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Everything posted by dsn

  1. hey thats not a bad idea of purchasingthe entire set. Do know why I didn't figure that one out long ago. dsn
  2. yep I do too.
  3. PS2 Acecombat!!
  4. These are what I want. turbine jet engines with 45lbs of thrust. dsn Woe that Hydrofam is crazy!! LOL
  5. Thats funny cause I was thinking of getting a jet. But I was thinking of getting the one with a turbine engine not a propellar one. The turbine engines are awesome but the F-16 or F/18 Horent. The website I found was "Altecare.com. Google it up and check it out. Just don't look at the prices. or your eyes will end up like this -------------> There's some great vids of the planes on "youtube" Its cool when you see smoke and fire come out of the back of a turbine engine of a rc aircraft. The planes are fully operational too just like the real thing. The wheels go up under the belly of the aircraft and the hatch closes too. I dreaming of it so far haven't purchased anythin yet. dsn The plane I was looking at cost in total $4,000.00 " totally sick!! " Check out RC gas turbine action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sl0XPvh_bs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7czaWX07VUI...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7czaWX07VUI...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFq5E4igvDI
  6. Mine doesn't exspire til the end of 2007 so no worries here.
  7. Ok how does one delete his post comletely? Theres no tab. dsn
  8. Wow amazing. But I would be careful. Since you don't know where the edge of a drop into the lake or bay maybe while your out there so becareful. Hate to see some lose their footage and end up in the bay and the waves sweeps you out to the lake. dsn And so shall it be days of Noah.
  9. Yeah God Bless you and family Lorissa. dsn
  10. I usually head up to Lake simcoe for lakers. But the ice isn't safe for 70 fow til mid-late february. dsn
  11. Wow All those awesome pics!! Theres alot of great folks here with an eye for awesome pics!! Think I'm going to have to upgrade my cheap digital now. dsn
  12. Outch 4:15am? wow I'm still in bed. Thats gotta be tough specially when it's dark and miserable outside. I have problems getting up as it is. Just with the cold weather. <-----see my eyes? They are like this in the morning 4:15 am. They haven't straighten out yet !! LOL
  13. Well Looks like some freezing rain is in the forecast. I wonder how bad it's gonna get? I guess this will be the first mess for the GTA. Maybe it will help out in the making of hardwater. Wishful thinking. But drive safe out there everyone tomorrow morning !!! I'm not sure when it will start though. Better to be safe than sorry. dsn Enviro Canada Weather Warning. http://www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/warnings/son_e.html
  14. Yeah I don't plan to use it for hardwater. Thats for sure. dsn
  15. I bought one RF35 from the Sportsmen show last year it worked great. Saw fish on it and tried fishing right in that spot where I saw there were fish and sure enough there was. Turns out to be browns down. Picked up weeds also. Plus it has a fish alarm. Sounds when it picks up fish. Which I didn't know it had. It can also show fish as a fish ID feature or sonar markings which ever you prefer. The sale person told me you can use it for hardwater. But on the box that it came in, strictly doesn't recommend it. I had a great time with it til I cast it over a wooden dock and made it back 5 times til the 6th cast it got caught on a sliver of the wooden dock and broke me off. Does any know I can get the transducer part alone? And for how much? dsn
  16. Chat? I don't even no some of the features on this board still trying to figure it out...like wheres the chat button. LOL Ok I found it but all I see a "red X in a small square box. Thats it. doesn't seem to work for me. dsn
  17. If she didn't undstand the word fishing she won't undertand the other less important things in life.
  18. Been skunked lately. On the island.. no perch action only minnows. Rouge. ... skunked not as great as last year. Nothing happening at Ashbridges, Nothing happening at the humber. I was even thinking Grenadier pond. Might end up feeding squirrels like I did last time while fishing. LOL Waiting for hardwater.
  19. I was on MSN and found my self talking to a computer generated Virtual girl. ha ha ha At first I counldn't figure if she was real or not. Kept asking her question and all she wantted to do was play games and some dumb voting thingy. That's how bored I was. Check her out. You have to add her to your buddy list and then just type anything on the chat box and your on your way. ha ha Great for passing the time. So sad!! LOL http://www.spleak.com/ I found out that shes a computer after asking her questions and she could understand the simpliest question. Hee hee I asked her if she goes fishing. Her reply was.. I can't help you out there. It was a "yes" or "no" question. duh. ha ha ha dsn
  20. Yeah we all love the see first ice shots. It would sure enlighten the hearts of those who have been waiting for awhile and still have to wait til (like me ) January through to February for hardwater action. dsn Thanks
  21. I'm going steelheading now. LOL Went twice so far... and got skunked twice!! I'm loving it!!
  22. Well one thing I didn't mention in that report was while I was poping gobies off the bottom I also had bass hit the gobies while I was retrieving them on the way up which I landed and released. I caught the biggest bass I even seen while poping gobies. That day I nailed a 5lb bass there and two other smaller ones. I couldn't believe my eyes the belly on that fish was huge. I was in shock too. Didn't think going after gobies would get a huge bass infact I didn't think anything else was around at that time. Now thats gonna be one of my secrets I guess you'll never get bored again fishing for gobies while waiting for the bigger fish. It was the best fishing I had that day.
  23. Yeah had to get something so I wouldn't get skunked ha ha
  24. It was awesome out there. Strange but my digital deleted some pics I took from the ride over. I had a great shot of the island looking through the round window of the ferry as a frame. But like I said my cam got rid of it. (I think its time I get rid of my cam. ) The weather was nice. Along the way I thought these looked cool. With glass calm water in front of me. I set up my slip float with a worm and dropped it in. After seeing all the minnows in the water. Thought to myself theres got to be more than minnows under this school. Last time the minnows and perch and everything else was all mixed in underneath. Even there was a pike lurking last time But I not this time. It was only minnows and a cormorant poped it's head up and looked around wondering .."where did that worm come from?" Well after staying there for a bit I decided time to move. Checked out the bridge area. Poped the float back in the water. Had nibbles and more nibbles. But nothing would take the tiny weeny itty bitty worm that I had on. It was the smallest hook I had too. Knew I should have gotten smaller hooks. Took some scenery shots while I waited for something to happen. It was like 8am and the fog was still around. Not even a slpash from a fish. Also made some casts with cleo's and larger spoons. But all I kept getting was black leaves on my hooks. Didn't see a bass or anything worth while. Everywhere along the shoreline was leaves all black and rottening way. Cause the city workers there use a machine to blow all the leaves into the water. I saw them do it last time. Thats because they blew it all over me when I was standing beside that bridge. They do that before the first ferry hits centre island in the summer to keep the bridge clean. Dust and all into the water or on top of me. Oh well live and learn the hard way. ha ha Any ways it was a nice day out. Even the fishing was ok. I didn't get skunked after all....These fish below... took the worm. LOL Ba ha ha ha See told yah I'll have a report.
  25. wow. Now that's what I'm talking about!! Thats what I'll be after at te islands. Only if they stocked them here. ha ha dsn
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