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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Not my Rant. just a read from a friend i wanted to share and read opinions and views on. thanks.
  2. Nice boat, keep us up to date with Legend's service. How did you like the sell and steps from there dealer?
  3. Nice carp and cats Rich! Thanks for sharing, you guys do well with the bottom feeders Big crappie too! MTBF
  4. I did it both ways irish. I didn't crank it too hard, the lines are lined up almost as they were before. Was sure to be careful. Just need to get the fuel additive and fuel line and I'm golden.
  5. Fair comment. I'll read the replies later. Just curious to see other people's views. We all preach that other's don't act on their views as you just did there...It's human nature to speak and not to act...we all think this way and well that's why we live the lives we do. I like my life how it is, always room for improvement.
  6. Sure this is the boat you want lol...don't want another trade in in 4 years
  7. Laugh every day if you can. I won`t take any offence to anything, I expect some debate and mixed posts. Just the strong views of the world from a youngster. I don`t agree nor disagree however he points out many things...Guess it`s complex to view the world for what it has become.
  8. This is a quote from my best friend Tye, he wrote this and has really changed his outlook on life as I have month`s ago. Take a read fokes...not my words and if locked I appoligize. `Quote- What is Normal? The phrase is tossed around more than a drunk hooker at a bachelor party, yet it seems to one of the most controversial questions formed. Just what exactly, does it mean to be normal? Does it mean to do what everyone else does, to follow suit and be a drone that is latched onto a system as if it’s a baby stuck to a twit? Or does it mean to be one with your mind and think for yourself and think outside the box. Sadly, the latter is what has been considered “weird”, or “misguided”, yet who are the ones making these judgements? The same people who try to conform the people, to make them all line up one after the other and make them believe that the life they lead will take them to happiness and beyond. The same people who continue to wage wars across our world over trivial things. The same people who believe that money is the cure to all our problems. The same people who believe that school is important. Now I know this will get people all jiggity-janked, but school is nothing more than a headquarters of conformity. Simply put, it’s a factory that produces fully functional working class zombies. It’s these people who are the ones who will continue the crap spiral our planet has been engulfed in for YEARS. Those zombies, or shall I say “normal people”, will grow into adults and elderly under the belief that money = happiness. A happiness which you adore something for its monetary value as opposed to its sentimental value. What is money? Does it contain magic? No, money is nothing more than a piece of paper. We’re told it has value, and so we spend it expecting to be happy and sure, for awhile it’s great! Until it breaks, and you’re stuck going to buy another one to replace it. Did you know that what you bought contributes to the inevitable destruction of your home planet? With so much money in the system, the constant spending and consumption depletes our natural resources and then what? Sayonara Earth. Natural resources are good and all, but does it say anywhere in there something about them being unlimited? No I didn’t think so. The saddest part about it all is that us who have seen by all this charades, all these ploys to brainwash us, we’re the ones who have to pay for it. Can someone explain to me how the damn that works? The ones, who understand the problem, understand what needs to change, and understand that to continue living things need to CHANGE are the ones who are viewed as outcasts, rebels, menaces to society. News flash folks, it’s your own government that’s feeding you the lies, your leaders that are taking you down this road of money lust, and your government that doesn’t care about you. That’s why I didn’t vote, and I’m proud of my decision. Who wants to write down a vote for someone who is feeding you crap after crap lines and crap promises? The true reality is that they are nothing but puppets. And the true reality regarding everything is one giant crap twister. We feel so safe in our world in which were lead to believe is in great care when in fact we live in tremendous amounts of constant turmoil. We’re lead to believe that religion is proper, that our police will protect and serve us, to believe that “drugs” are bad. Here’s some tips: Religion separates us more than it brings us together. The police force don’t give a rats ass about us, and they’re true purpose is quite the opposite Now yes, some drugs such as Meth and heroin are just darn retarded, but not all of them are like that. In fact, drinking alcohol is worse for your body yet people still darn’ give’r There is always going to be people on both sides of the fence, that part is undeniable. But I just wanted to warn them. It’s not my place to tell them they’re wrong, but I can tell them that they stuffed up, BIG TIME Rant = Done End Quote' Thanks guys, MTBF
  9. Well guys I did it all today. Got the Nautilus oil and did the change. Followed the steps you all gave me and ended up 380ml taken from the bottom.... split a little and lost a little...the oil that came out was clean and had no metal in it. replaced washers and gently tapped screws in with hammer while turning it...turned the motor on it`s sides and up and down once or twice and it doesn`t leak a drop. Well see better when I run it in a little while. Took a picture of the work station. Dad had to sand the prop a little and re paint it haha..same with the hood. he did a great job, looks like a awesome motor. Thanks for the advice, it really was as easy as it get`s. Get the little pump thing..it helped out. MTBF
  10. Tackle Warehouse http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/ Also I plan to use Tackle Direct http://www.tackledirect.com/
  11. Saw a business guy in Lindsay get out of a F650....Check out Skeet Reese's F650 haha...what a tank
  12. So by your number Sinker 360ml of oil goes into my 5 gallon tank. Is it bad to mix oil in my 5gal and 1gal jugs and just keep it up at the tents...could be a week before it get's touched. I'll have the sea foam stuff in them. Or is it best to keep the mixing in the metal gas tank I have down in the boat. Sorry, silly questions.
  13. Thanks merc, going to be taking many pictures...got the underwater fishing camera and the fancy other camera for the animanl and scenic stuff I'll see...northern light's I'm hoping to see
  14. O, going to try and find another shear pin too I think...any other "backup" parts I should look at?
  15. Hmm, ok...noted. Irish is it fine to drain it before I leave...just wanted to do it so I can find the right washer to put into it once I'm home...1h tops. As for the metal in the oil or milky color...i wont be happy if i see that lol. Got the prop off today with GoneFishin over here and saw a nice 5mm ball of mono under the prop...good thing we did it, nice to get that out...lot's of sand behind the prop too...cleaned it out with toothbrush tho.
  16. Hey everybody, I'm getting the products I need tomorrow. Thanks for the tips and advice. Here is what I think I should do lol Remove top and bottom screw...measure out how much drains out of the unit. When filling up, fill from the bottom to the top...once full and coming out put the top screw in first...tap gently while turning it in. Then put in bottom screw(super quick I assume) Get Nautilus or Quick silver lower unit oil. Buy Premium fuel for it...the expensive stuff...simple right? And do I need to winterize...I like the run until it stalls on last trip out then store back in my bacement would be fine..maybe get the "fogging" advice from some of you...will be stored until early to late march when I get into some calm weather trolling for trout. And have fun doing it Thanks for the solid advice guys, If I'm putting in fancy gas I am not spending money on sea foam....2 bucks a L for the crap probably haha
  17. I read about sea foam...why use it what does it clean and do? I'm not going to complain or steer away from 15bucks that makes things run smoother...just foolish
  18. Nice job, always fun fishing with family!
  19. Good advice, another trip to cdn tire is in motion tomorrow then. I'll look for a large one then as well as the little pump thing. Not doing it myself, my friend is going to help me do that before I go out to Leeds & Thousand Islands...well run it once before too to make sure everything is sealed up good and runs ok. If I get a gas line this week I'll give it a test run in the yard
  20. nice big carp there. congrads
  21. Doesn't matter...the also didn't mention bowfin and Northern Pike lol....I have fished these lakes, take my word for it. Pike are there
  22. I know Charleston and all the lakes in the area. No trout help but if you troll husky jerks in the small bays or dont be afraid to cast them in 20ft of water close to rock walls and weed lines... Plenty of pike in Leeds & The Thousand Islands. Give them the useual, big spinnerbaits along weedlines and husky jerks early, early morning dominated for me last season. Good luck!
  23. Hey OFC, I got a 7.5hp Evinrude 2-stroke short shaft. Just asking what to look for at canadian tire for a change of the lower unit oil. I picked up Quicksilver oil for the gas/oil mix. Just want to know what to get for the LU and what size container to get would be helpful. Thanks guys, MTBF
  24. Hello again, got out again today with GoneFishin, fishing was tough to say the least...didn't get them fired up on any bait today before the rain came. Rick missed a decent pike on a minnow bait...had it hooked up then she let go...fished some more and I pulled out a small pike on a firetiger spinnerbait. That was it for this weekend, next Friday I leave for the next 2 months guiding for giant pike and walleye this summer! Very excited and determined to be the best guide I can be, looking forward to learning a lot and making some good friends along the way. So guess this is my last report until the last week in July...I will have a dandy of a report then. Take Care OFC! MTBF
  25. Nice stuff lol, don't get me talking about tro kar haha. I love those hooks, don't care for the case because I already got a bunch of them...every drop shot and wide gap hook i own is Lazer Tro Kar...the kit saves some cash..You got some nice gear dude. Will be adding just 1 rod this year and hopefully 2-3 more next
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