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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. I betting the dawg........ He hasnt proved himself much though but griffen seems to drop easy at times and other times he has a chin of steel Like to see griffen win though..........He's great for the sport
  2. The good old days eh.........lol My nick name was otis lol Beer in one hand and joint in other............cruising the side roads.... What was i thinking............ scares me now thinking i got two kids of my own......
  3. tiny little red old junker honda civic.........forget the year. god that thing was ugly.......... use to park it around the corner from school so my friends wouldnt see it
  4. Nice fish man! Your the champ!!
  5. Girlfriend in back seat with skirt and no underwear will go a long way in next test
  6. Thanks for patting me on the back I deserve it
  7. Great ya's had a good time.... Let me know when your next visit is and ill take ya over to where the big game is That pirate ship is cool eh.......... my kids love it
  8. bridge? you were not in the right spot if there was a bridge
  9. yup....... where would u like me to mail my lucky fishing hat to
  10. Bull !!!!! Or maybe it isnt........ will pop in tommorow and look at these......
  11. They teach you the important and critical points of driving. These are the major strikes on a driving test to watch for! There not buying their licences...... lol I think your statement is a bad one. These people are teaching new drivers important lessons that save lives on the road no matter how you look at it. Whether they use these lessons afterwards is a whole different story.
  12. Yup Take test again And borrow a car with AC
  13. 1$ lure Thats gota be supporting china
  14. hmmmmmmmmm Maybe i should sell directions to the three fishing holes up north on Ebay that i havent seen mentioned on this board yet!!!!!!!!! One produced over 70 bass in one day (true story) Bids start at 5000$
  15. What kinda vechicle was it? Sure it wasnt me?
  16. That dam is on the moria river too..... Just further down. Dont recall seeing any dams off 401 in trenton but i could be wrong.
  17. On mine you could still turn the flywheel with starter engaged..... but what happens to mine is it gets jammed....... then you cant turn flywheel Cause i believe is worn starter gear... Id bet my lucky fishing hat that this is his issue
  18. This guy has it......... mine does this 1 outa every 50 times or so. go over to shop and tap the starter gear down.........and take your motor back Thats exactly what mine does.......... made me scratch my head to. can pull rip cord either... wont take much of a tap to knock it down..........i use the end of a oar
  19. no not that dam. This dam is in corbyville. corbyville is about 5mins north of belleville. I live on this river system but dont fish much at the dam. I usally fish in a boat........ But do see lots fishing there. Only made 10 casts there today and picked up a pike and lost a fair sized bass. Rookie with bait caster........got a major birds nest and now have to respool it. may make a habit of stopping there and casting with morning coffee
  20. Slipped by there around 10ish today and reeled in a 2 or 3 lbs pike second cast
  21. Goto corbyville and fish at dam. Its just north of the belleville walmart (approx 5mins) Look for the old distilery and you will see dam. Good bass and pike fishing...... Use some 4 or 6 inch flap'n shads Be carefull with kids....... As you would at any dam.
  22. Good question........... Im sorta in same situation...... They do spawn in my section for sure though.
  23. Thats just proof your wise Happy birthday !!!!!!!
  24. So far seems to be......... See how it runs tommorow though. battery is toast by the looks of it.
  25. A buddy showed up and did basically what merc manual said yes........ Didnt take him that long to get it going... about 15mins or so.... ran bad at start then was fine in about 10mins or running...... All seems to be fine............ we fished with it all day to...
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