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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. I can Two kids..........boat..........170lbs mastiff...............and offroad club! Works great for my needs!
  2. Maybe im missing something here but? Most trades are dependent on manufacturing........ So not sure what your point is?
  3. Cookslav, A nice northern resort me and wife travel to is Beartrain inn......... Should talk wife into moving there!!!
  4. Excellent !!!!!!!! Hope he does well and makes a name for himself It is the fastest growing sport in the world.
  5. dish soap and hose quick i find it the best.... kitty litter and sawdust work sorta to........ CLR does same idea as dishsoap to.......... But at end of day ..........enjoy the stain......... Its a memory or a perfect spiral toss No one died or got hurt After sealing the driveway 8million times you will hardly notice it
  6. Save the hassel !!!!!!!! HIDE HIM IN THE TRUNK!!!! WORKS EVERY TIME
  7. ah your right man...... Was like tonight when i kicked the kids outa my shoreline. Not like you can help catching them........ they do hang out in all sorts of area's. Maybe im just a grumpy sot....... Probally a lot better things to worry about i guess....
  8. Hockeys over!!!! Now start casting!!!
  9. One comment the dealer made to my neighbour about my starcraft was the amount of rivits used..... LOTS I noticed a princecraft that was here a few weeks ago had only about half the amount and walls seemed paper thin. I picked up boat, motor(20hp evinrude), trailer, fish finder, life jackets, all saftey stuff and extra prop for 1500$ Boat and motor are a 1991 mint shape. Almost no marks on it.
  10. Got one here, When neighbour moved i bought it. Seems fine... new neighbour was at marina pricing boats as he wants one to and said there wasnt much difference in price between mine and a lund. Im sure someone here will have better input. Mines just a river runner
  11. Just kicked two mouthy kids outa my back yard for targeting OOS bass! One more lip and i was ready to start chucking rocks at them............ (wouldnt be the first time either)
  12. Well the good news is Iam Selft employed, The bad news is Iam not a dope dealer I started out going to school to be a Electronic Engineer but during the summer after the first year i picked up a job at a machine shop. It only took me a few weeks to realize that i was fascinated with being able to cut metal into products with mill's and lathe's. I didnt go back to school and stayed with what was really interesting to me. Before long i was Into the CNC machines and teaching myself at home on my own time all different cad/cam programs. I continued to stay with this company for the next 6-7 years learning the lastest technology, how to manage employee's, A medical product line and most of all the In's and Out's of running a company. After my adventure ended there and seeing how and why a company can fold i decided to go work for a few other local machine shops and learn the tool and die skills. This only lasted for a few years as i had bought my own manual lathe and milling machine and put them in my basement (try talking your wife into that one!) The reason i had bought these machines was to build a locking mechanism that i felt i could patent. It wasnt long before i had the concept proved and working. At this point i decided to go into buisness for myself and the great adventure began!!!! A long story short........... I got my patent...... And now own a medical company with state of the art technology and a product line 10 times larger than the company i started working for Didnt come easy...... I still remember working my 9-5 job then rushing home to build prototypes of my lock till 2 or 3am Weekends? What were they? I carried on like this for the first 2 years of my current medical company as well......... It would be dark when i got to work and dark when i left....... Finally now some of the hard work is coming back to me... I have built a company rather than a job So now i can enjoy things like fishing more often than if i were to be stuck working for someone else. Cheers and good luck. I will second the statement of getting i job you like and not for its pay. It makes a world of difference if you like what u do for a living.
  13. Why???????? Never says he got it wet? If your positive the camera took the pic, Then its on the memory card or on the small memory thats built in the camera. Id check the small memory built in the camera. Also when checking memory card on PC, Make sure to open every folder you see.
  14. Yes there is plenty in the River. And large ones too!!! If your seriously interested in targeting these fish. Pm me and ill send ya in the right direction. I know of two spots here where they like to sunbath.
  15. Yes there is plenty in the River. And large ones too!!! If your seriously interested in targeting these fish. Pm me and ill send ya in the right direction. I know of two spots here where they like to sunbath.
  16. Dope Dealer.
  17. All jokes aside.............This is a very good point. Fishing is rated the most dangerous sport in north america and the major cause of deaths is drowning while peeing drunk Seen that on TV not so long ago
  18. I see it...... Lots of them here in river to......
  19. hmmmm Hope it misses me............have huge tree's all around my house...... And spent whole weekend fixing the last of the flood damage!! Dont need a tree on house!
  20. Adding Banana's to my saftey kit
  21. Nice and hot here still and no rain or wind yet
  22. Got it........... Nice deal..... Going to pass it onto neighbour......... He's looking to by a boat for sure....... Where is BRONTE?
  23. Didnt even know there was classifieds...... where do i find them?
  24. Dont see no picture? My neighbour is seeking a boat? how much u selling for? and got a pic?
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