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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Whew I thought I was going nut and it was just me. Its kool!! Thanks ccmtcanada dsn
  2. How come I'm hearing music when I click on the Topic "New Kid On The Block?" posted by Mikcol its weird. dsn
  3. I pick and chose my updates. I don't need all the junk they recommend. That includes explorer 7.
  4. Yeah I do all that basically every other day. Just to be on the safe side. dsn
  5. I'll be making a second a tempt to head out this week or this week end soon!! Wish me Luck!! dsn
  6. Now that one great way to turn a boring show into a great one!! Go looking for all the stars!! dsn
  7. I have been dying to get out on simcoe since 1st week of Feb. Fish4me decided to give ice fishing a try. We booked one of the rentals out from JP. I was excited and was exspecting some action. We got out to the huts roughly around 7:15-7:30am and I showed fish4me how to set up the tip-up. After the tip-ups were set, I set up my fish finder. Minutes later Fish4me said he saw his tip-up go down.. he sets the hook and said he felt a good solid weight. Then the fish got off. He missed a few hits cause it was his first time. I missed a few hits also cause my fishfinder was picking up other people lines going down and coming up off the bottom I tried adjusting the sensitivity. I couldn't tell what was a fish and what wasn't. When things started to calm down... I keep a close eye on the finder. Seen some activity on the bottom and I got ready to set the hook just incase. Had my hand over my tip-up. Sure enough the tip-up goes down and I grab it and set the hook!! Fish on!! Had some weight to it too. So I slowly started to pull the fish up gently. As it was coming up I thought it was a white fish it didn't fight at all. Just dead weight. As it got closer I noticed it was a laker on my spreader. It didn't hit on my single hook that I had 10 feet away from the spreader. So just as I got it up to about 5-7 feet under the hole.. the laker starts a series of tugs and pulls. I slowly let line go as it pulls. And when it stopped pulling I would pick up the line. Well I guess it got mad and it went for a run!! The line started going through my fingers and all of a sudden I was at the end, where I had the single hook tied. The laker pulls again and the #12 hook went right into my pinky. Barb and all!! Now I had to make a quick choice. My finger or the fish? I didn't want it to do more damage so I chose my finger over the fish. I yanked on the 4lb test line which I had the single hook tied and it snaps . But then I felt something else snapped. I look into the whole and I see my spreader in the lakers mouth as it swims back down into the deep. . I was so upset that I just grabbed the bend of the firmly hook and with one yank I tore the hook right out of my finger. Then the blood started to pour out. I applied pressure it quickly. It was swollen and purple. After the blood slowed down I stuck a band aid to it and continued fishing the rest of the day. But it was tough. Without a spreader it was going to be a long day. We still had hits but things dead down right after 11:30am. Nothing happened after that. Well one thing I learned was how to rip a hook out of my finger. Its all healed up now. No metal in it which is good, feels fine now. But I'll never for get my first hook. dsn
  8. I agree with Gerrit. You can't eat the thing why waste the fish? Let them live. Their suposed to a great fish to fish for. But not to kill. dsn
  9. ahhhhhh where to begin? LOL
  10. I was afraid of that douG. The last can I did, was alot easier. I guess I will have to put holes on the lid. And use wire to scure the bolt to the lid. Then solder the thing. Thanks for the all the help. I'll let you know how it goes. dsn
  11. Well the soler did melt on the can. Thats no problem, its the bolt. I tried finding a rusty bolt but they don't sell rusty bolts. It does look like stainless steel. But I did manage to sand some fillings off just wonder how much? Clampet, your too technical for me. dsn
  12. Hi, I'm trying to put the final touches on my chum can I'm working on. I'm trying to solder a bolt onto the bottom of the lid. But it just won't solder on. I sanded both surfaces and even used soldering flux on the bolt and the lid. The solder won't stick onto the bolt. Any suggestions? I'm planning to take this thingy out this coming Friday. I made 3 other ones and gave then away and the bolt stuck on those. But this one seems to be stubborn. This is the second bolt I bought for this can. Cause the first one didn't work. The first one had like a washer in it. But this one doesn't Thanks for any suggestions you might have. dsn
  13. Hey Clampet... That sound so easy even I can do it. LOL Sounds goooood too!! I will definately give it a go!! Just have to decide what day. Soon I hope!! Thanks!! dsn
  14. Hey headhunter the same thing happened to my brother. The drivers side wheels ball joint poped and his tire was totally horizontal and pined. This was just before he was about to enter the on ramp to the 401 heading west with my 4 year old neice and my mom with him. Good thing it happened a feet meters away from the on ramp also. Thank God! Jesus dsn
  15. Nothing here yet in Downtown Toronto. But the temps have drop considerably I can feel my finger tips turn ice cold. Just happened a few seconds ago. But I'm glad things will be all done with Friday cause I'm heading out with fish4me for some lakers and white fish hopefully. dsn
  16. Hmmm I wonder what could it be? Snow or major rain? All I know is that I had a dream and I saw dark skys and people running. Hope this dream doesn't come true. dsn
  17. Looks like you had a great time. I'm still waiting dsn
  18. I'm with you northwood, I haven't even touched the ice yet. dsn
  19. Your are in great hands when your on Cooks Bay. Don't worry theres a hut operator out there so the ice is safe. You should see alot of huts out there when your standing on the shore line so you'll know its safe. Like me when i was first asked to go ice fishing.. I was warry too. Hear all kinds of stoires about accidents and all. But when you see the actual picture and when you step onto the ice at this time of year... you'd be amazed at how solid the ice is at 12 inches. I was impressed and amazed. All fear suddenly disappeared and I was having a great time. Mind you your going to cooks bay you'll proably be in 15-28 feet of water. Solid Ice When I'm head out I'm going for 70-80 fow. dsn
  20. As I always said if you walk out on your own... "you're on your own!" If your with an operator they watch your back. dsn stay safe!!
  21. Thats a bummer snag. Too bad I wasn't there I would have pulled out the digital dsn never know I might find yah out there. But then again, we could meet up and fish simcoe. No hassels there.
  22. I'll be going for sure. Either Thursday or Saturday.Not sure about Friday cause I'm supposed to go Ice fishing with Fish4me Hopefully!! dsn
  23. Warning!! Your Smart Cast is not made for below freezing temps!! It's written on the back of your box when you bought it. You will kill it if you do. The sale rep said to me its good for ice fishing too but on the box it says other wise!! Some folks will tell you the same thingy!! dsn
  24. Have a great trip, see yah when you get back!! dsn
  25. Nice fish. I'll be heading up soon also dsn
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