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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. The area on Dundas is just littered with trash, it keeps building up. Everytime i drive by i shake my head
  2. When i decide to buy one do i need to have my H1 card? or just have to be 19+
  3. Thats the idea. I will practice for a year learning to shoot getting my stuff together and when i think i'm ready i'll give it a shot. When i find a bow should I join a club to learn or ?? This is a skill I really want to learn.
  4. awesome thanks for all the info everyone. I will check out those stores. So when buying a bow I should get one to fit my 'size'?
  5. Well for a while now I have been wanting to learn Archery and hope to go out hunting next year. I want to buy a good Compound Bow that will last me many years hunting so if anyone knows where I can buy a used or new ones that will be awesome. Any brand names i should look out for? Does BPS sell them I will be heading there next weekend for the first time.
  6. i bet once she gets a big fish on and feels the rush she will be addicted. I have met many people online. A lot have became really good friends.
  7. I saw that video on Spike TV a while back. Creepy. gave me second thoughts about free willy. haha
  8. surfing the ent looking for some fishing hot spots and bang!
  9. Congrads! Hope to see your boat in Burlington sometime when i am driving around haha.
  10. Want an SUV or pick up? I test drove a 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT QUAD CAB 5.7 hemi fully loaded. i loved it loved it. It was priced at $16,000 with 50km. it was MINT.
  11. Aweosme. Good to know guys. Thank you very much:)
  12. This is a n00b question but it will help me know what I was doing wrong? So lastnight I was at port Credit after buying some new Lures and a package of Berkley Steelon Wire Wound leaders. I figured if i catch a Salmon chances are it won't break the line. on my third cast my line broke with a spoon on it. I reeled in only to notice the connection where my line ties into the leader where left and the spoon and the wire where gone. This happend twice in a row. Am I casting too hard or should i not be using a lure with the wire leader? or are chances it was a bad package? Thanks ahead of time
  13. It is a Pacu not a Piranha i have owned Piranha's for over 7 years. This is a very common mistake.
  14. 7 years ago, wow it seems only like 4.
  15. haha. I didn't eat it. Just cut the head off.
  16. When I was out on lake O on Sunday a friend caught one with a lamprey on it.
  17. That is indeed a good spot fpr carp fishing. All around the Skyway. You may even run into a Salmon if your lucky.
  18. I just saw a HUGEEE Eel on one of these guys. wow.
  19. Wow. Just amazing. i have to go.
  20. I think he just let us all say they were Salmon so everyone was happy. haha. Though I do have a photo of what actually looks to be a Salmon that a friend caught as it does look like some ofthe pictures i just googled. But hey. Salmon, Chinhook or Rainbows.. I had a great time catching big fish as i have only been catching small carp all year. hehe But my goal is go catch a pike or musky before the season ends.
  21. Thats a really nice catch! I have yet to catch a bass this season. i should really hit up a bass area.
  22. I really want to head out again. ASAP before the season is over.
  23. COngrads! Shes a biggie!
  24. On Sunday night at likw 3am I was walking my buddy back to the jeep from the bar SPICE just down the road and saw someone from work gutting a fish saying he caught close to a 30 pounder just along the river.
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