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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. control will never let the criminal element that is driving the system go away but most will never understand that.
  2. if you did not have a choice which room would you rather have your daughter in A room full of drunk good looking men and her drunk as well? or A room full of guys that are high and her high as well? If you did not have the choice....and you had no control....which no one does!
  3. MMJ patients can medicate anywhere they like. The fact it was brought to all of our attention is what got a response. The truth is that people medicate all the time and do not try and offend others due to this kind of response from the public.
  4. They sell tobacco in corner stores..right beside schools it doesn't kill anyone though.
  5. They don't belong in the same breath let alone a DRUNK STORE. One kills and destroys lives and families. The other... CANNOT and actually save quite a few. What would you expect from a water retainer? Dimwit!
  6. old flat rate water heater lines?
  7. Mob mentality at it's finest!
  8. sad, that it's NOT like that and people can make up what ever they want.
  9. how come you did not quit after you were skunked for 150 straight on the bay?
  10. Jack shaft Bearings. Does the Speedometer still work?
  11. with 20 and 30 fish days. St Clair is a special lake.
  12. enjoy it. doesn't last long. then there will be the next thing to enjoy.
  13. Rona's disposable
  14. Rona as the target
  15. Harpers fill in
  16. To see five out of eight still very much alive, one year after being told there was nothing left that could be done except chemo and radiation. What would they have to lose by trying? Even if it was a last resort, which it shouldn't be.
  17. http://nbc4i.com/investigative-story/medical-marijuana-addysons-story/
  18. Can I join you? I'd love to sit on the river, burn a few and do some fishing.
  19. take what you wish it's a long one.
  20. We need more like Christina
  21. no man........doesn't CURE....... it kills tumors....... using the term CURE is something people really have to learn.
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