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Everything posted by discophish

  1. That's why Caledon is so attractive! Good to know your commute time to Woodbridge. Taking 50 from there should be a breeze. We have probably bumped into each other here as well! Don't hog all of that free beer they give out in the square! Now we are getting too close to the inlaws in Barrie if we moved there. Shhh! Keep it down! She may reconsider. So no 410. Take 50 down. Well noted. Thanks Thanks for this information. This is greatly appreciated. We are amazed by the area as well. 50 to 427 or King to the 400. We will try both routes. An hour each way is not bad at all. If you see some guy on your tail all the way to your trout holes, it's me ... now where is my fake mustache We don't have the loud woo-woo's like you have! Kitchener to Newmarket. 15 minute commute! Thanks for the suggestion. We are looking within the triangular parameters of Palgrave/Bolton/Caledon east. I will try the king to 400 route. Want to buy a 118 year old Bathurst/College house to cut down your commute??!! Nice picture! But .. but .. but ... at least the leaves stay on our trees longer than the boonies Looks like yours is about to fall off!
  2. It's been 2 years now at that location. I was going in regularly for a year, but have become a bit lazy and only go in once, sometimes twice a week. You guys from the east need to put on some sun block and head west more often! hehe Planning to drive to work once a week for myself, however, it will be a daily drive for my girlfriend. Funny you mention Maui's. I bought the MJ Sports this past summer and love them! I've been in the immediate area for 11 years now. It's a great area, a lot of buzz and flash, but time to move on.
  3. I hear ya. My girlfriend and her family grew up in Whitby after coming from Edmonton. Try to convince them the west is better! Not a chance, although her parents moved to Barrie and brothers east and west. It's a tug-of-war, but all in fun. I have lived downtown my entire life after my parents came from BC. I think my roots are from the west, so I lean towards there ... especially when the sun sets haha
  4. Thanks! I work at Yonge/Eglinton too! I only check in once a week though, even though I live in Little Italy. I know the head office you are at then because I remember who you work for! I'm just across the street from you, above the PB. I bet we have crossed paths. I know many from the east, and friends with places north of the Kawartha's, but I'm in Parry Sound most weekends at the cottage. I'm shaving off some "warrior" travel time as much as I can. Thanks for the luck! Perhaps we'll bump into each other if we haven't already!
  5. Does anyone commute from the Caledon area to downtown Toronto? If so, can you suggest a route? Let's pick a day without rain or snow, or any other variable that drips more sweat behind the wheel. I know that one route may not be much better than the next, but I am especially curious to know how people are driving to Toronto. Both myself and my girlfriend are plugged by work and home in the downtown core, but have been looking in the Caledon area for a new place to live. We are going to make a few trail runs at different time intervals on various routes next week. It's a weak measure, but the experience will give us a better understanding of the commute for a nine to fiver. Timing is circumstantial, I know. It's weird. All I can think about is how this moving business will cut into my fishing time! I must be mad. I have a "gone fishing" sign instead of a "for sale" sign on my front yard right now. What the heck? Where did that come from?
  6. Amazing! Like I has said before ... pure talent in both fishing adventure and writing skill. Super creative that you combined the evolution of your grade school childhood while using these epic photos to compare how great life actually is, then and now. Sorry about your friend Chuckles. I can relate to some of your sequences ... from the dirt bike, to Twister Sister, moms cigarettes, hockey, bb guns, skating at skate parks apparently many private properties with burly security, Airwalks, Nintendo, Eazy-E ... I was that weird kid you described that ran the 1500m and 3000m ... however, definitely did not hit a kid in a wheelchair! Thanks for bringing back the great memories that many of us here share with you. Life does come around in a full swing, from time to time. It is always there for you pick it up where you left off, if you allow it to.
  7. Congrats to both of you on your 49's!! Loved the read while you captured the excitement during both instances. Those are really nice fish! Wow. I haven't been able to locate a musky in the French yet. My experience has been like your "first few days" you wrote about ... only pike so far. Awesome job
  8. I'm surprised you didn't get the musky on the bass! Hehe Great catch!
  9. Send me a PM if you would like to know some amazing options for camping in the area ... that is if you don't know them already. You will need to bring a canoe and an appetite for some awesome scenery and good times. I'm heading up myself for the next 2 weeks, leaving tomorrow. Hopefully we will get into some big eyes and lakers. If not, we'll definitely have fun trying!
  10. Great report! Thanks for sharing your vacation experiences. I'm not too far from your friends cottage. It's great to a see post from an experience just around the corner. Too bad about the pickerel, but isn't that what keeps you returning year after year?! For sure! You are already looking forward to next year!
  11. Thanks for taking the time with this detailed report on the cameras. Very interesting. I have been studying the side by side comparisons on you*tube and it seems like the GoPro has the advantage over its competitors in terms of picture quality, but you are right, the audio is horrible. I wish GoPro had designed around a lower profile. It's a little cumbersome to say the least. I'm going to give GoPro a chance on the trails. You can also incorporate a 3D system while running 2 cams side by side.
  12. I don't bother fishing the couple of hours after sunset. It's rarely productive. Wait until the next feeding cycle. I have caught my best at night while trolling large minnow baits, flat lining over deep water for the high suspending eyes. You will be surprised what this will bring to the side of the boat. Go big and noisy with the lure selection. Give it a shot and good luck.
  13. When I close my eyes at night, and dream a dream, I can't even come close to creating something as great as this trip. This is insane and all so amazing! As I said before, your knack to capture great composition on disk compliments the way you express it in your writing. Both are equally amazing. Excellent job! Thank you
  14. Your dad is still young to stay strong. Keep strong for him as you know you will.
  15. Probably just a drunken staggering squirrel knocking on every door to the house that is not his ... trying to find his way home in the dark. We've all been there, right?
  16. Awesome report! What a great time with your wife. It great that both of you can share a trip of this nature together, and both have a blast. She was still talking to you after taking the picture of the bar tender? Hehe. Thanks for the post!
  17. Who in their right mind would ever think to chase diamonds in the 'ring of fire' after reading your powerful and inventive methods with words. It is a composition like this that keeps everything pure, in the greatest possible form. The world can politically whirl and twirl around this, and as you say, it may not last forever, but in fact, you have made it last forever by etching this with gracefulness. Thank you for sharing your memories and experiences.
  18. Awesome news! Hang in there everyone and stay strong!
  19. Excellent! Congrats to making it on the production So, your favorite colour is pink, eh? Hehe Some great coverage. Thanks for sharing the episode.
  20. Hey man, awesome report. Gotta luv the Mag. Congrats to your personal best Pickerel! Good job! I was fishing the western waters this past weekend and it was brutally buggy. You guys were super fortunate that the flies didn't buzz your pictures out of focus! Great report and a nice piece of paradise for sure
  21. Good for you! I definitely know how it is. I smoked for 20 years, and have been smoke free for 1 year and 3 months. It will change your life in many positive ways. It's worth everything to do all that you can do to make this happen. Like you said, it will be difficult, but there are things to make it easier on you. You can do it! I used the smokestik to aid my battle. Just knowing that it was there if I needed it played a big mental role. I didn't even use it all that much. It was only used to suppress my moments of increased anxiety. Check it out when you get a chance. Only use this as a quitting aid and not as a substitute, and only when you really need it! Fishing has been great without the smoking! Seriously.
  22. Congrats to your PB pike! What an awesome experience. So fortunate to have some quality equipment on board to take the photos too! Nice job
  23. Hey Will - A very sad time indeed. Very sorry for the loss of your father. Keep strong and hold the great memories that you had with him while he lived with you. You are very lucky to have had such a great fishing partner. Your dad will live on in many forms from this day on.
  24. Well then Wayne, you are obviously not using the Magical Electronic Tennis Racket Bug Zapper Swatter Thingy properly. You have to give it a little more twist of the wrist ... rather then a common swat. And it's all a matter of timing relative to the ZAP button and skitter contact. It just takes practice, but uber fun. Just don't get it tangled in your hair as you hit the button .. it may end up as an unexpected haircut ... and people are going to know for sure that you cut your own hair hehe
  25. My Princecraft almost flipped over and sank to the bottom of the lake! Oh wait a sec ... that was the time when the drift bag deployed in the water at almost full throttle while fastened to the front tow hook ... never mind. Oh yeah, btw ... the drift sock thing. Know where it is! ... seriously <sigh>
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