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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. That makes 2 OFC'ers very hungy.....Awesome detailed report as always.
  2. Truly an awe-inspiring report Mike as always, i've never seen so many pike pics in one report...two champs fishing together, i guess that was to be expected lots of fish, beautiful scenery, you fellows had no doubt had a blast of a time... ps: i've been scrolling down furiously looking for this report, i thought i had missed it somehow.
  3. i have the olympus stylus 1050, shock proof and waterproof up to ten feet, a bit more than what you had in mind but i dropped it so many times and rested it's waterproof capabilities and it's been great
  4. Good luck on you trip Mike, as everyone has demanded already....the report after , really lookin forward to it. Stay safe and tight lines
  5. hey, how come evrybody pickin on the solo look?
  6. Awesome mike, you make me wanna start making spoons and spinners again, a question for you, did you have to soder the hooks on the spoon yourself, if you did do you mind sharing as to how? Again they look really good Mike.
  7. Have a great trip guys hopefully a deatailed report. Tight lines
  8. great news bud...congrats and as always great post dude
  9. Your boy fights fish like a pro Mike...good stuff
  10. sorry i forgot to add.... hahahahaha
  11. I share Billm's opinion, you need to speak proper English.
  12. well what i dont get is paying that much and letting gather dust or baby it too much. imo it's a waste to pay so and so money if the reels fishes you instead of you fishing the reel
  13. awesome mike, funny i had this conversation with a friend and i have always taken the same aproach as you, if i bought them they are gonna be put to the test.... even more if i made them i know people with sticks not even seing a reel on it.same with reels never being spooled with line
  14. awesome report as always mike...
  15. The record that i had was great, handles the big baits no problem and casts like a dream. I regret selling it. I was downsizing my tackle and i made the big mistake
  16. Mike your posts are always a blast and i am happy that you have posted....again after a long while. Thanks for sharing
  17. I kinda get that way but something in me keeps me in focus as i grew up in the Philippines and we too had earth quakes not as much as Japan but were right up the ring of fire. The strongest i have experienced was a little over 6 magnitude and i thought the end of the world has come...we had aftershocks even 2 months after. That gave me some phoebia whenever things start to shake..We were living a few meters from the beach and our neighbors ran to high ground, we stayed and thank god there was no tsunami. We had a glass half full of water...that was our indicator, when that water start to ripple, we ran outside....that was one hell of an experience......Typhoons are for another story...i got lots of stories about that.
  18. that's a beauty laker dude and the reels look awesome mike....i'm sure you'll make good use of it. cheers edwin
  19. i used this set up when i started for steelhead. My set up is the same as what i use on my pin and i used to set the baitcaster to the min. adjustment that i can get away with for the casting, and it worked well even in slack water, of course you gotta watch out for the birds nest, that's why i have my thumb just aboce the spool almost all the time. Worked out, like tyler said it would be best if you are not learning too many things at one time. I used an abu legend btw.
  20. welcome sean, maybe we'll run into each other on the river. Great looking steelies you got there.
  21. I have seen a small herd for the last 3 yrs around March, at Pearson by Dixie and Midway. You can see them at Dixie and 401 as well.
  22. I don't like the guy but aikman's in missisauga. He's a warranty repair shop for certain manufacturers.
  23. i suppose chicken tastes better they eat their own crap as well.
  24. great to see you fishin...best of luck on your treatment...
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