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Everything posted by verno

  1. Happy birthday
  2. Congrats on your first one. Dont worry they all look like crap after you eat them.
  3. If you are gonna put a hole in the bottom to fish through, you have to remember that water is gonna come in, so you have to punch another hole further back to let the water out.
  4. To get to JB's take the 401 to the belfield exit. The ramp will end at Kipling. Go south on Kipling and just before you cross the 401 Ronson runs off on your right (west). From there you can get back on the highway west and then go south on the 427 to dundas. Go west on dundas from the 427 and LeB's is on your left a coupld KM west of the 427. Its east of Dixie and I think there is an Arby's or something in front of it, but its been a couple years so that may have changed
  5. verno


    It's not really a recipe, but if you go to any west indian store and ask for escoveitch sauce. Pour the sauce in a pot and boil it with a whole grated cucumber. Pour it over some fillets that have been dipped in flour and fried. Man its good, spicy but good. And its even good cold.
  6. I don't know who you are talking about but which ever mod it is certainly will. Why not PM them if you have a problem with something they said before? Or better yet, participate in that thread since it would apply to the subject. Why bring something unrelated into someone elses thread?
  7. Not a bad deal. 1 deer, 7 lamps.
  8. On my way to work this morning and the boss lady calls me on my cell just as I'm getting off the highway in Cobourg. She hasn't been feeling well for a couple weeks. She found out after I left for work that we are expecting our second child. I have been trying to convince her for the longest time that for our second kid we should wait to find out if its a boy or girl untill the baby is born, she finally relented a couple months ago. Just in time. Hmm I wonder if they frown on a guy taking parental leave and fishing all summer???
  9. Glad to hear it all worked out well. Hope he keeps recovering quickly.
  10. 1177 but I dont know how to take a picture of it
  11. 5 or so years as an OFC'r and FINALLY I am off for a G2G. I finish midnight shift at 630 but will head out after, I hope that it will be OK to be late?
  12. As I read that part I could picture a teary eyed wife on the deck yelling "Run fluffy Run" Good timing to this story I was just telling the wife she should dig out some of the bunny recipes because I was planning on going after some in the coming weeks. Can I shoot of your back deck Rick?
  13. My Inlaws were down from Byng Inlet 2 days ago and said they have tons. When were you looking at going? I can call them a bit closer to the time and get the conditions for you then. Also if you are looking for some good crown land I can put you on plenty of it in their area.
  14. I would agree, this is a tragedy. Has nothing to do with what hockey team you cheer for. Gainey is a class guy.
  15. I dated a girl from Lyn back in the day. Her dad was a cop in town. A very LARGE cop. They were a nice family.
  16. Grew up in Morrisburg and spent my teen years playing hockey in Chesterville/Winchester beating the crap out of the North Dundas devils/Winchester Hawks. Now I live in Oshawa and spend my days trying to convince the wife we need to move back to South Dundas area. I keep telling her they have a Giant Tiger and CT in town now, what else do we need?
  17. at the call centre where I work if someone is getting a text msg on their cell phone, everyone that is nearby can hear a bunch of beeping from their computer as it comes in. It's some weird kind of interference. So if it happens you dont check your msgs for a few mins so no one knows it was you!
  18. If you are in Etobicoke, then head to lakeshore just west of royal york. The mcdonalds is at dwight on the north side, and on the southside there is a street that runs down to the lake. There is a guy in there that sells and installs tires. He had used ones for around $30 installed when I bought them from him. I don't have the address or the name but its just south of lakeshore on the west side of the road. Might be on first st. Also on kipling south of bloor there are a couple tire places that sell good used rubber. Right around north queen I think on the east side of the street.
  19. I switched to bell to get the WFN and WildTv too. Love them both, when its over im subscibing for sure.
  20. 1. post a pic of yourself with a big ole muskie and hold it by the gills 2. Post pics of OOS fish 3. one word "Google maps" 4. start a lighthearted discussion about politics 5. Be a habs fan 6. Post your fav muskie recipe 7. Give instructions on how to catch a pikeski 8. Mention that there are pike at the leslie spit There are others but these will get you started.
  21. I have gout and it gives me fits sometimes. I know a couple others here suffer too. Don't know if anyone else is interested but someone at work showed me an article on a new study coming out for a gout treatment www.goutstudy.com
  22. Good on them, I agree with the others, let all three of them have the honour of a state funeral.
  23. My wife and I both love to cook. I cooked chicken parmasean on our 3rd date and she spent the night I'm a little more adventurous when it comes to cooking and trying new things. She is the cook at a truck stop, so she tries stuff out on me at home and then cooks it up at work if I like it. I don't let her near my BBQ.
  24. We had a crack that sounded like it came right under the hut one night. What an eerie sound. I got used to it pretty quick. Never had a 2 foot gap though. The boys I was with brought a keg, so I cant help you out too much with the fishing info.
  25. Have a good one fella's
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