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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Wow, Amazing photos! Hope to see more!
  2. My moultree gamespy 100 Stinks. Make sure you dont cheap out like I did. Though i knew cheaper was crappier but I didnt think it would be that crappy since it was a moultree and they are known for their good cameras. Giving it on more try then i'm selling it.
  3. Awesome bucks and Doe guys! Hope to head out this weekend if I find a spot up near here.
  4. Thats crazy. yet fun.
  5. Burlington is just getting flurrys now but melting right away. But Watderdown(between Hamilton and Burlington) for the past two nights had like a blizzard start from 9p
  6. That looked like one good time. Fishing, Wine and buddies. Thanks for the report!
  7. Congrads, should put alot of meat on the table this year.
  8. mouth watering.
  9. Its all in good fun But yes nice pictures!
  10. whatta know Randy lost. good fight.
  11. ''Brock Lesnar and Randy Couture are both receiving $250,000 paydays for their much-anticipated fight tonight, according to the Los Angeles Times. Additionally, Couture will get an additional $250,000 bonus should he win with Lesnar adding $200,000 more to his winnings should he win the fight. UFC 91 airs tonight on pay per view with Couture/Lesnar being the main event for the UFC Heavyweight Championship. ''
  12. Have a little fetish about stealing road signs? lol.
  13. Congrads on a rainbow my friend! And welcome to OFC!
  14. I have never shot a gun but i am loving the bow.
  15. I have always wanted to try a cross bow to get the feel for one. Maybe if I see any on sale at BPS this Christmas I'll buy one.
  16. i'm in 79D aswell. I know what you mean. Think the office in hamilton has it aswell?
  17. really eh? She must have been in shock. lol iv always wanted to see someone gut a deer. Youtube videos are not the best lol I have got a bow. 08 Diamond Justice - Make sure you try as many bows out as can before buying one.
  18. Awesome thanks for the link im from the Halton area and wouldnt mind traveling within an hour. I cant seem to find any places allowing hunting.
  19. I contacted the MNR asking where i can find crownland in 79 and 87D. Hear from them Monday I am guessing unless I give them a call tomorrow. Would really like to find head out this weekend
  20. i have one their not very detailed. im looking at 79D its in there.
  21. I read on a few web sites thats its legal in the states but is it legal in Ontario? I believe its called Crown land here? Can anyone help me on this so i am aware of it? is there any Crown land where your not allowed to hunt?
  22. if you where repying to me. SilverDale is amazing. The test is as easy as 1-2-3. And this coming from someone who totally skunks on tests.
  23. SilverDale Gun Club. Its Just past grimsby though. I drove from Burlington down there. Heard great things so I went and i must agree great people who run it.
  24. Drive her like you stole her! haha Sucks about your rigg.
  25. Very nice buck! congrads!
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