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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. sweet.......... going to add wood on the tops off my bench seats like that to.......... good idea guy had bent aluminum brackets mounted on bench seat to bolt swivel seat to............dosent work so good............ will do mine like yours...... Thanks
  2. I was going to do the exact same thing at the front on mine aswell..........but talked myself outa it thinking it may be to top heavy. Ended up setting floor level at same height as rear. Be curious to know if it is ok like it is. Also got any pics of how u mounted the rear seat? Want to change where and how mine were mounted.....
  3. you forgot to mention........ Rubbers were not needed
  4. Nice..... just about got mine finished aswell......
  5. Thanks for the great advice muddywater...... I will work those area's................. Im really convinced ill be posting some pics tommorow night
  6. This is my smallest fish yet I WISH........Buddy caught that musky lastyear in the moria river
  7. almost ticked myself................lol
  8. suppose to be warm tommorow..........so will be heading back out and trying my luck again Hope to have some pics to post this time
  9. 14ft aluminum...... I also own a machine shop.........so i can fab up anything really....... just not sure on design and how pumps should be setup.
  10. If i quit caffine, alcohol and cigerettes all at the same time i will be awarded with a divorce im sure of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Anyone got any DYI help on adding a livewell to a boat?
  12. ok clicked on this thread......... hmmmmmm got two great kids and wonderful wife.......... hmmmmmmmmm What am i thinking .........smoking ??????? They need me ........ Walks around room scratching his head !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUNDAY IS MY LAST DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will post updates.......
  13. Thanks guys...........will respool tonight and if all fails.............. fireline
  14. Great thanks guys..... If it warms up today .........ill hit the deeper water tonight after work
  15. not a bait caster........... Bought from crappy tire......... just went out and looked...........its spider line 10lb..........sorry thought it was 6lb Seems like a loop falls of spool...........then gets tangled when casting.......
  16. I dont fish OOS bass....... Im fishing the holes i have pulled lots of pike outa..........and have caught the odd walleye from... Makes sense on your post about fish being behind of there normal habbits......... Im going to move more up north of the river though out the week Were also having a largest fish tourny for fun on june 14th if your interested........... if you are ......let me know and ill pm ya the details......... BBQ and Fire to follow after the tourny..............trophy to winner aswell................. I currently hold it
  17. 6lb mono.....
  18. Why is it that everytime i replace my line on my reel............ for the first while i get steady birds nests???? any tips or tricks on this? Or am i just the only one?
  19. Water levels are back to normal....... Ill keep punching away at it......... Can always venture to other waters to i guess............ Just nice to pull right outa backyard in boat and fish either way ......... Ill post some pics when i finally catch some this year
  20. Well just got back No luck with the night fish either
  21. Ive been roasted several times Call a electrian if your not sure............ If you cant wire a light............you should not be touching anything..... faulty wire jobs cause fires!!! Fires cause deaths............ Deaths make people sad Get the point?
  22. what about depth of water? I have a few good holes that are about 6-8 feet deep......... but no luck there right now? havent tried upstream either yet..... any other suggestions?
  23. Maybe i should try just before sun goes down tonight.......
  24. Well normally fishing it the river has been good to me in the past years But so far this year it has just sucked!!! Been out everyday for last 10 or 11 days and have only caught one small bass Dont understand whats going on.......... Any idea's? I hear its a late spring? Water temps??? Or maybe to early......... i dont recall being out this early in the previous years......
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