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Everything posted by GBW

  1. FINALLY got it to work for $25 inc shipping....
  2. When I tried the code (5FACE) it came up $89 *edit to change as I just tried to order some again*
  3. It's great to see members still willing to help out
  4. Here's a new fishing blanket for when you cannot get out but want to dream of fishing...
  5. Oh so very true
  6. Quoting for the record...
  7. Can Tire sell's a Mothers brand of deoxidiser that works well. then a clear coat sealer. I swear that there was a post on deoxidiser's not to long ago if you search for it.
  8. email sent on the grubs I have
  9. why not change the name a bit to mepps
  10. Here I thought at 1st I had a massive crappie or perch on as the slip float barely moved and it did such a mild hookset. LOL! After seeing it was a bass I did everything in my power to let it self release but no luck so hence the lay-down on the dock area to let it go.
  11. Yeah I went fishing for crappie and perch today in town where it's open to find me a nickle. No pic's as it was a "lay down on the dock and unhook" type of release.
  12. As per PM. ETA is soon but I have no firm date *edit to add new URL* https://wmlc.ca/ use promo code WMLCGW when ordering
  13. Nice, it will be a bit longer for me to get the boat in and case some fish. Enjoy!
  14. My egg has yet to hatch. waiting on the delivery...
  15. that must have been one big bunny to push that out! Been brewing since 2006 too!!!
  16. NICE GOING! Naw, all us parents have that grin so don't feel ashamed
  17. I cannot even grasp as to why this was done. As the OP said "so much wasted" and I don't just mean the flesh left on these either.
  18. It's his go to rod with that many kids...
  19. Just oredered me a new 2017 Cruse hatchback MT tubro

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GBW


      truck costs too much for gas for my kids weekends and if I need a truck "hey dad can I.."

    3. misfish


      My F150 was brutal. Thats why I went to the Avenger. It didnt cut it. The new Ram sips and I deal with the $100 fill up when on E.

    4. GBW


      However my big boat stays at my folks place and the tinner didn't even see water last year. may put a hitch on the cruse for the tinner tho

  20. Yeah, how did it go is why I cam back to this thread.
  21. also doubles as a jig rod for my daughter should she want to try for a walleye...
  22. I had a 6'6" med fast and went to a 7' med fast action rod so I can cast a bit farther with a bit more leverage and not needing to go to a MH and suites me just fine. And my Med rod I found felt better and a tad bit lighter than the MH of the same size and brand BUT that may have been all in my head too. I just know I like my 7' med fast rod for stick baits cause I can get them farther when needed or more on the spot I truly want when closer to flip it in the pocket. But that is just me...
  23. Wow Leafs, just WOW!

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