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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Mattones

    Nice Buck

    He is trying to pick up his scent.
  2. Im sure you can find the money with a red X call in the mall somewhere though.
  3. I totally forgot about the chat room
  4. Freaks I tell yah freaks!!
  5. Aww great news! Cute little Guy! From what I hear the first new born's parents are given some free swag aswell hehe
  6. Normally I would say, boo. But I love the 09 Fords If I didnt buy the new Ram i would have bought the F150 they are nice trucks!! COngrads on a great truck!
  7. That is no fun to look at! I feel for you man i hope you recover fast!
  8. i have been on Virgin for bout 5 years and have NO problems been on pay as u go up until oct, Very happy with them!
  9. Amen. Plus the ladies around 19+ I was almost Lucky for me the girlfriend doesnt care if i look She even points 'em out if i happen to miss one I went lastyear and got there 15mins before they opened and found a good spot. This year with a new truck id stay away.
  10. I was looking for that, No good deals for me again this year
  11. Went hunting today and this morning the gound had a layer of fresh snow and i counted over 8 different Coyote tracks. I am on crownland. They must have been moving alot lastnight. Also had a redfox come past me at 10 yards, I was half asleep and opened my eyes in enough time to see it walk past me.
  12. Good to see pops is at home and doing well! Glad your family is together for the holiday
  13. i got $75 in GC's. I opened everything for myself tonight as I wont be home in the morning. Last year bass pro had a poor selection of boxing day sales I wasent to impressed
  14. Curtis if you are near by i say we get together after deer season and hunt them. Its my plan for this winter. Coyotes are really over populated. Thats why they are open all year.
  15. Buy a house and lots of land! and an ATV or lamborghini
  16. Here in Burlington we had abut 2+ inches of snow. Had a house fire near me on Dundas which has horse stables in it. Made for a hetic morning for the people following Dundas. hehe
  17. i have no work tomorrow and am hunting. as the crownland i am hunting the parking lot is being renovated which forced me to park on the side of the road! I hope it doesnt snow
  18. I won three Local Skill comps here in Burlington in wood working went to the worlds in 2006 came in 2nd. I have always had a passion for wood working! After High school I just went into carpentry and never went back. Sold all my projects I made in school. Funny everyone in class amde 3 projects each term while i doubled that. Yes I was one of those kids who left class just to goto shop class and work. hehe
  19. My friend and I went Saturday Morning aswell as he wanted to buy a bore sighter and the flyer had it for cheaper then on the price marked. Went to find a flyer but they were all out. he still bought it.
  20. smart bird indeed good for it
  21. Silverdale gun club is good
  22. No respect! Most Kids these days have no respect for anything! Just sad to see something like this happen!
  23. You are oe Crazy man TJ! Great video!
  24. I was doing a fix up at a Mattamy house and walking through the newly built houses I noticed Coyote poop in the backyard of one of the houses as I cross the backyards to grab Plywood from the mattamy trailer. Laughed when I saw it. It was like 5 feet away from th back door.
  25. Congrads on the buck! Although i am happy the hunt is over and hope to god my buck is still around
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