u call THAT nudity! dammm ....
The last time I went to Pottahawk point( 25 yrs ago) there was full frontal nudity... women included and all the booze you could handle
Looks like you had fun though Dan.
Glad you got your tackle back too...
I got a couple more pike in the 20-28 inch range this weekend,... lots of fun...
but this AM, i LOST TWO right at my feet ... well over 30 inches each
they literally stood on their tails and "walked" away while spitting the treble hooks right back at me..
I had rigged up some 10 inch chubs with a hook through the bottom lip and a stinger hook between the lower fin and the tail.
This has worked fine for the others I caught except for these two
I even got one of the big buggers untangled from some exposed tree roots and was dragging him on to the muddy bank.
( no net with me )
How long should I play these things out for... it seems they play possum right to the shore and then KABOOM... they are outa here.... I don;t want to over work them either.
Any suggestions?
We have a lot of hay and it is a cheap and renewable resource...
Can you imagine, they could get 2-3 crops of fresh hay and keep shipping it down there and not use anymore chemicals to clean up the chemicals !
I can't believe how SIMPLE this solution is to containing the oil that is already loose on the Gulf Coast.
This could contain the loose oil in the Gulf Coast until they figure out how to cap that well.
Please pass this on to anyone you can think of that will help this idea go Viral.
I just followed my nose and intuition down a few roads from my Mapart book..
The guy who taught me to fish always said:" You can't catch a fish reading up about them on the internet. You gotta get the line wet sometime" ! lol
I caught this yesterday and am stumped as to what it is.
It has the spots of a brown but could also be a speckled or a rainbow?
It was caught on the Sydenham river if that helps.