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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. I first tried the trailhead lager at Elora, ice cold on a hot summer day...
  2. may be a biased opinion but have you looked at the imperial? fits right in your budget. i'll let you handle mine and see how it feels
  3. I have the Stylus 1050 SW. It's the older model but like jedi said it shoots great pics in and above camera. Perfect fishing camera, don't have to worry about it taking a dip in water.
  4. i hear ya ryan, take you time, and you'll have yourself a rod thatb you'll be happy with
  5. I gotta try the dark ale's one of these days. they don't hard don't they? Next time you hit the beer store, try San Miguel Beer, not a micro but it's from the Philippines see what you think
  6. i personally like the tankhouse and now to think about it i did try camerons and liked it. i never did like the lime flavored beers. The best one for me by far is the Upper Canda Brewery Lager.
  7. I think i tried it once but i am not sure, will look it up again at the beer store...cheers.
  8. You really are lookin are you. Manufacturers are claiming that with todays tapers are far better than bef. So multiple 3 or 4pc rods are better than what they had long ago, with better materials and multiple taper changes per pc. just be careful of what you would believe. The best is to always feel the rod and make your decision...it's all about what you'll be comfortable and happy with. Happy hunting Ryan.
  9. welcome aboard riley
  10. quite a few taste testers there bud
  11. I was at Belfountain provincial park last summer, and saw lots of rainbows there hangin round, asked the park workers by the gate and he talked about them with disdain, telling me how they are aggressive and would displace the native species. It seems like the incidents you mentioned probably wont be the last with attitudes like that.
  12. those are some nice stones Chris, would love to try some of those this spring... honestly they are very realistic
  13. Maybe it was.Now we know what you meant.
  14. i think so too, but a fair question don't you think?
  15. Deffinitely a step towards the right direction. Hurray for the credit....i'd have to agree last fall was very good. Let me see if i get this, so no steelhead will be lifted? It may not have the effect on the steelhead run at the moment but the prospect of getting full access would be something to look forward to.Whats a year to wait and see?
  16. You stocking up for something?
  17. I hope you are not implying that all of the guys fishing there are flossers.
  18. Hmm.. wonder what did you call your brew Chris...I'm sure it's great. Wow your not only a master rod builder, a brew master as well? What else do you do Chris And to all that replied thanks for sharing you experiences and preferences...keep em coming
  19. I'm still young i think 33. i wasn't sure when i put moosehead on here. A friend of mine who was born here and told me the story and and how it was from the maritimes and it was still small and how it tasted a bit diff. now. When he first introduced it to me,it was a great "new taste" . a quick question with the bottles, were the mold IBM's? We used to repair lots of these molds (not for bottles) but now not as much, they were containers for the airline industry.
  20. will google it.... and to all drink moderately...i am by no means a heavy drinker but do enjoy a few cold swigs once in a while....cheers.
  21. red wine does that to me
  22. thanks for the info..info, i'll be checking tis brewery out when i go there...someday
  23. actually off all the microbreweries this brewery got me started
  24. that exactly is what i meant....a buddy of mine told me that same story
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