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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. moving / dangling. I just find it interesting that for the most part the perch do not even attempt to strike the body of the lure but will actually focus on the hooks only.
  2. I used credit card but I am sure he accepts paypal
  3. I am not really fussed. I have caught fish on $0.99 spinnerbaits and they are almost as effective as $5 spinnerbait. I laughed at a buddy of mine who just bought 2 spinnerbaits at $15 a pop. They were Lucky craft spinnerbaits and he threw them a lot and didn't catch a thing. I like 3 colours WHite Black Firetiger In that order
  4. Most of my lures have black hooks and many have red as well.
  5. I oredered my lures on the 27th of July. They were sent on the 28th and I received them today. NO EXTRA CHARGES and my shipping was $3.50 and that was for 4 lures. My buddy ordered 8 lures and was charged the same. Great service and great prices. (I have no affiliation with this shop other than the fact that I bought some tackle from it) http://www.toplakstackle.com/ give it a try. It is hard to get bandit lures here in Canada.
  6. I catch tons of perch fishing for smallies. I catch them on almost any lure I throw. I am (as many of your are as well) always amazed at how big a lure they will actually hit. So I started thinking (that is the second time I spelled thinking as thingking); why would a 5" fish hit a 4.5"-5" jerkbait? I started watching closely. Simcoe is very clear water so I watch what they are doing. The perch follow the lure in packs of 5-20 fish sometimes. As soon as you stop the bait they at least 2 will try and take a swipe at it. Now I am not saying that the fish 'hunt in packs' but what i think they do is realize that your bait is not a healthy minnow and therefore will be an easy target as food. The minnow immitation looks like a fish BUT there are some hooks hanging off it. These hooks are what the perch actually hit. That is right. I have been watching it very closely lately and the perch almost NEVER HIT THE LURE. They specifically single out the hook and take a swipe at it. That goes for smaller crankbaits as well. They actually hit the trebble hooks almost 100% of the time. I am not sure what they think but I have a few theories. Theory 1: They hit the hooks because the hooks look like some food hanging out of a fish's mouth and the perch can just pick it off easily. Theory 2: The lure is an injured fish and the hook is perhaps the reason it is injured, like entrails hanging out of a fish. Theory 3: Maybe they do hunt in packs a little more than we think and if one fish can start biting pieces (hooks) off an injured bait fish then the whole pack can help take the fish down no matter what the size (within reason) a la pirahna style. lol. I may be grasping a bit. My theories may be flawed indeed but I do know that perch target the hook almost all the time when caught on cranks and jerkbaits.
  7. There is a reason for this. I will explain in another post.
  8. Well, I have been out night fishing for the last two night and the results have been poor. One night I caught 2 fish and the largest was a respectable 2.7 pound smallie. On the second night I managed only one dink bass. I got home and saw some old albums on the table so I decided to have a look through them. They had some old fishing pics of me and my buddies so I scanned them and decided to post something to make up for my lacklustre recent night outings. All these fish were caught in Abu Dhabi UAE (same country as Dubai but Abu Dhabi is the capital) These fish are locally called Hamour. They are a type of Grouper. Very very tasty Again Hamour. That is my boat in the background. Rebuilt it from the ground up (that is another story) More Hamour Hamour double header Small Mackerel Bigger King mackerel A nice sailfish. There are so many sailfish at times there. You can see like 50 at once. You land one for every 10 hookups. They are insane fighters
  9. I think I caught one the other day with a missing spine on dorsal but tag was missing although there was a bump on the skin where it looked like it used to be.
  10. 25 1/2" That is going to be hard to beat. I think I can do it though. Going to be this week somethime I think! Great start to the tourney.
  11. Man, Your musky are really clean looking there.
  12. Nice! Did you get a length measurement?
  13. Nice fish. I love it when I get sandpapaer thumb because you know you had a good day.
  14. LOL. I second that. Unless you are trying to sell your rod at some point. Fish always look smaller on camera. You need to get one of those convex lenses that they have on the "fisherman's edge" Al Linder's fish look huge all the time.
  15. nice fish. Believeable story.
  16. If you do have a child and said child would not be accompanying you to Bermuda then I would not go. You need to be around for sure. If the child goes with you then go for it.
  17. It was such a beautiful day that my family and I decided to go out on the boat (we went out yeasteday as well). Between playing on the tube, swimming and actually riding the tube, I managed to get some fishing in. Caught 2 smalljaws this afternoon and a bunch of perch. Decent fish. This evening I decided to go fishing from shore. After droping my flashlight and shattering it on some big rocks I had to depend on my cell phone for light for the rest of the evening. Luckily we had a bright low moon tonight. I hit up 4 spots tonight and went 5 for 9. I also had some decent blowups that completely missed the lure. I managed to take a pic of my best evening fish. Probably went 3+. Nice fish. I love this night fishing. Very exciting and intense. Fish from this aft Fish from this evening. I looked a bit stunned in this pic. It is totally dark. I also managed to cut off the fish's tail in the pic. Guess I should look at the pic before I let the fish go.
  18. Go for it. See if you can't get a leave of absence from your work here though for a year. You will know if you like it or not by then. I have lived the expat life for 10 years and don't regret a thing. Remember everywhere in the world gets more time off than in North America so you can come home for vacation. That is what I used to do. What started off for me as a 6 month stay in Abu Dhabi/Dubai ended up lasting 8 years.
  19. We have decided to have regional g2gs in Barrie and for sure Hamilton area. Looks like the August 29th is a go. If you can't make that day you can still compete in the competition as we are going to make it a month long event, all of August (kind of an extended tourney like the Slamon hunt only ours will be bigger .lol) Aug 1st will be a gong show in Barrie anyway as Kempenfest is going on so the whole waterfront becomes useless and parking fro cars is at a premium let alone parking for cars/trucks trailers. I will let you know where and when we will meet prior to the 29th in Barrie. We will have a blast off! haha. Maybe someone people can steep up and work their regional g2gs. We will get numbers closer to the day with regards to boaters and non boaters. Want to try and get everyone into boats if we can in Barrie anyway. Thank you Dan for the poll it was very useful indeed. Oh by the way I ahve been prefishing.
  20. Hey snagmasteral they are just starting to be where they are supposed to be. Size is still down that is true but numbers are improving. I think the rain and cold have messed them up a bit. Hopefully next week. I always look forward to your posts.
  21. welcome. Nice largie and those shad are huge and that eye it is tiny.
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