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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Ha Ha welcome to the board. DSN
  2. Don't feel so bad. Least you got one. I was also in the same locations and even saw snag fish, and I still ended up going home with my tail between my legs.
  3. Hey that was neat. Thanks for posting it Nautifish. BBR did you ave something stuck in your eye? LOL
  4. Thanks To You.. TJ and the board members. I think this board has really exploded this year with members. Happy New Years to ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL. dsn
  5. I don't download my emails with outlook into my computer anymore. I go directly to my web servers website and open the mail there. So my computer doesn't get infected. At least I don't think so anyways. Been good so far. dsn
  6. My first was from Grenadier Pond. Sunfish.
  7. Maybe he had an awesome fishing trip and wants to keep it to himself. LOL
  8. Hey that 13 yr old was me... On my ugly stick!! And rusty reel. dsn
  9. I Fish that Place may times. Here's the Info you need. Lake Dalrymple resort (Sebright, On) 705-833-2400 Last Time checked they are closed on Tuesday's. I usually book at Lake dalrymple resort. Great people there. They even know my name by heart now. ha ha. They have cottages right infront of the lake. Fishing in May huh? Save some pike for me. Meadows End Resort (Sebright ON) 705-833-2666 dsn
  10. I truly believe the biggest carp will come out from Cooks Bay. 2 Years back a marine opertator told me he has seen a 60 lber come out from there and released. I have fished cooks once and noticed not many people fish for them there. As some folks know I fish carp alot. I have only landed one out of cooks bay (from a boat) so far.The carp in there are always seems stronger than the norm. I was even almost spooled twice while fishing there had I not horse the fish and the hook pulled out. Theres tons of weeds there for the carp to hang out in the spring not to mention tangling your line in the beds. MJL we got get out there !!! dsn
  11. Internet worm drops in New Year e-mail 29/12/2006 5:26:48 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A worm attached to an e-mail with the subject line "Happy New Year!" is the latest spam to threaten computer users, a security expert warns. CBC News The new worm comes disguised as a file attachment named postcard.exe or postcard.zip, VeriSign iDefense Labs revealed on Thursday. Once the file is launched, it replicates itself and sends copies to other e-mail addresses by accessing the infected computer's mailbox. It also disables several computer security features and installs rootkit software, which allows it to hide itself from the user. VeriSign said several large networks reported interceptions of the new e-mail on Thursday. Several other security firms also reported the virus. Kaspersky Lab dubbed the worm "Tibs" while Trend Micro calls it "Nuwar." Other names for it include Banwarum and Glowa. Network sends spam five times per second The worm is reportedly being spread from 160 e-mail domains, with one network sending out the spam at a rate of five e-mails per second. The "Happy New Year!" e-mail is just one variation on holiday spam. On Wednesday, security firm McAfee issued several warnings, including one for an e-mail with the attachment Christmas+Blessing-4.ppt, which installs software that allows the spammer remote access to the infected computer. As with all e-mails, users should use extreme caution when opening attachments, VeriSign warns. Got This From My Bro This morning. dsn
  12. As 2007 get closer I'll be taking up a new postion as Minister Of The Gospel. I dumped my 14 years working at a Grocery Store. dsn
  13. Hey those steel heads looks like the size I normally get. Only CC get the fat ma ma's.
  14. Sorry. still trying to get used to this linking thingy. Try this http://www.addictinggames.com/santassnowball.html santa snowball
  15. Here's a funny game online about Santa and his elfs. I thought it was funny watching the exspressions on the elfs faces as you try to run them over with a mega snowball and squesh them all as they try to run from your ball. Cause they were making wise cracks about Santa SANTASNOWBALL dsn Here's some pics of the game.
  16. yeah fishindevil. most folks use minnows which is more exspensive
  17. This happened when they were still selling the worms in a card board container. Before the styrofoam. ( From Pollacks Sporting Goods) It was a round container. Even when they switched to those plastic lids with the styro foam conatiners the lids where cheesey too they didn't stay on tight enough. But now with the entire styro foam box they never can get out of that. But I put an elastic band on it just n case now.
  18. He Rich do a vid. Hvaen't seen one for along time. dsn
  19. You sure they didn't crawl out of the container and found a new home somewhere in the fridge? Take it from someone who knows. It wasn't pleasant thats for sure. dsn
  20. yep I'm still collecting them while I go fishing. On so many occasions the past few days when I head out I see worms and pick them along the way while I head to the local fishing holes. Can't ask for anything better than that. dsn
  21. I'm not sure about that one. I've had better results fishing one other location I know of. Snag might know your answer.
  22. Hmmm haven't decided yet. I'll know by tomorrow evening.
  23. Great report. Thanks for giving some of us a boost when no ice is around for hard water and were dying here. From the looks of your helmet you must have tossed it down and jumped on the fish pretty fast!!
  24. Maybe I'll see you out there again soon. LOL Since I keep runing into you everywhere I go. dsn
  25. Glad to hear I'm not the olny one. Well Greencoachdog, I would but I have no ride so I'll be going to the local hangout I guess for pike? Or whatever else comes along. I might even do boxing day since I'm not one for crowds.
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