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Everything posted by workwear

  1. congrads.....that ski looks awwsome cheers pete
  2. cant believe you guys drove home with that trailer.......... talk bout dangering yourselves and the general public!!!
  3. were you in cuffs???............lol
  4. you are talking the one beside the canal?? caution...with the balsam free launch......been a wet summer...seen alot of vehicles get stuck in there......wonder why no one has ever thought of cementing it......
  5. the only thing i might ad is.....bring a paper trail down with you....and dont lie.......customs has a way of finding things out....heard of a few horrow storys regarding customs....second thing if your buyin used.....contact a local marina and get it checked out!!!...compression tests and a leak down test.... also you may want to take into consideration of how to pay for it...their banks dont reconized our banks....and with out acc't numbers being exchanged very hard to wire money.....you can pay it thru pay pal...but that 2 points.....could be alot of money if your talkin big bucks.....if you bring cash....remember legally only 9999.00 is allowed over the border with out declaring it....make sure you have all the angles covered... at customs here in canada youll pay for the gst on the whole purchase and pst on the boat only.....time of regersting the trailer here they will ding you the pst too bad you waited this long as our dollar is takin a beating i think its round 93 cents..... all in all good luck.....
  6. youll love this boat and congrads.........ive had mine for a few years now ...and for all the reasons youve described........ and it handles wonderfully......weve fished 4 in it...and what a stable boat it is.... once again......... WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!!
  7. what happen to the OFC theme song........thought for sure that wouldve been included in the set...........lol thxs for sharing.....you guys sound good cheers pete
  8. thxs guys for all the help.......i have phoned round and managed to find some decent pricing....j and j is probably the cheapest....but all the way out in fort erie.......i think ill just get one from yamaha for a 100.....with the price of gas doesnt really make sense to drive all over... but thxs again to everyone for their input..... oh water bird....did ya get my rods back!!!!! and next time bring the sandwiches...that way i wont brake a prop.....lol.... cheers pete
  9. welcome to the club......... hope it gives you many happy days on the water cheers
  10. glad to see your son kicker yer butt........wtg guys..... glad you had fun.......... maybe its time to learn a few things from him josh......lol..... cheers
  11. hey cranks....i run a 24v on my boat and use a three bank to charge them indiviually...... 2 batteris for the trolling motor and one for my crankin motor hope this helps
  12. i was wondering if anyone knows of a good place to buy props....used or new....for my yamaha kicker...... i hit some rocks....arrrrrrrrrrrgggg thxs pete
  13. so leave the trolling motors alone.......man and i thought this would be easy....lol.....fishin wires isnt fun....but i understand...... ok off to hardware shop.....need longer wires....... i always wonder why it takes me a few trips to complete the task at hand.....anyone else have that problem....lol.... cheers guys
  14. might want to look at those solar panels for recharging............. friend of mine has a medium size one that he keeps on the boat whenever he goes campin.....and he swears by it...... just a thought
  15. i have two batteries tied into my trolling motor....since its a 24 volt set up ...was wondering if i can just hook up my new fish finder to one of the batteries since it runs on 12 volt....or not.......im putting the new fishfinder on the bow .... thxs guys peter
  16. greeting everyone....just wanted to relay a story bout networkin on OFC two or three weeks ago i was reading the thread bout tipping the first mate.....very intresting read....lots of different opinions.......but along came this guy....and he said ..."i wish i could make 10% for every custom home i build....1.9 mil...190k for me"....lol.....funny as it was....i thought id shoot him a pm......told him what i did...custom home painter.....he asked me a few questions.......thru pm.....and said he would call well after a few days he does call says he has an exterior for me to do and if i would be intrested.....sure why not...lets take a look at it so i meet his super on the job....go over a few details with him.....and let me tell you....what an exterior....apperently house has won a few awards.....and what a deck!!!! deck was bout 600 sq ft....made of this ultra heavy tough wood.....epy...pronounced eepay agreed on the price and we were off to the races...... im posting this for a few reasons....although i am very new to this site....i cant stress enough how helpful the board members can be.....this is truly a community....and the friendships one can make are truly priceless a very special thanks to you bro.......GERRITT.......AND.....MARCUS DESIGN cheers peter oh and lunch at ricci's is on me!!!
  17. looking to get another fishfinder....was thinkin of putting it up at the bow.......heard ppl putting the transducer right on the trolling motor...... anyone know if and how this can be done.... cheers pete
  18. just voted for ya joey.....best of luck!!!
  19. hey john......i think josh has fished that lake a few times...maybe you wanna give him a pm......(bassfighter) good luck peter
  20. yes a harbour licence is needed...... always could try simcoe......fish cooks bay.....nice and close...... good luck and congrads
  21. i dont know why so many ppl find that alot of horsepower means consume alot of fuel........yes i understand that a 250 will use more than a 40 lets say......but just becuase you have a 250 doesnt mean you have to put it all out all the time....i have a 200 and have yet to use a full tank of gas in one day.......i spend more getting to the lake than i actually spend on gas when i am on the lake....i dont really use the big motor all day.....no need to ....but a little power is a very nice commodity when skies are crackling with lightening and thunder and ya have to get back to port ....i guess im on the fence here....but i don't think id be paying that much attention to fuel costs when out on the lake....but more so getting to the lake.... just my 2 cents
  22. welcome aboard....... to the greatest fishing community on the net great first post!!! cheers peter
  23. hiya....you could try the public launch at the foot of cooks bay....and if thats too shallow try right up the road at pasadena marina...10 bucks is the cost of the launch.....and a little north of that is crates marina....cooks bay is full of large mouth and pike......just have to find them.....if your looking for smallies....try any of the shoals around the islands......get a good map....not to hard to figure them out..... all the best
  24. very nice looking bass there josh.....and stephen......... i have the opposite problem...my son is always askin me when when when when ...... he even outfished me on wedsday..... kids are funny....but sometimes you cant force your will on them....hey he has different intrests..... hope it all works out for you good to see you had a great day peter
  25. thxs cliff.....i think it worked........
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