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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. hey lazlo where about is the lift? streetsville? i take it your a volunteer, how has it been and how often? thinking about doing it in the future.
  2. actually the bc part was meant to be bc as in the east coast....but bait cast fits since i was float fishing with my baitcaster...he he... works like a charm...till i get my pin ready this will be my gear....abu record with 10.5fenwick hmx float rod
  3. MJL: let me know in advance i work weekends once in a while. SOLOPADDLER: thanks, actually i keyed in on the charteuse roe bags from one of your post...always a wealth of resource. guys like you and mjl make this forum the best
  4. thanks. actually this is my second landed. i can't find where the first pic, i caught it around early november. i had to admit fishing in the middle of winter having to manoeuver the float set up to avoid slush and ice..and of course ice on the guides and lines, frozen fingers, slipping a couple of times. in the beginning the floats were cocking nicely but after a while out of whack bec of ice weighing down the float and split shots....well i have no regrets. man some of the scenery makes up for all the challenges of winter fishing. tough fishing but worth it. tight lines
  5. there i think that's better
  6. tried a couple of times in the winter, and nothing but skunk... well this weekend ended that..i was freezing in hip deep water when the first steelie hit...fought her a bit and was able to get her close to me, thought she was done and as i was trying to net her, had to drop the rod and kinda hold the middle of the rod to get her close enough to swing the net and i wasnt able to maintain pressure, she twitced and she was off. man i was disappointed. and she swam ever so slowly as if to taunt me. a fellow angler saw me and was chatting with me a bit on how landing a fish like that is a bit hard esp with a 10.5 foot rod. better off coming to shore and landing it there.i realized why in the hell didn't i think of that....as we were talking i was putting roe on my hook and casted it out and bammmm... a hit ...i told him i'm coming to shore for this one, so i was fighting the fish and watching my step bec where i was, there were deep spots and shallow so had to watch my step....made it to shore and landed the fish. had another hit that day but broke off , i didn't tie the knot very well, but over all was a fine day. i am new to steelheading, so getting tihis much action in a day put a wide grin on my face. now i don't feel bad for the days i have come out empty, it's a blast anyway everytime i get to go out and enjoy fishing and the scenery here's the beauty that lived to spawn another year
  7. yet again another awesome report...you really know how to make us drool
  8. seems like a good week end
  9. can't wait to get them pikies at center island
  10. cool looking fish you got there
  11. picked one up today and feels nice to me. nice action to it. i'll be using it for pike and bass mainly. fairly new to fly fishing and my first rod was a 4pc quantum fly rod so it is quite a jump. lookin to get into fly fishing more this year so i thought investing in a better rod would be a wise thing....so what do you think
  12. speaking of the caravan my buddy's dad is a garage shop manager, and he told my buddy the caravan help put food on their table for quite a while ....it is his favorite vehicle bec it comes in the garage so often, tis was a whie ago though
  13. a little off topic, i've noticed on car commercials from the big 3 , they almost always nowadays say how they are better than other car companies( namely the japanese) , and yet the japanese car manufacturers aren't saying they are better than so and so car company......are they sanctioned not to do so bec. of the whole bail-out thing? anyway just an observation...i'm not on nobody's side.
  14. glad to hear you guys straightened things out..
  15. thanks guys i'm looking forward to booking one just have to figure out when....again thanks for the info guys
  16. thanks for all the resources
  17. hello just wanted to ask you guys if you know of any guides that you could recommend. i have never hired a guide before, and would like to experience it. i would like to go for steelhead and salmon. is spring a good time to hit the niagara river? and also if you could share your experience with the fishing in the river itself is a lot of help. i fished the gorge once and i was skunked. wasn't used to fishing that kind of current. thanks for any info guys....tight lines
  18. i have the older version and i love it, durable and tried it out underwater and i can't complain.
  19. i fished when i was a kid with an empty can as a spool, hook, line and sinker, back home... those were the days i'll look into the islander...oh and i found a place to get bearings by the way...
  20. nice to know that people haven't forgotten that they were once newbies like me. in terms of getting skunked i am not too cencerned about it as i go fish to relax and be with nature, so to speak. i've learned a long time ago not to go fishing expecting to catch anything, for me i'm always glad just to go fishing.
  21. had a closer look at the ross flow and i will not be getting it, the bearing case is thin as hell. anyway, i'm still thinking getting one after christmas, and yes i am still learning to fish steelhead on both my spinning reel and baitcaster...between the 2 i like the baitcaster better. i'd have to say 3 outings and 2 hooked and one landed gets your heart pounding...i'd say about 3 hrs each time. the view was amazing, i could why someone would be addicted to this
  22. i agree that the reel is just a tool. with these i'll be able to make my decision.i liked the raven sst, feels nice and smooth. i'll see in a few weeks...bearing-wise...which do you guys think have better...the islander feels nicely as well...are parts easy to order or they have to be special ordered? hey rain coming on thursday.....
  23. been looking around and can't quite decide yet...budget is always a deciding factor.looked at the islander, ravens and saw the angling spec. , i am gearing towards the ross flow reel...any thoughts on that reel...would appreciate it... till i make up my mind...i'm sticking with my abu legend...working good so far tight lines
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