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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. I had no problems logging in or staying logged in but just realized last night thats where all the trojans were coming from that Symantec was blocking. Removed it from my list of home page sites... no more trojans.... Burt
  2. Do you want to poison the guy?? As a rule you should stay away from softwoods (ie with needles and cones) as they contain a lot of resins and such and produce much creosote when burned. Typical smoke woods include hickory, oak, maple, various fruit woods, alder (great for fish!).... Burt
  3. Somewhat nasty, have fun inhaling those Zn fumes when it starts to vaporize near the element.... Burt
  4. Do you want to cold smoke the trout or do more of a hot smoked dinner style? This is going to dictate what kind of smoker you want to purchase / build. For a cold smoker it is possible you could go with a True North Cooker. They are a small lightweight electric unit that you may be able to modify to keep the temp down (like 100-120F). Maybe not though as I have never used one. For a hot smoker running charcoal, look into a Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker. Similar to the Brinkaman suggested above but miles ahead in quality and performance (I've got 2). On this unit you can also prepare stuff like ribs, pork butt, brisket, etc.... Lots of designs on the net, keep looking, hope you find something suitable.... Burt
  5. I usually take my kids icefishing for panfish to Pinehurst or Valens Conservation areas but am looking for alternatives. I drove by some ponds in Guelph the other day and one had a portable hut on it (see map for location). Anybody have any info on these ponds? Or any other ponds that hold panfish to keep the kids busy? Thanks, Burt
  6. No offence to Crabbs but his member number is #4295...... rhcranked is #4000.... rhcranked Newbie Group: Members Posts: 3 Joined: 25-September 08 Member No.: 4,000 Burt
  7. I have to disagree with this statement. I have used augers with the inline handles (Swede Bore) and they are more difficult to cut with. I now use a Finbore III with the offset handles and it cuts ice like butter. You should not put downward pressure when drilling the hole, all you have to do is turn it and it will grab and cut. Burt
  8. The back screw is to hold the pin in place, you do not loosen this to remove the spool. On the front of the spool where the drag is, one side has a small wheel (drag adjust) and the other side just a spring. You have to pull back with your finger the spring side and it will release the spool. Its hard to explain but if you mess with that part you will figure it out. Burt Edit: Here's a pic, arrow pointing at the spring side, and direction to pull away from the center of the spool, that should take it off.
  9. A question for the hunters here: Assuming the animals of the same age and processed in the same way (and properly), does a buck taste different (ie: worse) than a doe? All the meat that we consume from the butcher is "fixed" if its male, whether it be pork or beef etc. so that it tasted "better". This suggests to me that I would rather eat doe than a buck. I am not a hunter but the times when I have eaten venison I didn't know the sex of the animal to compare the tastes. What are your experiences? Burt
  10. I have a feeder on a pole with a suet cage mounted just below it. Squirel baffle below that. I usually fill it with black oil sunflower seeds and millet, in a ratio of about 5:1. Most song birds love the sunflower, and the millet is for the finches/junco/doves. The birds will take a while to find the feeder but as long as you keep it filled, they will return regularly. Our birds seem to come in waves, and they all come together. We live on a ravine and are lucky to be spared the sparrows, almost never see them. So far this year we have carolina wrens, juncos, cardinals, bluejays, chickadee, gold finch, white breasted nuthatch, downy and hairy woodpeckers, a male redbellied woodpecker, and an army of grey and black squirels that clean up the ground. Have not seen the coopers hawk yet this season but I'm sure he will visit. Burt
  11. Just in case BITEME hasn't seen this topic.... Burt
  12. OJ takes a punt but won't return it for at least 9 years Burt
  13. LOL... I think so... http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/giantcatfish.asp Burt
  14. With work and the kids etc. etc. etc..... I havn't had any time to get out fishing this fall. I took the day off today and decided to try a trib I had never fished before. Only saw one other fellow out this morning and after that I was all by myself (which does me just fine!). Had two on and lost them, one was a biggin' and fully straightened a #12 Mustad Wide Gap (mental note, must go back to the Raven Specialist). This was more or less an exploratory mission as I seemed to do more walking and checking out this flow than fishing. Did land this pretty lady though. It sure was nice to get out again!! Burt
  15. I'm a long way from Gatineau, it may be all gone by the time you get here Burt
  16. The finished product..... Now to make some Carolina style vinegar based sauce and I'm all set! Burt
  17. Yeah, I stay away from the Chinese stuff, might be burning melamine along with it! Actually I will only buy lump that originates in the USA or Canada, much of the stuff that originates in South America I think comes from the rain forest and that can't be good! More pics in a couple of hours, the meat is now wrapped in foil and towels and is resting in a cooler... Burt
  18. Just cracked the lid for the first time since I put them on, about 14 hours ago. It was pretty cold when my temperature alarm went off at around 3:30am and I had to go out and adjust vents and stir the coals. Internal temps in the early 180's now. Should be ready in another couple of hours Here is what they look like now: Burt
  19. LOL.... You can pick up Maple Leaf at most Home Hardware and Rona stores. Burt
  20. Code of Federal Regulations (specifically, 9CFR318.10, pp 244-256, revised in January 2003, http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2003/9CFR318.10.htm ) that includes a time @ temp chart. Minimum Internal Temp F ...... C ...... Minimum Time ________________________________ 120 ... 49 ... 21 hours 122 ... 50 ... 9.5 hours 124 ... 51.1 ... 4.5 hours 126 ... 52.2 ... 2 hours 128 ... 53.4 ... 1 hour 130 ... 54.5 ... 30 min 132 ... 55.6 ... 15 min 134 ... 56.7 ... 6 min 136 ... 57.8 ... 3 min 138 ... 58.9 ... 2 min 140 ... 60 ... 1 min 142 ... 61.1 ... 1 min 144 ... 62.2 ... Instant When refering to trichinella it is not just the temp the meat is cooked to, it is also a function of time at that temp. I am going to pull this pork so I will be going to approx. 195F internal temperature which is way beyond the instant kill temp of trichinella. Burt
  21. Just put an 8lb butt and a 7lb picnic on.... Here be the meat: Rub her up good: On the way to heaven (using Maple Leaf tonight!!!): I will post pics later tonight or when they finish tomorrow morning to get everyone hungry lol.... Burt
  22. Take note of the regs before you head out on where and when you can and cannot fish... Burt
  23. I started a thread last year for people to post their reviews of cold weather boots, here is my review of the Rocky Sport Utility Max:
  24. Yeah, I think when it is time for me to buy a new suit, I will add the extra $100-150 for the "more comfortable" suit for sure... Burt
  25. Definately get a one piece, they are much warmer and provide more security than the two piece suits if you should go in the drink. Also buy a size large enough to fit lots of layers underneath and to allow for unrestricted movement. I bought a Bouy-O-Bouy (Nautilus) one piece, made in Canada too. Just the basic model, bought at Burns in Aldershot, it was around $200. The more deluxe models have fleece or neoprene cuffs and neck, better pockets etc. Burt
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