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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. nice pic... nice frame too
  2. Fabulous... maybe this can picture be pinned somewhere so we can all use it for other "teaser posts"
  3. Thanks for sharing.
  4. nice fish,.... but I MUST ask this question: What the heck is that yellow gear on your friends face all about? Was he playing hookie from work or something? Inquiring minds want to know
  5. very kewl and interactive between media formats
  6. In times of sadness or struggles, it was suggested to me many years ago to pray the prayer of St Francis. here is a beautiful rendition of it by Sarah MacLachlan Peace be with you and yours. Splashhopper
  7. nice fish,,,, how do u get the boat up the rivers though
  8. < was an early riser.... Dutchy and I were excited to be fishing in our first "tournament". A BIG Thanks to Rich for lending us his tinnie and electric trolling motor Although the fishing was a little slow for the bigger fish, the lake made up for it in lots of small fish.. The crew out there dedicated fundraisers and fishing nuts. Dinner was great.... company was even better... WTG Ryan for putting this deal together and another "atta-boy" to Rich for filling in while Ryan was on holidays. I'll be back for the "2nd annual" fish for a cure tourney. Splashhopper
  9. awesome ... and now I know what to use in the pencil reeds
  10. great fish... wow did the water ever look like a sheet of glass in those pics
  11. If I pick up a used electric motor... (gonna use it on the pontoon boat I just bought initially) what is a reasonable price for one and should it include the battery and charger? I will want to use this for a tinnie in the 10-14 ft range at some future date too if possible. Thanks Splashhopper
  12. Kijiji >>> http://london.kijiji.ca/f-cars-vehicles-AT...s-W0QQCatIdZ171
  13. http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/fish/control_power.shtml
  14. check out the new thread I am going to post in response to this thread. ( hoping it makes it easier to search for others sometime) http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/fish/control_power.shtml
  15. great idea.... maybe add the bait and weather too If you are this organized for fishing, can you get my tackle bag straightened out too
  16. Hey...... what gives... the young guy had the best night of fishing in his life,,, and you gotta be a %#+@& ! about it! what gives. Everyone deserves an atta-boy... even you(maybe) give the kid a break !
  17. I have noticed that shore fishing for bass has taken a serious plunge this last week with all the heat and humidity. I have tried fishing under trees and shrubs by wading into the ponds and rivers to no avail. Was out on the fundraiser yesterday and the fishing was slow for bigger fish... lots of little bass though. So, in this heat and humidity here are a couple of questions: 1) Do the fish head to the deeper sections of the lakes/ponds for cooler temps ? 2) Does the heat make the fish sluggish like most of us humans? 3) Will natural baits be a better option than the artificial in these conditions? Please add any other suggestions you can think of as well. Thanks.. Splashhopper
  18. and here is one about my ex-wife http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAxSodb0ejQ...feature=related
  19. some great pics of the fish bro... thanks
  20. I started releasing most fish I catch this year... I do keep perch and will likely keep a small rainbow or two... the rest go back in the river to swim another day.. It is really "the hunt" for the fish that keeps me pumped up on fishing... not so much the meal. That being said.... Some responses on this thread seem to suggest that the bigger fish have better gene pools... how do they get big in they first place? They have to live..... one way or another they gotta have a chance to live....
  21. I am so amped for this little tournament later this morning... that i can't sleep I went to bed at 11... fell right asleep after working my tail off since 7 am..... Then, I started dreaming about the danged tournament around 1:00 am It's 2:40 am now.... with a ninety minute drive ahead of us.... Sooo... maybe I will be doing a little "pre-fishing".... I might as well go over to the 24 hour grocery store and grab some fruits and stuff... Drive down to the tournament and have a nap at the launch..... hopefully someone will notice a little idiot sleeping in his van with a fishing rods sticking out the window and wake me up. lol splashhopper
  22. should be no problem.... UNLESS she turns the heat on too soon after the self leveling compound was poured. This also pertains to any thinset used to set the tiles. wait at least 30 days to turn the heat on in the floor. If she doesn't... she risk the possibility of the leveling compound "powdering out" Splashhopper aka www.TheGroutDoctor.ca
  23. great pic... wtg go little one
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