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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. As a guy that "lives on the internet" most days, I am wondering about accessing the net in rural and cottage areas. When I had a trailer in Bayfield, we could get connected ( poorly might I add) to the park's connection. It was fair on the best of days, and next to impossible on the worst. If you live in a rural area or have a cottage around Georgian Bay and or the Huntsville region, what do you do for internet access?
  2. They have shots for that
  3. Never thought of that, and I already have a 2x6 at the front of the racks to hold the bow of the boat off the roof
  4. The more beer I drank, the more I forgot too
  5. That looks pretty simple to make. Now my next question is how to lift the boat on to the roof of my van when I am solo. I drive a Dodge Caravan and am not the tallest guy on the block I am thinking of just putting a heavy blanket on the side of the van at the sliding door and sliding it up on to the racks that way. Unless of course there is an "OFC-Solution" to this little dilemma too. Thanks again all. Splashhopper
  6. Love your reports keep em coming
  7. On a positive note: March 8,1998 was the day before my youngest child was due to be delivered(scheduled c-section on the 9th). My wife and my oldest child went out for our last supper together as a threesome. It was sunny Sunday afternoon and we were only gone from 4-5pm. When I was opening the front door of the house I saw two punks running out the back door ! I immediately blocked my wife and daughter and told them to get back in the car. Then ran in to the house and grabbed the phone and dialed 911. As I did this, my wife and daughter came in to the house to see what had happened and i told them that I think we were robbed by the punks that i saw. Then I saw one of them hi tail it down our driveway between the house and i went after him. I dialed 911 again, but this time on my cell phone and told them i was gonna run the bugger over if i caught him. By the time I got to the end of the street the punk was gone. As i was turning around I could hear sirens coming our way. Police and ambulance were dispatched ! I must have told them my wife was HAVING the baby too ! It turns out that because I had visual on them, they prioritized our call and also sent the k9 unit The k9 officer immediately told me that we had been hit by pros ???? huh ( wires were cut from TV's and stereo and computers etc and all the windows were open on March 8) Needless to say, we were very shaken by all this and thoroughly distraught by such a horrible violation just before the biggest day of my life ( birth of my only natural child). It was a horrible night for us. We all slept in the same bed and just cried our older daughter to sleep. (They stole her video collection as well and all my wifes jewelery but somehow missed a bag of the weekend deposits from our store right on the coffee table) At 6:00 am the next morning my father arrived to watch the house for us. And a few minutes later, two service men showed up to secure the house. They showed us a police report and were wearing name tags. We called the insurance company to confirm that they were supposed to be there ! When we got to the hospital, there were flowers waiting for us from the insurance company The nurses already knew what we went through the night before as well. It turns out that the K9 officer took it upon himself to call our insurance company that night after he finished his shift. ( i was wondering how they knew already since i hadn;t called them yet) There was also more flowers delivered while our baby was being delivered. That same officer again ! I cannot say enough this am about that experience with the London Police services and that particular officer. ( i never did remember to get his name and have long lost the report to find it.) It was because of his thoughtfulness that alot of the tension was lifted that morning. And it was from my wife's true sense of what i RIGHT in our world when she rolled over to me and quietly said as the doctor tolf us what our child was: " Honey, everything we lost last night, God just gave us back this morning". Thank you God for my wife and that officer as I am not sitting in a jail cell today doing time over killing a PUNK ass robber.
  8. You forgot my drunken buddies.
  9. Sounds like a simple idea. I would appreciate that ... thanks
  10. last Friday on Erie
  11. I Googled them already and was quite surprised at the cost of those and similar ones. I am hoping some handyman boater here has made something up that will work as well. Thanks though.
  12. Most times this year I have been out fishing on my own and I have recently purchased a 12 ft tinnie. It isn;t as light as my Sportspal canoe though..lol I am wondering if there is a way for me to mount two wheels on (removable) on the transomme to allow me to wheel it around when loading and unloading it from my van roof. If anyone has pics of their set up, that would be great to see too. The tinnie is easy to lift with two ppl. Thanks Splashhopper
  13. great pics.... i couldn't even coax a carp to grab my worm today! lol
  14. Does that make you a one of the mentally challenged that your brother mentioned above then
  15. that's pretty kewl of your mom.. But somehow I think she is paying you back with those whistles when you brought up the topic of one of those medi alert ropes to put around her neck
  16. $270.00 CAD ? Huh I have to replace the transom on my little tinny soon. The piece that is their now is approximately 8" x 48" x 1" with a section in the middle that is extended down and is about 10"x10" Could I use some hardwood that I have left over from a job and put about 8 coats of laquer on it instead?
  17. HMMMMM? I wonder what THAT means ?
  18. It sounds like you are going to do do the right thing no matter what. I got rear ended by a lady two summers ago. She hit my 99' Grand caravan and buckled the sub frame on it. Insurance offered me 950 bucks for my van. I said NO! Fix it.... I did NOT have to get three quotes! I have the right to get it fixed at the shop of my choice. I took it to a shop that I have dealt with in the past and the bill was gonna be 1250 to fix it. I gave the quote to the insurance company. They said the van was not worth 1250. I said, what can I buy for 950 to replace my van ! We settled at 1050. I had the sub frame pulled and welded. Took the trailer hitch off it and drove it for another 30k. Do the right thing,, pay for the ding that you caused... you don't know the guys situation and he didn't cause the accident.
  19. I think every young guy in Perth county got hair cut from Jikky at one point
  20. Is her name "jikky" by any chance and is she still cutting hair in Stratford
  21. hmmmmmm.....is that meter one of those new lithium powered ones that u re-charge so u can drive in more screws
  22. i have been xrayed numerous times for my lungs.... I am very susceptible to pneumonia the ONLY advice i can give you is this: Let the DOCTOR'S do the research and YOU do the fishing.... if they wanted u in earlier, they would have called your internet provider and cut off your "research tool"
  23. I divorced my hairdresser.... i now consider that marriage a $2800.00 lease.
  24. i hit a little trib in London this afternoon... fished out of the sun under a bridge,,,, used my light action rod and a very small jig and grubbie... LOT's of rock bass and one 1/2 smallie.... even under the bridge was toooo hot.... but the fishies wouldn;t let me leave
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