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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. You following me ? LOL


    How have you been bud ?


  2. HOLY SAVINGS TODAY. Dinsmores shot in all sizes marked down to .88 cents. I grabbed and dashed.

    1. GBW


      grabbed and dash sounds more like you stole them vs paying the .88 each ;)

    2. ketchenany


      See what happens when you don’t go fishing!

  3. Home at 4. Watch fly tying videos and make a few of my own creations and some bugs. Look at the clock and it,s 9:47 pm. ALREADY. This is either a good thing, or a obsession.. Think I,ll take a week off and go steel heading to get my mind off the fly tying. .

    1. Terry


      sounds like you have too many to try yourself

      I'm just saying lol

    2. misfish


      Ya stock is getting up there. Check out my new web page. LMAO



    3. cheaptackle


      If you work hard all winter Brian you'll be able to stock a display at my sales next year...


  4. Me tinks da newf is lost.

    1. ketchenany


      Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring.

  5. Thursday night football. DA BILLS are for real this year.

    1. misfish


      Oh that one stung.

  6. Son wins big fish at the King of the drift. Nice new King Pin reel and cash to boot. Also BIG shout out to the rod builder that built the stick to complete this task.Our own custom rod builder Spiel. Son loves that stick buddy. Just as much as I did.LOL

    1. Rustic-Fisher


      Amazing !! Congrats


  7. Another first this morning. Been watching pin casting. Tried the BC cast this morning. With a heavier float, I was able to do it. Landed a nice steelie as well. Bonus morning seeing the byes. Mikey,Kevin and Anthony. Also another fella, his name escapes me. Me bad. And tough guy Kevin, kicked sand in my fishes face. Tough guy. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BillM


      You guys and your fancy casting! Let me guess, Mike was making it all look easy? lol!

    3. misfish


      LOL Bill


      I was trying it as it seemed to be a good casting method for those cold days and gloves/mittens could be worn. I like it. It would seem though, that the heavier the set up, the better it works.

    4. BillM


      Always good to try new things. I find with the Nanofil and Fireline Crystal side casting works just fine. It sure doesn't look as nice though :)

  8. The toon has been winterized. See ya all in 2018. Signed, LOONIE TOONER. Thanks for watching ya,ll.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Yes, anti freeze air.


      I do have a box, on my truck. LOL

    3. cheaptackle


      I do NOT want to know where the sea foam went!


    4. spincast


      Toon in same channel, same time, next April?

  9. Our paths crossed in the dark. I only know one fella that carries a back pack bigger then he is. LOL Was a fun time on the river this morning with MJL. Always a pleasure fishing with Mikey. I was one up on him, so I left before he took the lead. I win.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spiel


      He truly is!


    3. MJL


      You should've stayed another 50mins... :D

    4. misfish




      The hoards were out this morning. Reminded me why I cant stand the lake O tribes.

  10. Another classified wannabe on board...........................

    1. Terry






  11. How does that song go,,,,,,,,,, Salmon on a Saturday, praying for a steelhead Sunday, and perch,n on a monday.

    1. ketchenany


      And if a turkey crosses the road :)

  12. -1 at 5am. Oh the fish were on fire. We all caught. Some more then others, but it was fun to be with the old byes again catching up what summer brought us. Met a lurker off the board as well. Hey, arent you that toon guy. Sure am, want my autogragh ? LOL?

    1. ketchenany


      Make a DVD of your adventures and sell them autographed on shore on slow days.

  13. North winds the past 3 days and cooler temps. DA RIVA CALLS

    1. misfish


      Ah loolie lookie, a nice cold sprinkle of H2O. All giddy.

  14. Started the beard, WAYYYYYY to early this year,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ketchenany


      I just finished Roasting peppers! I grew a pair in this weather! The B was at 300!

    3. misfish


      You said,,,,,,,,, a never mind, mama rules the nest.


      Alberto, peppers, roasted, we are low, get a roasting.LOL

    4. ketchenany


      at 6.88, That's less than a lure. I have some from 2015 and 2016. :)

  15. Time to look for Billy Bob small mouth, and hair lippy the perch.

  16. 17 trees downed and cut today. IT was a work out, TIMBER.

  17. The LOONIE TOONER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STRIKES AGAIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AND FALLS OFF HIS ROCKER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STAY TOONED,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU DONT WANT TO MISFISH IT. LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terry


      its puff puff pass, did we forget to pass

    3. misfish


      That stuff aint legal yet.But when it is, oh my, look out.LOL

    4. Fisherman


      I have visions of Brian with a left hander hanging off the lower lip paddling in circles trolling with 50 feet of line out.

  18. Good bye google/chrome, hello fire fox

    1. Fisherman


      I get the blue highlights on FFox too.

    2. vance


      good luck i just dumped ff for chrome


    3. misfish


      Ya me too but could get you tube working right for some reason. All flicked up.LOL

  19. Anyone that knows Davis, please let him know I am looking to talk to him please. Thanks B

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Well, it,s not you. LOL

    3. ketchenany


      Davis is Hwy 9 thru Newmarket, there!!!

    4. misfish


      What a couple of dillygaffers. LOL

  20. Sounds like the opening for deer season here. Bang,crack, boom. DUCK

  21. Get da toon out Terry, white water tooning down Essa rd. AGAIN. LOL

    1. Fisherman


      Little bit of rain, eh?

  22. Looks like a good weekend to play fishing video game. FISH ON

    1. ketchenany


      Do you sit in the toon to make it more realistic?

    2. misfish


      Didnt feel like fighting the west wind this morning. Decided to rip apart the BBQ and go charcoal for the remainder of the season. I have to wait til the fall to get my deal on the BBQ from my buddy at HH.

    3. misfish


      Got me some chicken bathing in lemon and lime. ;0)

  23. My pick, 3rd week in September. Something tells me, it will be a multi specie fish week. Something about it just SCREAMS, WACK IT.

  24. On the plane early in the AM. Heading to the Salmon river.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      Do you know when you will be back again?

    3. cheaptackle


      Plane??? What the hell kinda trolling motor ya got on that toon now?



    4. woodenboater


      going to see the eclipse as well ?


  25. Talk about driving in pea soup fog. 80km all the way to Burksfalls. Was to head to Parry Sound, but buddy text said down pours. So headed to Vernon, but when I got there, the torrential down pours started. Oh well, it,s only gas.LOL

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