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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. i think it the au dieu ciel that i tried...on our trip there i tried a sampler, they gave me 4 diff kinds from a ,icro brewery there. my experience trying out the microbreweries is that you really can taste the difference from beer to beer and maybe i'm imagining but the malt and hops and whatever ingredients you can kind of distinguish from each other...have you guys had the same experience?
  2. i see i didn't know that.i'll have to try it one time. i know a fellow crazy about beer he orders from the states and all over and he even got in trouble at the border and ended up being penalized but he still took the beer home ...crazy
  3. well i may say not anymore but before it was maybe 10 yrs ago?
  4. oh yess super cold steam whistle on a hot day...i'm dreaming right now
  5. ah the college days beer that's nice...we have that kind of beer back home when i was young...it's called Red Horse Beer...literrally like a horse kicking you uncontious it was that strong thanks for the insight.
  6. is yuengling a chinese beer? lion beer i'll keep that in mind
  7. thanks for the insight. neustadt where is it available? i'll keep churchkey in mind as well
  8. i didn't steer you in the deep end again did i? i like beer of all sorts...forgive me for my ignorance but what's a beer can chicken?
  9. i agree with the steam whistle... smoothest beer i ever had...haven't drank enough yet to give me a headache...yet
  10. discovered them a few years back and i'm hooked sampling them everytime we hit a town on our daytrips. here are the ones i like so far: wellington breweries-trail head lager upper canada breweries- steam whistle mill street brewery: tankhouse ale, organic beer old credit-pale pilsener, amber ale moosehead-when they were still small a couple more from quebec city that i could not remember. and from other daytrips as well i hope i had payed attention. Other beers that i like: rickards red San miguel Beer(from the philippines) Cristal(cuba) i'd like to try different kinds so i'd like to know what your favorites are....CHEERS and please drive sober
  11. i agree, great tasting fish...i've had them smoked and had them just plain old bbq with salt and peppper...yummmm.
  12. my experience with asking about river conditions is that it's better to go and look for yourself. it's always nice to get out anyway blown or not, frozen or prime.
  13. good luck doc....have you looked into microwelding and laser welding in the tooling industry? a buddy of mine does it and it's pretty cool
  14. love that band.....along with pearl jam of course
  15. a quick reply on the tight tolerance thing, i personally believe that tight tolerances is an advantage when applied on the right places, it will however, like wallacio said, be quite annoying when a little bit of dirt would spoil the fishing. clearance on the right places does a lot of good as well. tight tolerances in the right place,will in my opinion, make the reel stay true for a long long time...
  16. ahh the single life...i wished i was into fishing more when i was single . maybe then i'd be as good of a fisherman as you so your angspec is customized esp for you then?
  17. ah the 20th, i held that reel at angling specialties and on the water from another angler...sweet reel man....the 4.5 is a sweet reel as well dude
  18. good on you. what diameter are we talking abour here? well with your skills it'll see a lot of steelhead in no time.
  19. you'll have fun on the pin i'm almost sure of it. i started late last year drifting and man it's sweet.
  20. good on you dude...beatiful browns you got there
  21. nicely done. we might have crossed paths at one time
  22. i'm dying to try it out...but unfortunately i have been very busy
  23. i most like cant but i love though. i was able to see a couple of rods he's building when i was there and from what i saw....exceptional quality.
  24. thanks bud
  25. thanks again for taking this project on short notice....i am extremely thankful to you for making this first build an very enjoyable experience, with a very well built rod at the end....thanks for the nod as well chris
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