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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. scroll down to " for those about to get divorced" post ...
  2. wow... nice cats... the cats that i have caught are yellow on the top with white bottoms.. (only "dink" size too! lol) are their different types of cats.. or are they just adapting to the colour of their particular waterbody?
  3. ummm... what pics?
  4. Another fishin musician
  5. nope.. i heard it on a Country and Western station on the weekend up at the lake. .. .while my wife and daughters were in Toronto this weekend
  6. For a lot of my fishing near fallen trees, submerged shopping carts, submerged picnic tables and bridge pilings, I use 50-65lb PowerPro mainlines combined with rigs tied with 20lb mono/Fluoro or 20-30lb braid. MJL.. u GOTTA get out of the city brother! Come on down to London anytime and i will take you to a GREAT carp river with NO "accessories". lol
  7. Turn your speakers on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3Plt8DyMk...feature=related
  8. umm..."i don't know the wind just kinda pushed me that way"! lol
  9. saw this on another board >>
  10. welcome aboard. Mind my ignorance, but what is that fish in the second picture please? Splashhopper
  11. sign me up ! looks like a BLAST
  12. Welcome back to the board. Lots of bass in the Maitland and Bayfield rivers for you to smoke.
  13. nice fish.... and story too.
  14. ada boy.. DAD !
  15. Ummm that fish is bigger than my bass WTG in the persistence department too.
  16. 1: Use a girls hair tie to secure the end of our rod tip to the handle when broken down for transport. 2: Bring a whistle when ice fishing up river alone and you get in trouble.( ie: the cell phone doesn't work when wet from falling through the ice) 3: Bring a NEW lighter in the tackle box to start a fire to stay warm ( or ahve a shore lunch)while river fishing in the fall and winter.
  17. well worth the read. not sure why the fish were OFF totally though. Strange
  18. The winds were coming from the south and I was fishing the north shore.( suggested by people here on other posts) I am not sure what the barometric pressure direction was, but i do know I get headaches when it is rising and i had one all day too. No one else on te shores were getting anything and the boats that were coming in because of the wind all gave us the thumbs DOWN on their outings too.
  19. I was up on the Maitland river Friday night and the fishing was awesome.. Landed 22 smallies in two hours. Lots of fun. Got my PB smallie (21")>> And I am thinking , "wow, i have the trailer all to my self this weekend, I can fish my brains out"! Get up Saturday am, and head back to the hole I fished the night before. Notta,, nothing for an hour. So i move down the river.... same thing.. nothing. I did this for two more hours.. Not even a bite?? The weather channel was calling for Thunderstorms and high winds for the afternoon( Sat.). The wind was coming in from the south and bringing a LOT of humidity with it.( Light sprinkle of rain came.) My question is: Do the fish some how sense a storm front is coming and just shut down and stop feeding? Thanks for some insight in to this. Splashhopper
  20. yep, she has "the bug". I am taking her up to the Maitland river next weekend for our first ever daddy and botbot ONLY weekend away together. If the weather holds, we will be walking the river to 4-5 holes I know of and have some kind of a shore lunch. (even if it is the "surprise" hotdogs I will be sure to pack. lol) She already has her camera ready and is telling her friends about it. Let's hope the weather holds for her. Splashhopper
  21. I am new to carp fishing too and just use my trout rod along with my spinning real. i use 6lb test line. # 6 Laser hooks Bread with corn or peanut butter and keep an eye on that line and rod. Hang on brother, cause when u hook into a big one, you will wonder why u never went after these "bottom feeders" before. This board has been a great source of info for a novice like me. Good luck and post lots of pics when u get em. Splashhopper
  22. Well I finally got a chance to take my daughter,Botbot, fishing for smallmouth bass today. It was windy as heck out and we were trying to float fish,but was difficulty working that method out with her. So, I decided to introduce her to bottom bouncing. She got really excited when she felt the first BUMP on the line. She didn't give the pole a tug as she was sooo excited to feeel that fish. lol We reeled it in to check the bait and then i cast it back out for her. THIS time she is REEEEAAAAAADY! ... nothing.. for a minute or two and she says her arm is getting sore holding the pole..lol As she turns to look at where the noise behind her came from, she gets a hit! And this time she tugs it. FISH ON DADDY! About a one lb smallie.. (nice eating size) Two blue gills later and she is really getting to like the "bottom bouncing now". lol And then, whammo,, FISH ON! She is PUMPED. This fish was slightly smaller but waaay scrappier than the one earlier. And here she is with her first bass >> Then she says: "Daddy, when can i go to the Maitland river to catch one like you did on Friday night"? I say, FIVE more SLEEPS! Good luck sleeping Botbot. Splashhopper and Botbot PS. Botbot = "pretty little girl" in Tagalo(Filipino)
  23. wtg on bambi eh ! and nice fish too.
  24. WTG "little" sinker ! Keep on fishing
  25. Pronounced "Te-MAWG-a-mee" (the word is Ojibway for "deep water by the shore"). this place has lifted the spirits and captured the imagination of generations of indigenous peoples and for traders and trappers and fishermen and naturalists and painters and poets and photographers and film-makers and tourists. How about name like: The-"hawg"- N-mee? And they only get the trophy AFTER they write a paragraph or two about the details of catching that fish. ( maybe start a log book to go with the trophy?)
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