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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Awesome report my friend!
  2. My doberman bit someone a few years back. He has never bit someone since he was a puppy going through his teething stages. This was random. I don't know if the guy had food in his hands and was taunting him or what ever else. The guy punched my dog. I accepted why he hit my dog as it would have been my first thing to if someone elses dog bit me. Dogs can be very well trained but there can be that rare time it could do something it has been trained not to do. next day my dog was all over the guy licking where he planted his teeth. My Great Dane had yet to cause any harm. It knows better. I hope your kid is doing all right. Hope he doesnt hate dogs now:(
  3. haha awesome! i may be heading there this weekend for a few hours.
  4. I saw one just like that for sale. used an 06 i think same color. for about $16 000. I am tempted to buy it but thats half a days pay to fill the gas up with it. ha Plus if something goes...:S
  5. I wanna try this one day but they will snap my rod in half haha.
  6. Nice looking fish. good report!
  7. I actually called today. Yes fishing is open. I was going to head out there this weekend and rewnt a row boat..Then i figured Its kind of hard with just me doing it.
  8. Good Story!. Good karma on them
  9. Hm, Interesting thread. I should buy myself one or so of these.
  10. To be honest.. All I have caught this year have been Gobies and one carp. Not very proud of it. I go fishing three times a month just off a dock at bronte or try my luck for carp at the Skyway in hamilton. Recently started fishing for the first time in over 10 years. I'm looking for a spot to go camping or just fish for the day off the shore with the girlfriend this coming weekend. And hope to try and catch some Bass and such. So If anyone could give a name of a lake where we can just go fishing or maybe a camp site where we could go fishing this weeknd that would be great. Thanks alot! PS: I'm looking to a small boat so I can get out there by fall haha.
  11. Also Carp. Lots of carp.
  12. these past two days i have lucked out on the hail yesterday was at the Mohawk Casino from 3-4 the hail just missed us and today i was in Sauga working and only had rain.
  13. reading stuff like this it makes me sad. Sorry for your loss gary two years ago My Doberman named Chess Died of old age. He was 14.5 years old. It felt as if i lost a really close brother.
  14. Lets go Netherlands!
  15. Thats horrible mate. Hope these buggers get caught.
  16. I like Brazil. Portugal is just as good. I work with 90% of people from Portugal so when ever they play they take off early to watch the game ha.
  17. ''Get into your panties and take a short swim in the lake.'' But She would feel a bit weird knowing your watching or waiting for her ha just bobbing there in the water. Joking. But thats a good question.
  18. Congrads on the catch! Hope to see you catching more.
  19. Awesome thanks for the replies everyone. I am going to be heading out in a few moments after going to Longos and buying some stuff for my feeder. Canned Corn? Wouldnt the can corn just fall out of the feeder as its mixed with liqiud? or do i just toss it on the water. I'm pretty confused about what I shoud be using in this feeder.
  20. Today I bought a new rod and I asked the guy at the fishing store what I would need for carp fishing. He set me up with the items I needed for carp fishing also gave me 50% off a bag of natural bollies. I went out tonight and just before I dropped my line in the water I saw two large carp swimming along the dock. Are these bollies I bought any good still? I'm guessing they have been sitting there for a while in the package. The guy also told me to put cornstarch or something it my ''carp feeder''. Does anyone actually use one of these 'carp feeders'' and a bollie? I'm a newbie to this soI'm sorry if any of my question sound dumb.
  21. Awesome thanks a lot for the info. Where abouts can I buy a ''Premier'' or TRIUMPH series rod? BPS is way to far for me. I live in Burlington/Oakville
  22. Can you recommend me a one with a little more backbone
  23. I'll be fishing for what my pals want to go fishing for. last month was trout and this month seems like pike and Salmon. Just looking for a rod that wont snap in two if I decide to go for big game fish. thanks for the reply:D
  24. I was looking at buying the Ugly Stik Lite Spin Combo, 7 ft for $69.99 and the Zebco Recon 3 Spin Combo, 6-ft 6-in which is 39.99 on sale at half price. I have heard good things about ugly sticks. and nothing on Zebco. I have a 6' eclipse from wal-mart currently and not too happy with it. So i'm thinking of changing up.
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