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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. 22 foot Islander by Starcraft Don
  2. N-I-C-E! I'll be there on Saturday to give 'er a go. Job well done David.Now I really can't wait! Don
  3. Sure John - When you put it that way . . . . . . . . . . Don
  4. Great pics - Love the Newfie Trim&Tilt!!! Don
  5. http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_access_pgr_07/index.htm Here's the link Don
  6. Hey Badger Shark - we should be on the bay Saturday afternoon - moving the boat down there and hope to get out fishing for a bit. Look for a 22 foot islander ( blue) with a white camper top - stop by and say hi. Don
  7. Wow!!! That was awsome! Nice job and thanks for the entertainment Don
  8. Do a full winterization - or you'll be re-doing your interior in the spring from the flood. I do mine every year and it takes less then a hour. your furnace will not maintain the temperature and what happens when you run out of propane. Don
  9. Why not look at getting a better prop for your 50 hp - one that will give you a few more mph. It would be alot cheaper then to change motors for 10 hp. just my thinking. Don
  10. Yes - to tired Yes - can't type fast enough and Yes - to old!!! Don
  11. My 50 HP Merc 4 stroke will troll down to just under 2 mph ( gps ) on my 16'3 Tracker but we still used the pail down in Quinte last fall to get us down below 1.5 mph. Don
  12. Yup -I am on there also. Don
  13. Wayne - You had the kind of summer that most of us only dream of - nicely done! Don P.S - Look forward to finally meeting you at the Quinte G2G.
  14. Hey Icefisherman - That Lund that your looking at sure sounds like a sweet ride - And matched with the Honda - can't go wrong. As far as leins go - i was once told by a police officer that I should always have on the receipt that the item is " free and clear of all leins". Make sure that the seller signs it. You could probably do a search at the ministry Hope that helps a little - and good luck with the purchase. Don
  15. Shows in his profile that he was viewing this morning. HEY ROGER! - WHERE ARE YOU LOL Don
  16. As mentioned in the other thread - you can add me and my buddy,Dann, to the list. Looking forward to it! Don
  17. Hey Mike - I'll be bringing my fishing buddy Dann. He was with me last year and is almost as excited about going again this year, as I am. If all goes well - I will be bringing the Islander - got my dock already booked for the weekend! Will add myself to the list. Look forward to seeing you again. Don
  18. We'll be coming in on Friday around noon - hope to finally get to meet a bunch of you guys! We booked the last cottage - all that is left ( as of 5 minutes ago ) is a 2 bedroom motel room. Don
  19. Hey Cliff - I run 30 lb. power pro. Why - cause Irishfield told me to! LOL Your setup should be fine. Don
  20. Awhhh Terry - He gonna hurt you bad!!! LOL Don
  21. That sounds interesting - any idea how much and where one would find one? Don
  22. Hey Marc - Where are you getting gas for a buck a gallon? LOL Don
  23. Nicely done 007. I really enjoyed that and am looking forward to part 2. Don
  24. Hey Congrats - and good luck on the fishing trip. Don
  25. LOL - MTP - ain't gone yet!!!! You see any adds from me selling my Tracker? Told her the best time to sell would be the spring!! Don
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