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Everything posted by workwear

  1. just wondering if rebuilding the top end would affect the bottom end...i was told that anytime you rebuild the top end of a motor.....the bottom end is soon to follow.....
  2. dont spend money on sticks!!!! trick of the trade use nail polish remover...with an acetone base....if paint comes off...then its latex.... and remeber oil over latex but never latex over oil.....well i shouldnt say never...but its a good rule of thumb
  3. being in the industry for over twenty years maybe i can shed some light on the process of painting.... what you need to get for your walls is 100percent ackrilc...(spelt worng i know...to many fumes over the years) any name brand paint is good...just stick to their top line stuff...benny moore retails for 50 or so ....good product but a little over priced in my view....i like to use para top line or sherwin williams...good products....as for touching up.....all paints are almost hard to touch up....they will all "flash"....if your thinkin of using dark colours for lets say a dining room.....or a less traficc area....use flat....as the pigments in darker colours will make the sheen level rise...i understand in high traffic areas or 'wet' areas thats not a good thing to do use your judgement as for your trim work....i always like to use an oil based product..reason being durabilty factor is awwsome...and also the leveling of the paint is bar none...although latex paints have come along way i tend to use oils as for the prep...sand what ever you paint...i cannot stress this enuf....what you are doin is taking of the original sheen of the old paint and creating a substrate that will adhere the new paint better... as for the trim....take all handles off makes it easier....and if your doin a big job spend a few bucks on a good brush...this makes it easier to work and your job will come out better now keep in mind colour selection...i once painted a 'chinese' red....that took 12 coats...not fun....youll get some colours that require multple coats hell call a professional...... me!!.....lol good luck oh and if you want to save a little on materials...i can set you up be a pleasure
  4. has anyone heard of the program deep freeze....i use it and its awwwwwwwsome.......im not computer savy but i think it works this way.....this program takes a pic of your perfect drive....and everytime you retart it it clears any viruses and returns back to a normal setting.....ya need to partition the drive with all the executables into one area since most nasty things like the executables...and any data that ya want to save will be in the second partition....can be a little pain when wanting to add a new program...but well worth the effort.....i can surf endlessly and never have to worry bout any viruses.....if i get infected.....shut it down reboot to my original hard drive!!! dont know where to get it as my brother BORROWED this program from work....but it is awwwwwsome cheers
  5. helly hansen a few years ago a few buddies and i went to the french river...anyways went to lebarons and purchased a helly hansen.....probably the best ive ever worn.....even at speeds on the boat it was warm not to mention very dry rain jacket...3/4 lenght...ran me bout 80 bucks......still have it ...and will buy anither anytime.....lightweght and it even looks good....lol
  6. did someone say CRACKER???? lund...lifetime hull.......GARUNTEE'D
  7. Just ignore the jerks who don't want to help a new fisherman out. They were new to fishing once too, they seem to forget that. They should be encouraging new fishermen not tearing them down. thats tellin em.......lol
  8. was wondering if the fish look like in good health in the tank at bass pro......i dont think they are.....ther natural colours look like they have all but gone.......i remeber when they first opened up....those fish were real green....now they look bleached.....ill check again tomorrow night....ill be there for my boaters lisence cheers
  9. what a toy!!!.... wonder what this will set ya back.......
  10. and to think i was afraid to open this thread up....what a holw....LOL.......wtg....great post
  11. all im saying is ......there is always a select few that tend to be always negative for whatever reason that is all.... not sorry if i offended anyone!!
  12. its funny how its always the guys are on here with such negative views on everything......what i cant understand is why they dont keep their mouth shut...for good.....this is ;was; a noble idea even if it was on a small scale...it raised awareness to the issue at hand..... but i guess kids will be kids......do us all a favour and you know who you tards are....keep it shut!!
  13. what a great idea....good luck and all the best nice buddy ya have!!!
  14. wow this is one way of keeping GERITT.....quiet......LOL
  15. oh oh ...potty mouth!!!
  16. was wondering if anyone knows of any more fishing shows goin on in and round toronto..... need to stock up on a few things thanks everyone
  17. things??....what extra things????
  18. boy do i envy you.......gonna try some bone fish too?? keep us posted!!!
  19. hilariuos.....i needed that one....... cheers
  20. thxs bro......... cheers great community here........
  21. i was told simcoe has an annual perch derby commin up soon...can anyone shed any light on this....want to take my son out....should be fun...... cheers
  22. well said and cheers..........
  23. when wifey wont go down for ya .....try the torpedo's
  24. just wondering as im am a newbie....why dont marine motors have transmission built into them......just wondering why the need for revving them to these extremes revs.......hmmmmmmmmmm anyone can shed some light on this
  25. 50 bucks a day??...the nerve of some ppl who invest thousands in equipment and pay more in insurance and gas hell i should open a place up and PAY fishermen to use my boats and gas,........the nerve of some of the operators trying to make a buck.....
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