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Everything posted by l2p

  1. Awsome lookin trip!
  2. thanks guys yes the last two are pics are of a gar pike. we were all surprised trust me. we decided to take a dip because of the mid day heat and my buddy drew wanted to wade out as far as he could and continue fishing and all i remember was seeing him waving his arms up in chest deep water yelling fish on hahaha. who woulda thought a gar pike would hit a suspended crawler.
  3. Was out all over the place this weekend, hit up some tribs for some trout and some bigger rivers for a try at some warm water species. Found some trout, couple more of these guys kickin around we however did not find any eyes which was our main target, although we caught tonnes of oos bass(all released) and i caught my first moon eye oh and this little guy my buddy caught while we were swimming in a deep pool LOL.
  4. nice fish bro! i too have caught a couple of those last fish this year! good sign? maybe.
  5. nice fish! it actually says 19 on the scale. best i could do yesterday was get a follow from a really big fish. not even hammer handles
  6. btw... no it wasnt just a big dog.. it was white and grey down the back with huge broad shoulders unlike any dog ive seen. plus what dog would tear the shaiit out of a fox.. my cousins fully grown boxer ran from the last fox we saw..
  7. natures coming back to take what was theirs! believe me or not. me and my friends were at the train yards by birchmount and ellesmere just doin our own thing... anyways it was night and we saw a fox running really really fast my buddy goes to get a close look at it running because at this point it already ran past us then all of a sudden my buddy came running back and started freaking apperently he just saw something huge so we left... on the way out of the yard we spotted the fox.... getting mauled by a 200 lbs wolf! no joke no lie this thing stoped me on my tracks.. ive never felt shivers go down my back like that..ever. some pretty scary stuff anyways he didnt pay interest to us at all and we were about 30 feet from this thing just goin at the fox. i pulled out my phonne but alas the bright light that it emits scared it off with fox in mouth. needless to say i called 222 tips just to let them know theres a massive wolf running around scarborough.
  8. DUDE! i ive caught few of those.. on the rouge. before when thats all i fished lol. i always thought they were sheepshead. ive caught them as far up as highway 2. but more by the mouth bottom bouncing fat worms.
  9. l2p

    5 Pic essay

    yeahh its a crystal flash bugger, picked it up from john at tighlines.. been a killer fly all season(bought like 15 after the first one i picked up) and caught tonnes of fish on it on 4 different rivers... they must really like it haha
  10. Sunday. Racing the CN train, on the way to fishing. One fish, Two fish, Three fish. Just in time for home time... it never did rain...
  11. that water looks awsome! nice fish too hen doesnt look spent yet.
  12. yeah it was just as busy if not more... go figure. we evenn stayed after the sun went down to see if the crowds would die down.. they did then next thing u know theres 15 glow sticks floating the pool... lol what can ya do its almost tradition at that pool.
  13. cant say much about the circus, i mean theres not really much u can do about them. like it or not their guna be there hahah, that pool was given its name for a reason. just cant belive that the fish stayed active the whole time. we went back monday and was pretty much the same thing exept when the cold front moved in, then they finally shut down.
  14. what boat lol?? ^
  15. yeupp plenty of brookies around, actually this was my first opener when i didnt catch more browns than brookies up in the head waters. also another good sign is i also caught a couple atlantic smolts, not huge but about 6 inches long. and as far as ive heard they werent stocked up those ways so that was a plus! it was a pleasure frozen, always good to put a face to another name on the board.
  16. all in all it was a great weekend to be out, met alot of new ppl and saw some i havent seen from last opener. goodtimes as always and few fish to keep up busy including a couple surprise fish(new PB brookie ) anyways i'll keep this short and head straight to the pics
  17. l2p

    Couple Pics

    Cool, thanks for the info. I knew there were several different species of suckers around. my first thought was a redhorse sucker but i dont think so now.. it had redish sides cant really tell from pic and it fought ALOT harder than any old regular sucker, this thing went up down sidways just like a bulldogging steelie exept it wasnt haha
  18. l2p

    Couple Pics

    haha knew it! that sucker is from the west sidee lol. i caught it at an east trib it had a different colouration from the rest of the suckers plus those dots on its tail... wierd. i sold that pin yeaaars ago... wish i never did tbh. i still have my black sst and have decided not to let it go.
  19. l2p

    Couple Pics

    yeah the reel is awsome, its exactly what i thought it would be before i bought it. i reeled in my line and the minnow was just on my hook lol.
  20. Headed out for a couple hours just to wet the line since it was so nice out today. Needed to get some practice in for next weekend. Managed a couple fish along with plenty of suckers. first fish on the new pin thought somethin was odd about this sucker, cant put my finger on it though. it hit a chartreuse worm that i was fishing shallow cause i didnt want anymore suckers but it came up and took the worm, also had a pointier nose than all the other suckers i caught. i also caught a 3 inch minnow on the same worm... somehow..
  21. Search up Gamma fishing line, last year while re spooling my pin this line was sujested to me by john at tightlines and i havent had a problem with it. infact i loved it so much that i went and bought two more spools of 8lb line in moss green just to fill up all my other reels. its pretty much the onnly main line i use now.
  22. thats awsome! reminds of last years opener well actually before but me and my buddy mike were scouting rivers to hit up after opener and came across a shallow run STACKED with fish, naturally we wanted to see if they would hit anything so first tried digging up a worm and tossed it in. man ive never seen a worm disappear so quickly in my life, we argued about how the worm just fell to the bottom so mike spts his gum out shapes it into a worm and throws it out there... not even a second before it hit the water a fish had already risen to take it as it was falling. such an awsome feeling.
  23. Learn how to control the spool with ur fingers, this will be crucial when tryin to control ur float in fast,slow water etc. It will all come into place, just like everything practice makes perfection. Just keep at it and know that there will be frustrations, just gotta deal with them. *oh and dont forget to have fun with it!
  24. Long story short, me and rob aka A2F went out to hit up some pannies got caught in a freak thunderstorm almost got hit by lighting bolt then got soaked so went to car like everyone but stayed unlike everyone so when the rain stopped we had all the fish to our selves for atleast 3 hours and we pounded them. Nothin majorly big but there were decent 8-10 inchers, plenty of fish though over 60 between me and rob. Heres a couple teasers since rob will prolly post a full report later. at one point the fish died down for a couple min then someone caught a walleye(on a 2 inch grub) when they started hitting again i got this dude. **sorry for the horrible grammar, lazy.
  25. ahh i see, i always heard that the tension that builds up from wet mono was enough pressure to deform the drums of reels but i guess that would make sense since the new reels now are 1 peice machined aluminum. well in that case i will prolly wind up some heavy mono since the sst3 is a lilbit on the light side paired with my 14' im8.
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