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Everything posted by dsn

  1. ******************************************************************** Yeah carp do get nervous sometimes when they feel a heavy weight on the rigs. There were times I only used a hair rig with no weight at all. Only weight I had was the four peices of corn plus the hook on the line. This method is only great when theres no wind and your fishing close to shore. They will still pick up the rig and but your eye must be on the line at all times. Cause the line will move out slowly. dsn
  2. Those are nice but skinny . I prefer the fat back braking fish!! The ones that go from 28-35+ lbs. You know the ones I messed up my back lifting before. DSN
  3. It does throw the fish off, but not as long as 30mins. It's alot less than that. Try 5-10 mins depending on how much fish is in the area feeding. The more you have... the less time you have to wait for a hit. I was fishing in one spot when carp were half way through spawning season and we caught 44 fish in 3hrs. It was nuts. We even caught this one fish 4 times. We noticed it cause it had a huge wart or bump on its back. Anyways most of my outtings I have never had to wait 30mins for each hit. DSN
  4. ******************************************************************** If the fish have moved in closer maybe you should tighten up your chuming. I use a Bait Rocket which I loads on corn and toss it out. What happends is... instead of tossing corn with your hands which scatters the corn all over the place. The bait rocket holds all the corn and when I cast it out it hits the water and turns upside down. This causing all the corn to fall neatly in a straight line down to the bottom in a tight pile. This will concentrate the scent and the corn which will make it easier for the fish to pick up the scent along with a great bright visual under the water in one pile. When I chum this way I can see the corn from above the water and if there is anything near it. If the pile disappears from my view suddenly then I know something is near it. Or if gobies are there. This will also be the area where you will drop your rig into. Increasing your hooking percentage greatly !! You can google up Bait Rocket. Or you can just cut up a 500ml plastic water bottle. Cut the lid off 3-5 inches from the rim down. Drill two holes on the sides of the bottle for a line or wire something that can hold alot of weight. You might want to use a bit of tubing also so the line won't cut into the bottle during your cast.. On the inside glue a peice of styrofoam to the bottom. The styrofoam should be big enough so that when your bottle hits the water... it will turn the bottle upside down... dumping all the corn out. It's an excllent way of causing a feeding frenzy !!! Once the carp have found the mother load of food in one pile. The will hang around the same exact spot waiting each day for you to feed them. Trust me I have had this happen to me. . One guy said to me before.. " I wonder why these carp are only hanging around this one part of the entire bay?" I looked at him and smiled. And said yeah that's weird. DSN
  5. If you chummed the area stay with it. Day after day. Chumming the same area will give the carp in the area a scent to follow. If you change locations then then those fish who are tracking your scent will have reloacte the scent again and find it all over again. When I chum an area I stick with it through out the entire season not only will in bring in carp to that same location if they have been around. It will also give bigger fish to locate the active feeding area which is already scented. You can have tons of fish drawing into the area if you chum constantly !! If your bait is being eaten up alot or your corn is missing it could be cobies in the area which can be a pain. I've chumed with corn before in an area and seen gobies eat everything before a carp even picks up the scent. In this case I usually chum with Cool Aid. Add water into the cool aid just enough to get it sticky and make a ball out if it and toss it over. This makes an excellent visual chum area were your chum went down and also sweet enough to draw in fish cause of all the sugar. Bollies come in handy when gobies are around. If you have no bollies try using chopped up baby corn or hotdogs. They should go on a hook and stay. Or you can place a few peices of canned corn in a spawn sack and tie them up and use that. The netting will prevent the gobies from biting the corn. If you us this method I recommend making nickle size clumps of corn sacks. And tie them well. But eventually the gobies will destroy the sack and get the corn too. But least not as quick. Good luck out there DSN And carp will rip a rod out of your hands or snap your line if you are not prepared for it. They will set the hook themselves !!
  6. Wow sorry I missed your first post. Fishing in Hong Kong eh? Very interesting. And colourful fish too I might say. Thanks for showing us what its like. The squid looks good. dsn
  7. Well........ welcome to the board. Glad to have you. dsn
  8. Woke up this morning and went out to balcony saw the rain coming down thought I'd smell the fresh scent of rain. Instead I smell carp. Guess its time to go carp fishing tomorrow. They are calling me by sending thier perfume my way. And I'm no where close to a lake. dsn
  9. dsn

    Time to go carping !!

  10. Very Smooth post. You finally admit you have sick and twisted mind. Please elaborate on that.... Amazing colors on those fish. Also I can't believe those shots are from a phone camera. So crisp and clear !! dsn
  11. Nope its real. I posted a link to a vid from youtube on the other post what this nasty fish can do. But I'll post it here to just incase...... dsn
  12. Heres proof the snakehead can cut a fish in half !! I saw this vid few months back. What a waste of a BASS !! dsn
  13. I'm not no expert on freezing minnows but one method I tried is. Separteing them while they are frozen so that they keep thier tails and fins in tact when its time to defrost them. Get a peice of card board that will fit your freezer temporary depneding on the anount of minnows you have. Then put on a flat peice of plastic bag ontop of the cardboard. You'll be placing the minnows on the plastic make sure none of them are in contact with each other or they'll freeze together including the fins and tails leave them a bit wet. After placing them on the plastic separted.slid the cardboard and the plastic bag with the minnows into a freezer for about 30mins or so..just until they are stiff or frozen. (not freezer burned) Then take the entire thing out and roll the plastic with the fish in it. While rolling the plastic with the minnows on it.. the minnows should stay frozen to the plastic. This is ok. Just roll up the minnows they should stay separted as you roll the plastic. Then when you're done just keep them in the freezer. When you need it you can just unroll a bit of the plastic and the minnows should come off the plastic one by one with all its fins and tails in tack to be defrosted. dsn
  14. I have never seen them reporduce in my styrofoam box that I kept them in. But I have used some of the worms and cut peices off them and used that and put the other half back into the styrofoam box. They did regenerate and the wound or cut end of the worm closed up and the worm was fine. Use the tail end not the head and it will survive !! If you leave the head of the worm and just cut anywhere below the clitellum or use lower half the worm below the clitellum the worm can still recover and heal nicely. This is what I have noticed time and time again. The Earth Worm The worm only heals over. I 'm not sure if it grows back the enitre length again. dsn
  15. I bought a worm kit before from BP. It came with Frabril's worm bedding and a strofoam box with a lid and tiny holes on the top of the lid. Cost me a bundle $101.00 But all you need is strofoam box with a lid. That keeps the temp cool inside when it's hot outside. Kinda like a the box of worms you buy. Buy the Frabril worm bedding at Canadian tire... the large worm bedding goes for $7.99. It already has worm food mixed in with the bedding so you won't need to worry about the worms not getting any food. Just garb a hand full of worm bedding mix it with distilled water or water that has no chlorine in it. Mix it well making sure all the bedding is wet. Then squeeze out the excess water. All you need is enough water to dampen the bedding. Then break up the bedding into smaller peices to fluff up the bedding. Then put your worms into the strofoam box along with all the bedding close the lid place it anywhere , where its cool. The worms should be check every month to see how they are doing remove any dead ones if nesscessary. You'll need to replace the bedding everything 3 months I think. Instructions are on the bedding package. I have noticed is that the worms do stay alive long and I have kept them this way through out an entire winter season in normal room temperture setting. They do however shrink in length over time. Hope this helps dsn
  16. Anything that moves has to release it gases some how. Even the transit trains have to occasionally stop and release it gases before the train can go any further. I've noticed it sometimes it can't go anymore and then it stops for minutes. Then all of a sudden, all the gas or exhust comes spewing out and its loud too. And the train start to move off again with no problems. If women don't far then I'd run when they do !! Cause passing gas once in a blue moon can be deadly for the folks around them. Its more concentrated, and toxic. Guys fire them off ,once and a while and doesn't let it build up over the days, months, and years. dsn
  17. Hey sure looks like you Aaron. dsn
  18. Awe you chopped them up. I thought you just tossed the entire drum into the tank alive. !! dsn
  19. Yeah I had the rush happen to me twice. Both times the fish sent me walking home empty handed. (no gear) Never eat a bag of Hostess and let your rod do all thew work .
  20. I knew there was something about him from the start. Never trust anyone who is crosseyed .They have a double standard. The left side of his brain tells him one thing and the other says do the opposite.
  21. Some I agree with. dsn
  22. I have guppies right now in (1) 20gallon,(2) 10 gallons and 5 gallon with an african clawed frog. Guppies in all tanks from different stages of life and batches. dsn
  23. Guppies...... I watching them now and trying to figure out why they aren't what they used to be. The tails aren't growing long. Rather their bodies are out growing their tails. I thought their tails were supposed to be growing longer. But I guess its taking too long. Onto the 4 batch already, running 3 tanks. And still nothing impressive yet. Dsn "getting Bored"
  24. Ok Thanks. So they jump. I have never had that before when I had them many years ago. But its better to be safe than sorry. Thanks Dsn
  25. Sounds like you have done all that I have gone through trying to find something to stick to. I have seen Peacock bass only once. But are the real peacock bass from the amazon? dsn
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