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Everything posted by Dnthmn

  1. Took the words right outta my mouth I'll talk with my contact at thye shipping company we deal with at work and see if I can get you a quote. If I come up with anything that might be worth while I'll send you a PM. Lookin forward to the pics.
  2. Assuming your trailer is a single axle it will want to pull to one side while being towed just like the car. It will eventually start swerving side to side and start pulling the rear of the tow vehicle. "Tail wagging the dog" so to speak. If it's a tandem axle you may not notice one flat tire but you will when the other one on the same side goes
  3. Head to Angling Sports or Jays Fly Shop and pick up a pack of #10 sedge hooks then thread them on. I like running mine under a slip float. Good Luck!
  4. Nurse, two part epoxy stat. We can save him, we have the technology... If not does plastic do the same wonders for your flowers as fish carcasses?
  5. Wild, we're gonna hafta chat down the road!!! I would be interested in some brass components for various items. Let me know what you plan on getting into. PM me and I'll give you my email address. While we are on the topic of lure making does anyone have a supplier for non lead pour metals such as bismuth or a tin-bismuth alloy? I've found one near Hamilton online but have not contacted them yet. Here is the website and if anyone has dealt with them please tell me about your experience. http://www.alchemycastings.com/ Thanks.
  6. I grew up in Windsor and my Dad would take me fishing for Walleye from shore all the time. Provided things haven't changed a whole bunch since I moved away you should be able to get into them by tossing a white curly tail on a 3/8 oz jig head that has some sort of pink on it. Just before sun up and just before sunset always seemed to be the best times. Based on the feedback to this post so far I think my Musky Charter on St. Clair has been decided for this summer. Thanks Guys!
  7. So I shouldn't run out and pay even more money for the red ones??? Thanks for the feedback guys, it reinforces the opinion I had from the start.
  8. Probably not a good idea to spray WD40 into a lightbulb socket Between being flammable and conductive what would you prefer the shock or the fire?
  9. It won't hold the rig away from the main line but you can come close to what you are describing with a float stopper knot. Usually it would be tied with the tag end of the leader/rig line pointing toward the rod and the end with the hooks pointing toward the weight. If you tried it upside down you would get whatever spacing the natural curve of the line would give on its 180 bend under the weight from the hooks/bait. It's kind of in left field but it may do the trick for you. If you try it make sure to use a bead or tie a stopper knot into the main line. Other than that the dropper loop would have been my suggestion.
  10. Glad to hear she's home and doing better
  11. I'll agree to disagree. Lets have a beer instead of debate the benefits/drawbacks of flux!!
  12. I use 14lb silver thread for mine. sturgman here you go. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/download_guide.htm Download the PDF guide. There is a section devoted to harnesses.
  13. +1
  14. Wow, seems like I started a big debate regarding flux "Rosin Core Solder" or "Flux Core Solder" contain flux but the rest do not. Personally I find that a better connection is created by using a tiny amount of flux to clean the wire before applying the heat. I also find that this allows a novice to get a better end result and reduces the chances of them making a mistake such as applying too much heat for too long. Tybo's last two points hit the nail on the head!
  15. Freezing rain for my drive home. What was yours?
  16. I prefer to bite the pillow
  17. You bet! Fun isn't it
  18. Alright, I gotta ask. Does the red colour actually make a difference in your opinion? I just find it kinda amusing that red hook manufacturers and makers of live bait harnesses with red hooks market them stating that the colour imitates blood from a wound helping to trigger a strike. Then line manufacturers market the colour stating that it is filtered out and rendered invisible in as little as 3 feet of water. The marketing tactics contradict each other and the really funny thing is that the colour red is probably the biggest thing in terms of all the manufacturers hopping on board in their product offering!!
  19. If you don't have some already when you pick up the solder grab a tin of flux as well. Not necessary but I find it makes for a better connection.
  20. I would suggest the Almond Beach Resorts on Barbados. Reef fishing is included at no additional cost (tip your guide well and let him take home some fish) but it is right at the high end of your budget without factoring in spending money. Let me know if you do come across anything in the carribean though. I'm trying to surprise the wife with a trip a few weeks after you plan on going. Cheers.
  21. Welcome Aboard.
  22. The thoughts and prayers for your little girl are going out from me right now. By the sounds of it you got yourself a little fighter. I've got a 22 month old little boy and I know how we were when he had his two surgeries. I can only attempt to imagine how you and your wife feel. Stay strong and God Bless.
  23. My condolences. You and your family are in the thoughts and prayers of me and mine.
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