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Everything posted by dheitzner

  1. once again, great post solo, you really hit the steel hard out there! good job darcy
  2. best of luck mark, going to try to make the weigh in...
  3. i would have thought that a bunch of the rivers out that way would have salmon and trout runs. look on a map and see what creeks here are from jordan station (on the QEW) to niagara. i believe some if not all would have seasonal runs of trout and salmon, just be sure to check the regs before you head out, i'm not sure of the open seasons down there. the niagara is also a great river to fish, in a class all its own.
  4. welcome aboard jesse, check your personal messages darcy
  5. welcome to the board scootch, try casting those cleos near rivermouths for salmon success. great intro, darcy
  6. WTG brian, you seem to spend tons of time on the water and you've earned the 6lbr. congrats, darcy
  7. deepest condolences to the mans family, i don't believe that anyone would actually do something like that.
  8. i caught quite a few steelies on egg sucking leeches this winter/spring...
  9. well put gerritt
  10. you really take some great shots man, keep the good work
  11. hey silvio, do some research on the minesing swamp area, SE of wasaga. I have seen a couple of pike(including an 8lb'r caught on a mepps) come out of that area while salmon fishing in the fall. if you want to know a good access area, shoot me a PM. good luck, darcy
  12. you have a pm
  13. nice smallies, WTG
  14. sounds like a great couple of weeks, they're some real nice wallys
  15. hey johnny, check out this link ><)))'> and check your pms
  16. great day on the water guys, some real healthy largies there
  17. wicked report greg, you always seem to have a few pics of bronze hogs!!! WTG!
  18. what a cat!!! can't wait to see a couple more of your pics!
  19. good report tom, glad t ear that you had some success out there today!!!
  20. great report brian, i've got to get out there for ome of that whitie/laker action
  21. hey gerritt, get well soon man!!!
  22. i work for a geotechnical engineering firm, and ch312 is right: 3/4" Crusher-Run(limestone or granite depending where you are) is the best material for a base, be it road, floor slab, or driveway. unfortunately, it is also very expensive. a cheaper alternative would be granular 'A' gravel which must pass the same gradation specs as 3/4" Crusher-Run, but it is mixed gravel rather than limestone or granite. granular 'B' is mostly sand, sometimes with some stone, and is generally used as a sub-base, not a base. recycled asphalt is generally a mix of crushed concrete and pulverized asphalt that has been ripped up from roads. it may loosely meet the gradation requirements for gran 'A', but this is not always the case. you should ask, and if it doesn't, find out what he biggest particle size is. on a driveway base, you don't really want anything bigger than an inch. the other thing about recycle, is that the smell is bad, especially after you hit it with water. regardless of what material you use you should water it down and pack it like crazy before you pave. if you have any other questions, i'd be glad to try and help.
  23. welcome aboard, tight lines
  24. great looking pics jnic, thanks again for all of the info
  25. if you go to the narrows and buy some bait @ "the hook & bow" (plaza west of the narrows on north side of hwy 12) they used to let you fish out back on the old railroad tracks. if you don't buy bait there i think they charge 5 bucks or something. i'm not even sure if they still do it but give them a call before you head up. perhaps one of the 2 or 3 marinas right at the narrows will offer the same, i'm really not sure of that... good luck, darcy
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