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Everything posted by Dnthmn

  1. Sorry for your loss. Dan
  2. Thanks for the welcome and the correction on the result of my itchy clicker finger memart - the first report from me will be coming as soon as we get some cold weather that sticks around long enough for ice. If not I'll have to pile some boys in the jeep and head north for the day.
  3. Hello, I've been lurking on the board for a little while now and figured it was time I introduced myself and started participating. I've picked up some great info here and moving forward I hope to be able to share some as well. I've been fishing ever since I was big enough for my Dad to take me to the river and ensure I didn't fall in by tying opposite ends of a rope around both of our waists. Now it's my turn to instill a love of this sport to my son and I'm looking forward to when he gets a little bigger and we can start letting mom sleep in and go out on the boat together. My wife is really looking forward to it. Happy New Year Everyone. Dan Sorry about the double post. Connection was really slow. Guess I shouldn't have clicked the button twice!!
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