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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Now thats a nice buck! Congrads! hope you find the big guy tomorrow! Care to take me out hunnting! haha
  2. The one post about them stealing garage door Openers. I never through of that so i actually just ran outside a second ago and checked. Its still there.
  3. I really don't like saying this to peoples faces but.. Nice rack! I hope to have mine this year
  4. I went in today and was shocked to hear there has been ALOT of Auto theifs in my area in Burlington. About 8 last month! For anyone in Burlington i'm talking about Milcroft/Headen Forest so watch your car!
  5. About 30 minutes ago the girlfriend and I were getting our shoes on as I was about to drive her home. And whe i came outside i noticed my door was open. I tend to lock my door everytime but today I think it was because i rushed home after finding out at the bank that my debit card was locked. I was in a rush to call them to find out why (My debit card was copied somewhere so i have to get a new one Monday) Anyway I was kinda sketchy about having a look into but the girlfriend thought i was lying and got into the car only to see my glove box open all the stuff in there all over the passenger side seat. and the centre storage box open which only has CD's My 407 transponder on the dash where i never keep it. When I turned my light on I saw my Deer tag laying on floor. I told the girlfriend luckly he didnt take this otherwise i would be screwed for this weekend. And looked into the back seat and both my rods where still there semi covered up. I opened my trunk and made sure my $250 hammer for work was still there. I believe when i turned the house lights on the theif was in my car and booked it to the back of the house. After about 2 minutes of checking if everything was there i did go around back didnt see anything So i got my brother to take my car and drive around the block as i stayed at home to see if the guy would show up and run away. Well i decided to run into the backyard to see if he was there and what do you know I heard something crashing into a pile of leaves behind the fence. I dunno why i didnt climb the fence to see what was there I figured it could have been a raccoon that tens to hang around here. But to be honest I'm actually i'm pretty ticked with myself on why i didnt have jump the fence to have a look as no one lives currently right behind me. GAH I'm so sour right now Tomorrow I'm going to make a report in the morning with the police.
  6. sweet a hunting report but all i see are Red X'd boxes. maybe the site you use is down it sucks not being able to see the photos ans just reading it:P sounded like a good time!!
  7. Nope im heading back up there tomorrow i forgot to buy the ladder for my tree stand So right now your looking at >Hunters Safty Course >Turkey Course The hunters have got to be done first And with that you can hunt small game:P
  8. Head on over to bass pro shop. they have a wide range of bows.
  9. Happy halloween! if you decide to drive take your time and keep your eyes peeled!
  10. this really make sme want to go out asap.
  11. thats a wicked pumpkin carving! i have seen some crazy stuff people do. Wish i had talent like that ha.
  12. i passed both courses I am sticking with my bow for now as it takes like 12 weeks for my PAL to come in. Also that buck looks awesome
  13. As do i since this will be my first time out.
  14. I got a deer tag today:P gotta find someone to go with.
  15. The girlfriends dog was doing that to a stuffed Animal this past week. Its a female/Fixed.. we think its because her sister who isent fixed is in heat which i guess triggers it. hahaha Funny thing was the toy was 5x bigger haha
  16. Awesome I will have a look around tomorrow thanks everyone.
  17. The pictire on the box looks like a soild block that says 6 volt Lantern battery Standard or rechargable 6 volt
  18. Any idea where i can buy a rechargeable 6 volt alkaline battery? I checked Canadian tires web site and they just have duracell 6 volt. Need it for my trail camera
  19. Sadly the ban wont stop people from talking on their cell phones. Teenagers will continue to do it. they might as well stop people from having an open drink in their cars such as in Europe. I would like to see it happen but GPS? i use one and have never had a problem with it. All you do is listen its places right below the rear view mirror so as your checking behing you you can look on it aswell. Oh well laws change in time just gotta bite the bullet. such as the pitbull law.
  20. Sad i couldnt help out. Had to take my last class of my Non-Restricted fire arms.
  21. heading there tomorrow for some broadheads and camo:D
  22. During the breaks I will ask if i can handle them the guns and have a good look at them before the class is all around watching you which = pressure haha
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