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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. Dans got the right idea..
  2. Quck thought..... Check kill switch Been there before
  3. Cane Corso Mastiff....... Large one at that Scary part is he hasnt filled out yet
  4. Dont be so sensitive Danny
  5. Oh ya.... Wonder if we have box turtles here?
  6. Buddy has one.......... is a cats azz. only issue i recall him saying is he burned a hole in canvas or what ever he used with heater. other than that..........its perfect. he built is in his garage with ease.
  7. im not suprised you are. In a simple form. A guy who is using the lightfoot method to save gas and what ever methods he can come up with is the same guy that is more in likely throwing his money out the window on butts,booze and fast food! Get the point yet? Or want it in picture form?
  8. Building such a trap may be there death if you dont watch them very carefully. They head straight for water for a reason Being trapped in a cage wont allow that.
  9. Same guy probally smokes ,drinks and eats fast food
  10. Now there's a topic worth talking about and educating people about. but goodluck.......... the dan to don bla be bal hockey tune at the start, end or where ever it is in a hockey game is a big deal
  11. hydrogenised gas (HHO), or Klein’s gas isnt new? So why all of a sudden is it the answer? By a mopad.............. Now thats the answer
  12. Cause Danny there is so many of the NF topics i just cant help myself At least it has some intrest unlike them hockey topics
  13. hybrids are a flop to sorry. Very simple .......... figure the extra money the car cost. Figure its gas savings......... Figure how much driving u will have to do to make it worth the purchase!!! WASTE OF MONEY. Not to mention they only save on the hiway. Another famous marketing scam (must mention i did this study approx 3 years ago)
  14. Maybe you should jump in your time machine and let me know when they get it figured out
  15. It more appears were divided into two groups !!! Real men that fish and others that post drama Im more pulling the hockey guys chains than anything but it is a pain when watching a fishing thread and have to dig and scroll to find it hidden in the NF threads. either way..........its nice to see the leafs win the cup LOL
  16. This man has given the right info! Not possible........ never has or never will be a solution. Extracting hydrogen through electrolyisis is as old as dirt! Anyone who actually thinks it all of a sudden is a solution is just getting sucked in the high gas price drama! Good luck!! I have lucky rocks for sale......... 2000$ a pop........ They will make u live to the age of 120 years............. 100% money back guarentee
  17. But getting locked gets it off the main page and allows for the fishing info
  18. nice!! Good to see some companies backing there products!
  19. Global warming......... What a joke! Do some research and you will find that some no buddy at his own home found some major mistakes in there input! These mistakes prove that global warming is not true! Its not a reason to not improve our ways........... but it sure isnt what they put it up to be! anyone that actually thinks humans can destroy earth as quick as they claim is a sucker! all marketing ........ buy this because it saves the earth!!!!
  20. That would be the big mouth no it all's!!! They know who they are!!! Probally sorten there hockey cards right now!
  21. You can do that........ But just going out at night and shinning a flashlight............... well you will see about 20 - 30 sets of eyes..........lol Also not allowed to fire guns in my section. Mind ya didnt stop the pest control guy from firing his gun towards my house while in a canoe. He was killing a beaver for someone. Moron was shooting towards my house at beaver in water about 3 feet from shore! Top it off i was in yard playing with kids! After a few choice words and threats ............. He was on his way Back to turtles....... I cant believe anything you try will stop the coons from eating them if they want them. Did you know they even wash there food sometimes before eating it?
  22. Coons are dam smart! If they want them........They will get them. Little buggers even take tops of my garbage cans....... Added weights to the top and they still get in. Worst part is there not even scared of people in most cases......... Had one give me a stare down last year. I backed off as i didnt feel like getting chewed up. Id let nature take its course..... Im still waiting for the dog to have its match with a coon. Its bound to happen ......... He's 180lbs now, So im hoping he sets them straight
  23. Nice pics. My yard is full of turtles in morning and night laying eggs. Kinda dangerous actually with the snapping turtles.... Gota watch at night that you dont step on them and my dog also has a habbit of teasing them. The snapping turtles (and huge ones) dont seem to be aggresive when laying eggs thank god. I now take a quick walk around the yard in morning and night to insure no turtles. Id almost promise u will miss the hatch unless u watch them 24hrs..... Ive tried for 6 years to see the babies but no luck. Ill try to snap some pics of some large snappers laying this weekend.
  24. Great new boat! I really need to convince the wife that i should be fishing in one like that to Congrats..........im sure you will enjoy
  25. Great fish!!! I like seeing the others in the boat reel them in
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