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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. If the angler can't find the fish then he/she relies on technology to do it for them. Hey there's a fish on the screen, let's throw lures at it for a half hour. IMO it takes the fun out of fishing. Stay with that oldie and use it for depth, would help to use the right size crankbaits, trolling and other things like that but crap like side imaging and stuff it's just not necessary. There, not for all those people out there that find this true don't be afraid to send me your fish finders and stuff....I'm a horrible angler!! MTBF
  2. Congrads on the first pike man! My first wasn't much bigger than that fish 22" long i think was lol. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  3. Sorry to hear about the 2 fish dying on you, but I'm glad to hear you won the event. Hopefully they were not too dead to eat, would hate to waste fish of that size. Congrads and thanks for sharing, MTBF
  4. I thought some good Pike angler would of posted by now so what the heck i'll start it off with 2 small pike. 2008 3lb 8oz Northern 2009 3lb 4oz Northern Same lake, same place, same time frame. Both were caught on 12lb mono and without a leader. There, now I want to see some BIG NORTHER'S!!! MTBF
  5. 1)Dave Mercer(The Show) 2)Mike Miller(Fish'n Canada) 3)Leo Stakos(Fish TV) Location: Somewhere in Mexico or the southern states where the bass are over 10lbs!
  6. Would love to see the cart constructed, would make carrying out 12' a 1/4 Km a lot easier lol.
  7. Ok, so the current battery is a cranking not a deep cycle. Theirs a picture of the front of it. But the rest of what you said makes no sense to me lol. Can you send me a link of the battery you are talking about perhaps?
  8. It's a good idea but we really want a new trolling motor first. A gas motor isn't needed but well look into it of course. I just like the quietness and ease of transport a electric makes. Well shop around but if we do decide to go gas we still want a new battery that will last a long time, if if we find a good gas motor than we might be stuck with our older Kota.
  9. Ok, so here's the scoop that Endura 30 was a great little motor but my dad had brought up the topic of getting a little bit more power and precision to go with our boat. The Minn Kota Traxxis Transom mount 40lb thrust motor is going to be our new motor in a month or so. This motor is said to be better on power and far more precise when it comes to speed control + it has a battery power reading on it. Now before our past trip we bought a 50dolla Motormaster Sure Start Marine battery and it worked out great. We got 3 or 4 trips out onto the water with a single charge and it never fully died on us. However, we want more power for this motor. Can we use a automotive battery, or does it need to be a marine battery. A deep cycle is going to be the general upgrade were looking for. Nautilus has a deep cycle for $139.99, but then there's a battery like this that striked my eye: Basically I'm (we) are looking at these 3 batterys: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...e%2BBattery.jsp http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...e%2BBattery.jsp http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...y%2BBattery.jsp Now, for now I'm going to ignore the bad reviews on the CT site. What do you people think would be good to use? Thanks, MTBF
  10. Ok, but the boat was given to me by a older man who was a friend of my great grandmother. He passed away in May...
  11. Ok, so I want to make my boat registered and well mine. Where do I go to get this done? I took a bunch of pictures of the boat as it is now but next march I would like to paint it and improve on it more. Where in or around Oshawa do I get this done at and well what happens? I'm assuming i get like a big #/letter code thing to paint on the bow of the boat. Thanks for any help, MTBF
  12. Amazing picture...but do you ever fish lol Can't wait to see the rest!
  13. Good to see nice healthy fish coming out of there! I'll have to make my way out to Rice one day. Thanks for the report, MTBF
  14. lol, sure bud. I forget to type up the weights correctly but for the record 4.10lbs is the same as 4lbs 10oz...Next time I'll type out the weights better but hey my Rapala Digital don't lie...too bad it would lie 6 oz's or so so that bass would be a 5lb'r MTBF
  15. Thanks for all the reply's everbody, it was a great fulfilling trip! I just wanted to say thanks to you Ryan for your kind words, now with 4 years of college comes tight budgets but hey all the more time to perfect my skills and get ready for a possible future of small time tournys and fun fishing. I like to think that because of me my brother has started to fish more after i bought him a rod, same deal with my cousin, i got her into fishing and she lives on a lake and never fished before Anyway, just wanted to say a special thanks to you because well I don't often think of the appreciation that my dad, brother, and friends and family show me when I take them fishing and get them onto fish. This Thursday-Monday I'm going up to a friends cottage up on the Georgian Bay and I have more teaching to do up there lol. It will be fun and as always expect a report! Tightlines, MTBF
  16. Great report and pictures man!! Definitely a banner day in this heat. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  17. Nice job man! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  18. A Personal Best is what it is. Congratulations on the accomplishment dude! MTBF
  19. I saw the write up from Ryan also, looked like a great event. Glad to see that money was raised and everybody had a good time! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  20. WOW, outstanding catch man. You 2 sure catch big fish up there!! I'll get my nickle soon enough, it's been too long! MTBF
  21. Nice job on those fish. Sucks I have not caught one this year yet. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  22. As many have seen my report before the trip I typed up a chart that would display weight and species of fish I caught during my visit. So I caught, weighed and released many fish and filled in the blanks. I just added it to my report at the end and I'm going to add it here. I would suggest doing something like this, I will for now on. It helps to get a better feel for the fishery and well you can look back at your success over the years. Link http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=35153&hl= Thanks for the viewing, MTBF O and btw the Average on my map said 1-2lbs
  23. Awesome job, I can't wait until the end of the year when I can make my "Year in Review" report like everybody else!! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  24. Bass is all we keep alongside a rare pike catch. If the pike were 30" or bigger CPR would be in effect. As for bass, nothing bigger than 2 lbs i will take anymore. Last year I kept some bigger fish and well didn't know or have the equipment to get a good photograph in the boat so fish were always brough back to camp. Long story short this year i have kept 3 bass in the 1-1.8lb range and a pike that was 3.4lbs. Catch Photograph Release =CPR
  25. Nice job out there, looked like a healthy little pike! MTBF
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