM me your email address and I will send it. It covers this point and other general stuff some parents might not consider when a group of young ones gets together armed with fishing gear
  8. Almond Beach Club in Barbados...You can send the wife to the spa for a massage while you head out reef fishing with a local guide. I believe they have an anniversary/wedding package that will include some spa treatments and the reef fishing is free but I suggest you tip your guide. http://www.almondresorts.com/ I agree with the spots in Europe that were mentioned as well. Only one I'll add is Belgium (Brugge to be exact) The tourist district is actually the old walled city and many of the buildings date back hundreds of years. If your a fan of history, food and beer this is a great spot. I'll try to dig up some pics.
  9. Thanks to Dad we regularly had fresh caught fish and game on the table for our dinner while growing up. In the fall the freezer always got stocked with walleye and perch for the winter months as well. In the water that morning and on the plate that evening is always preferred but thanks to the old man I start feeling like I'm missing out if I don't eat fish I caught about once a week.
  10. Couldn't have said it better myself! Fishnwire - I can respect that you are taking a conservationistic (probably not a real word) stance on this one but to be honest you're targeting the wrong people. If the ministry changed the regs to prohibit multiple fish above a stated size than it would be a different story. For right now you may want to refer to page 9 of the regs. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/198219.pdf
  11. Double check your municipalities building codes as well, it may make a huge difference in what you need versus what you are told by the programs they use at Home Depot and such. That is if you are planning on getting a permit.
  12. Thanks Sconceptor. Has there been any action up your way?
  13. I've looked and unless I'm missing it there is nothing that clearly states a boundary other than the mouth of the river exists. I'm not too concerned. I'll just stick with rivers that I am sure are open...there is enough of them within an hour or two drive time. Better safe than sorry right!
  14. What else can I say!!
  15. There is a second point in the exceptions right after that stating that the river from country rd 86 to Lake Huron is a fish sanctuary and closed until after the opener. That's what has me a little confused. Thanks Wallacio. I remember they would hang chains across the river to mark the areas as well. Sounds like my coworker was correct and a portion is considered to be the lake. I think I'll play it safe and stick to the Maitland. Thanks guys.
  16. Well I was talking with one of the guys at work and we got on the topic of fishing the Nine Mile River in Port Albert. I am under the impression that the river is closed(including the mouth) until after the opener, but he was saying that fishing is allowed up to 100M from the lake. Anyone know the deffinitive answer on this one? Thanks.
  17. Good advice so far. The only thing I will add is that you should use a non-slip mono loop or rapala knot to attach your fly. It gives much better action to the presentation than tying something like a palomar. http://www.netknots.com/html/non_slip_loop_knot.html
  18. Not that I have noticed. I like going for them in a shallow bay that I spend a lot of time on but it is attached to Lake Erie. In early spring if I am not finding them near the structure they seem to stick to I can usually find them in the channel near the mouth of the bay in deeper water. Right now you are looking for water temp in the low to mid 50's. As for depth, I've caught them in as little as 18" of water and I've caught them on 1/2 oz spinnerbaits when trying for bass in the later months. It sounds like the lake you are going to is pretty small, you'll find them.
  19. Underwater trees and other structure will hold them for sure once they get near their spawning grounds. Don't be afraid to try drop offs to deeper water either. I usually get them either fly fishing or with minnows/wax worms run under a slip float. If you are going to be jigging make sure you bring an ultra-light setup and keep it slow. Good luck and let me know how you make out.
  20. Good Luck!!
  21. Congrats on the new addition to the family!! That feeling you mentioned never goes away. Just wait till you come home and he comes running up with his arms raised yelling Daddy!! Talk about turning the crappiest day of work into the best day in your life!! Check your inbox when you get a chance. For now enjoy the little one and you & Mom take care.
  22. I'd be in for a couple especially if it helps to support the site. Being a bit of a newb, if the idea has already been mentioned please disregard, what about an OFC Magazine to help support the site as well. Articles contributed by the members and published into a periodical might not be a bad idea. I know there is a ton of knowledge that is present on this board. Why not capitalize on it?
  23. Here is another link for you. You might find the info on the proposed changes to the Navigabe Waters Protection Act interesting. http://www.ispeakforcanadianrivers.ca/
  24. I don't know about anyone else but I found my productivity at work went up a little
  25. Download the "Guide to Lure Making" from the same website. In the spinner bait section they have a component chart that offer recommendations based on the size of the lure & the type of blade being used. I think it's on about page 45 or so. Not sure about the jig painting question as I have only powder painted jigs without weedgaurds. If you preheat the head enough though you do not have to bake it. Good Luck
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