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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Looks like the temps are finally dropping. Sunday supposed to be -14 at night and Monday also. Tuesday -13, but Wednesday is the coldest at -22. It just drop a degree from -21 to -22. But the cold temps seem to be staying from here on in. Check it out!! Accu Weather 1-15 day outlook for Simcoe County dsn Bring on the Ice!!
  2. Wow great report.!! Thanks dsn
  3. You Are Truly a Pro at what you do. I'll be lucky If I even land one this year. Or even a hit. dsn
  4. ok heres my submittions. Kinda Grainy but then again I'm still trying to figure out this digital. I had to use ISO 400 cause it was just too dark and the flash would have ruin the pic and caused a white out. 3 more to be added. dsn
  5. Well since we are waiting and waiting for the hardwater season let's share the pics of those great ice fishing trips. Here's mine. The first outting I got skunked knew nothing about hardwater. I had used black fire line my first trip out. Had no idea trout were line shy. Switched to mono and the results were this. The second trip of my life was more productive. 9lb lakers. I went a few times after.. my best outting so these pics might be combo of 2 or three outing lost track. dsn Bring it on!!!.
  6. WTG nautifish if your curse is broken then mine is about to go too!! Nice pike there too. Congrats!! Nothing like a successful trip out after being skunked for so long. Thanks for the heads up!! dsn
  7. To Shorten or Narrow down your search...if you're going after pike... and because we like fishing reports and pics I recommend Halan's Point. Its the only place I found deep weeds right at the channel last time I was there. dsn Good Luck!!
  8. Ahhh nice vision for my sore eyes!! Now I could only dream of fishing for them on the ice. dsn
  9. I'd join you but the weather for Monday doesn't look to good. Mixture of rain and snow. dsn
  10. ''' Oh Darn, I guess I got to you too late!! Pray you get better soon then. But you still can break out the caps might shorten the time span of the bug.
  11. Fishfarmer2 check your PM!! dsn
  12. urbanangler thanks for including me in but I 've been skunked bad so far. But still in the game. Just happens to run into SNAG everywhere I go. Thats how I get mentioned into the posts. You never seen me post any fish in TO for along time. Like I said thanks again dsn
  13. Ok thats it!!! How did you get the fishing Gods to be so nice to you when the rest of us are getting skunked no matter what we fish for? Hmmmm your sick and posting 2:27am in the morning shouldn't you be sleeping? Maybe not as sick as you think. dsn Breakout the Garlic caps bro!1 Boost your immune system
  14. After you installed "Spam fighter".. you might want to run a spyware program and check for spyware that's stealing your email account right out from your computer. Its happened to me many times. dsn
  15. Breakout the "Garlic Caps !"" The Flu Virus will flee in all directions and the people around you too!! It works for me. The Garlic works as an anti-viral suppliment against the flu virus and whatever virus there are. I swear by them. I Used to work in a grocery store and there were tons of people who get sick with Flu Viruses every year. I Would take the Garlic Capsules. Least 3-4 caps for one week per day to get my immune system up. I even spoken face to face with the undercover security guard who was really sick and was not even energetic at all if he had to make an arrest. I never got his flu. Now I take them just when the flu season comes around. I don't take them all the time cause I sure hate to "stink" . I believe the odorless ones are not as effective as the ones with with the odor. It even works when you get that itchy feeling in the back of your throat that seems to be unshakeable. I would just let the capsule melt on my tounge and it would work. nasty but it works! You can even do a search on the net about garlic and find its benefits. Nutrition House used to have a great website on herbal suppliments but they changed everything making harder to find the basics. dsn
  16. Yeah that second shot turned out weird. Doesn't even look like a real photo. Maybe cause of the flash. You can see the flash bounced off the shiney silver and reflected into the water. Maybe thats why it looks the way it does. Strange dsn
  17. Hey Tip-Up great report!! Those are some big Gills I see. Keep the reports coming!!! It's like water to those who are dying of thirst for ice. dsn
  18. I might see you tomorrow. I'll be going up north from that location to a friends place. But I won't be fishing. I'll have my laptop with me. Gotta do some work. dsn
  19. Well I got skunked again. Where are my carp they're easier to fish for ??? But I got pics of my friend's fish. Beautiful fish I have to say. And released for another day... It's the "Bootman" LOL It was nice just to get out . And Thanks CC for your Tips. Just have to get some on my next outing. dsn (newbie)
  20. Hey nautifish sounds like one of my recent outting also. No fish was biting so I started to wonder off with my camera also. (but I took my rod with me ) I enjoyed taking the photos rather than the fishing. dsn
  21. "Ol WIVES TALE?" You mean to tell me "wives" started all this?LOL
  22. Nice chunky pike. And ahhh those Gills. I'm trying to find them too.
  23. oops I'm too late for this thread. dsn
  24. I had a few recently. I just deleted them. I Just came across your post now. I know I'm kinda slow. But I'll makr this page as a reminder for next time. dsn Thanks
  25. Well for example lets say your internet provider is sympatico....then you'd go to sympatico page "get Mail" and open the emails there. Instead of downloading it into outlook.
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