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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Burlington is a bit aways:( dang iv been looking all voer for the online book with no luck. I guess i can try and read up as much as i can on the smaller stuff and hope its somewhat related to the test
  2. I am taking my Non-restricted course this coming weekend and am a bit worried about it as i know Nothing about guns and would rather study before hand. The guy in my Hunting class this past weekend said he found the 'book' or what ever off the internet and just took the test one on one. I have tried to look for it online but with no luck. Anyone have any idea on where i can find stuff which may be on the test to read up on? I may have found the topics covered but not sure. http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/safety-surete/safety_course_e.asp May sound sad I know but i would rather get a head start
  3. haha oh man at Wal-mart on Friday night i was in the fishing area and saw these 2 foot rods i was like 'hey Natasha its your rod but 10x smaller'' then she said it was for ice fishing so i looked at the tag and it was. I have never seen any ice fishing stuff before haha and was kinda shocked she knew. guess she saw a sign somewhere ..... ...
  4. Its good to know there are people like you guys that are willing to help a new guy out I think I may consider going to the Wolf Den near Barrie for my courses. Its a two day course.
  5. winter is the most traffic. iv never had any traffic on the 407 during spring/summer and fall.
  6. Awesome! I will contact you for sure next month
  7. Yah thats all done. The guy at bass pro who sold me it was the main archery guy there. Nice fellow. Sad i only pull a 60. haha but hey I'm a small guy.
  8. The bow was as a Package. All i needed was to be fitted. I never shot before but I have a clean shot and good posture. Hope to join a club to learn the basics before I go hunting next year. I will check out the wolfs den.
  9. Anyone take a course recently near Burlignton where you got your PAL and Hunters?
  10. im more so looking for the hunting course I figured i might as well take the P.A.L. But yah i may consider what you said. i will look into it now.
  11. if its around the Burlington-Oakville, hamilton, Missisauga area that will work.
  12. Has anyone taken them recently? I am meeting up with the guy who will be teaching me on Tuesday to give him the money for the course's. The PAL 2 day course is this coming Sat-Sun and the Hunters is the week after. $220 for the PAL + $30 for books $200 for the Hunters. Does this sound right? about paying him before the course? I guess its only right eh? I got his number from this site which to me seems real. http://www.ohep.net/InstSearch.cfm?Do=City#Result Oh BTW i bought my first bow today! The Diamond Justice!!
  13. What a beast! I'm dying to catch a Musky
  14. Looks like a small town you would see in a movie. I like it!
  15. happy to hear you are doing great!
  16. as with most shows they come in the late Winter and early spring:(
  17. I keep telling myself I should go out and use the Waders i bought in the Spring. They are made by WADERS EDGE. A littled big but ohwell.
  18. I figured the courses would be better as it will clear alot of things up for me. I really hope I could find someone to take me out on a hunt in the near future before or after i have my hunting and PAL. (Hope to take the course oct 18th)
  19. Wow, Amzing report! I really wanna head down there.
  20. i found a couple on Kijjiji put in a new offers.
  21. Look at all that beer and meat! My idea of a great time!!!
  22. Well i havent really been around them very much in the past 10 years so the course will be best i think.. Any idea how long these courses often take? 2 days each i'm guessing?
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