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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Not if you get sick first Can't spend it 6 feet under
  2. It's ok if you are not sick yet and heavily invested in it. Maybe the cash you make will save your life?!
  3. Back Peddling.. http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/694222403606/
  4. Drug stores will see it before the LLCBO Shoppers and Our brand will be with....
  5. .. that's ok , not everyone understands.
  6. I agree. No one in their right mind would use such things !!! It is only to save their bottom line. profit! Government set up LP's are trying to force this poison down the throats of the sick!
  7. Seven poisons are now approved to apply right up to harvest time, and applied at ten day intervals. Registered Pesticides As of May 12, 2015, there are seven registered pesticides approved by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for use on cannabis (marijuana) that is produced commercially indoors. They are: MilStop® Foliar Fungicide Actinovate® SP Fungicide Opal Insecticidal Soap Neudosan Commercial Kopa Insecticidal Soap Rootshield® HC Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder Rootshield® WP Biological Fungicide MilStop® Foliar Fungicide is one of the 7 poisons the LP's can feed you as you are medicating. Roll one up and read on.... PRECAUTIONS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes. May irritate eyes. Causes skin and mucous membrane irritation. DO NOT get on skin. Avoid breathing dust or spray mist. Do not store near food or feed. Sounds good so far though.... PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Applicators and other handlers must wear appropriate eyewear, waterproof gloves, long-sleeved shirt and pants or coveralls, and footwear with socks. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN But ingesting it is OK, right ? INGESTION: Call a poison control centre or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control centre or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In Case of Emergency, Call CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 If this is intended for use on vegetables that must be washed several times before use, and as HC knows no one washes their cannabis, then why are they OK with poisoning patients ??? , They want to protect kids do they??!!
  8. http://curenote.org/new-study-shows-cannabis-does-not-lower-iq-but-drinking-alcohol-does/
  9. Frankenfish! Yum. http://uk.reuters.com/article/us-canada-agriculture-salmon-idUKKCN0YA2KB
  10. PRIME fishing forum B. S. , both sides!
  11. That is what you are supposed to tell investors. They do tell you, not to take forward looking statements for granted though.
  12. Lyme is serious. Hard to detect and even harder to treat once set up. Go figure Cannabis oil kills it! http://www.naturalnews.com/043834_cannabis_Lyme_disease_medical_marijuana.html
  13. A herbicide that "only works" on Monsanto's food crops! and nothing else. Would that not make your head spin? Easy solution. Modify everything!
  14. <iframe src="https://embed.theguardian.com/embed/video/science/video/2015/jun/04/undercurrent-monsanto-roundup-pesticide-herbicide-who-carcinogenic-video"width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. When western medicine fails to help your child.... https://youtu.be/vMZCq56tToc
  16. Did you read that and understand what the are inferring? They have no proof either.
  17. prove it . ..you can't , there is no proof ! and the proof they have actually points to the opposite of what you are inferring. ,potential...maybe...could....might....may.... give some proof words to your statement!
  18. Dogs don't realize who is shocking them. They just know the action they did hurt them and they stop doing it. I'd suggest putting the collar on and trying it before you put it on your pet.
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