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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. This isnt a scratch........... This is bad bad dent and tear in the boat. Tear is at least 10" long. Dent has a diameter of about 12-14 inches. The boat is .100 thick and this tear could be pushed through with a pen. There's no more to the story........... Was a simple docking event and board was rotted off exposing bolt. Boat still had forward speed when bolt came in contact with boat. IMO the city should be paying for it......... They charge all boaters up the ying yag in fee's to maintain launches and waters! Bumpers or not......... Who honestly can say they keep there eye's peeled for bolts hanging outa docks!!!
  2. yeah i would think they would be like getting water outa stone ..........
  3. The power of the puzzy!!!
  4. whan.... Find another spot and get on with it
  5. Its not a free launch. He paid for a pass and there is no sign that says use at own risk. Just got back with him from body shop......... They can fix it but The boat is really weak where this dent is now. I should suggest to him to have contact the city before he fixes it.
  6. dam.......... wish i had of been there. Would have offered ya 50$ to kiss it on the lips
  7. Yeah it sucks.......... He's pretty upset for sure. It not a small simple dent.......... big tear from bolt and dent both. And its right near the top. The tear isnt right through but dam close. I would thing the heat from tig would make it warp to...... Body shop says sure they can fix it.......... but when i looked at it, i dont think its a simple fix IMO. City should be paying for it really............. was a public launch and wood was rotten causing bolt to be exposed.
  8. what about cutting that section out and tig a new section in? Boat is bran new.......... only been in water since may
  9. windex glass cleaner. Works like a champ
  10. Buddy caught a bolt sticking outa a dock today......... Left a pretty bad dent and tear mark. Whats the best way to fix this? body shop said they can bang it out and fill and repaint it. Is that going to be a good solution? Dealer recomended replacing that side of boat Any idea's?
  11. Im currently at war with rogers...... Trying to burn me for 1200$ Lost count how many times ive hung phone up screaming to them. My average bill for 24 months was 800$ per month!!! They are a complete joke......
  12. STAY AWAY FROM ROGERS! They tried to rip me off a few times. Bell has pulled a few stunts on me to.
  13. kicken my neighbours dog!
  14. Congrats!!! Great story........ Now i know the process to pull when i reel in my 140lbs musky this weekend
  15. what would a record fish like that earn ya?
  16. how many bass can i keep
  17. yeah should of stayed on his leg....... but rampage should have threw a flurry once forrest dropped to the mat first round to............ rampage could have ended it easy right there...........for some reason he didnt throw any....... cost him the fight !!!!!!
  18. Jackson did not lose this fight IMO. Forrest got lucky the judges seen it his way. They need to go again......... Jackson was a great sport about it for sure though.........
  19. I have a graveyard across from my house....... Very interesting place i must say.... Even one tomb stone that says ..........Murdered by such and such.... It hold its place in history for that saying........ Maybe one day when i feel like taking a walk ill snap a picture........ I really find graveyard walks depressing.........sorry just does that to me........ fishing is so much more uplifting
  20. Ill go out on a limb on my own and say no...... I dont think they have jugdement skills....... I cant believe a fish will sit there and make a decision whether a bait is real or not based on a passed experience ....... I dont see people buying fish and teaching them tricks........ Shows me they dont hold learning abilities....... I think they work on a instinct bases. Very simple creature that works on needs based funtions. Probally wrong....... but worth the post
  21. The wonderfull thing of this sport is it can go either way anytime....... flash knock outs.............. mistakes causing submissions....... So ....... Who will win......... The lucky one !!!!!!!!!!! The one with more edges than the other..........
  22. Hats off man.......... and congrats. I havent done drugs in many many many years...........but was no church boy in my time. Now im a weekend drinker...............and not much of one at all...... but fear has popped up and i may not be ok Time will tell and will be getting looked at first week of august........ Looking very negative but my hopes are positive right now ....... May be what i do for a living that will reveal the end of my living
  23. Every time i goto the USA im asked if im canadian...... Well thats after i drink a 24 of beer.......... Its funny how they can pick out the canadian's.......... Some love us...........some dont........
  24. Yeah man thats what i mean............ He puts on great brawl fights......... but when a slugger taps him he hits the mat. I think the dawg has a good snap behind his punch.
  25. ahhhhhhhh i wish to be 17 too well atleast i can still act it
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