Opening week finally arrived. I have been dreaming about bass smashing my topwater lures for a few weeks now.
My plans for heading north got waylayed at the last minute and I was just a little bummed out. But after reading another report here this week on Urban fishing I adjusted my attitude and went with what I could do.
Sleep was almost non-existent Friday night until about 5 am sat when I finally fell asleep " for just a few more minutes".... Yeah right... 7 am... shiiite.... I am LATE
Jumped in the truck and wouldn't ya know it... a LINE UP @ TIMMIES on a Saturday morning
Relax ron.... relaaax,.. the fish will still be there... lol
I went to "my local " honeyhole and tied on the ScumFrog( black).
Five minutes later and KERSPLASH,.... he missed it.. Who cares.... I saw it.... my blood was pumping.....
A few minutes later.... another one goes for my black frog..... This time i was TOO EXCITED and didn't wait to FEEL the fish... Winter rust in the topwater technique
Moving on to another access spot.... i toss that frog back out to some lilypads.... KRUNNNCH..... MISSED again
The good news is that I think I have the right colour frog on.... on cloudy days at this reservoir I always use black.
I decided to walk a ways and try another spot that has produced for me consistently. On the way to that spot I have to walk across a long boardwalk....Just for the helluvit I stopped and tossed the frog in to six inches of water near a log that was justting out from some bushes at waters edge... Just as the frog came down on the near side of the log.... KRRUNCH.... I wait... one thousand, twothousand.... SET THE HOOK.. FISH ON !.....
I get it on deck.... I AM NOT SKUNKED for the opener...
It wasn't my biggest Largie by any stretch at this location.... who cares... I am not skunked..
It's amazing how much the fishing seems to get better when the pressure of that first fish is off my back.
Here are a few more from the topwater opener:
That frog took a beating :
And this one felt a LOT BIGGER that it was.... no wonder... i pulled its body weight in weeds in with it
And here was the largest for the weekend.... the pic doesn't do it justice... it was a real fattie... I really need to figure out how to make my arms longer when using my blackberry for pictures:
Thank goodness I read that other URBAN FISHING report this week