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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Interesting you say that about us not catching them and they do. I was blown away again by her ability to see the hits on her line when i couldn't. I think i need to egt my eyes checked soon. She says she wants to go fishing with me again, so we are gonna try to make Monday nights a weekly deal for her and I while she recovers from her Taekwando injury.
  2. WTG brother... look out.. u might get hooked on carp, and the scrap they can put up, too.
  3. my daughter smoked ME TOO today...AND it was her FIRST time fishing EVER. can't wait to go again with her.
  4. ummm... check out "my daughters first catch" posting
  5. Today was Chanelle's first time fishing. What a start she had ! This is the first fish she ever caught. It was approximately 33" long and 20-25 lbs carp caught in Black Creek off of Lake Erie today. She caught it on a "$13.00 kids special" fishing rod/reel combo from Walmart with a #10 size hook and a bread ball with corn. The fish was so large, it almost pulled her in to the river. She only weighs 52lbs and the fish was approximately half her weight ! Chanelle hooked the fish and due to the the splint on her left hand( from a broken bone in her last Taekwondo tournament) she had to ask for some help from me. She yelled for help and handed the pole to me with EXPLICIT instructions not to lose the fish daddy. She encouraged me along like an experienced fishergirl! Chanelle got the net out and tried to lift the fish up, but could not. It was just tooo heavy ! Needless to say, she wants to go fishing again real soon ! An hour or so later, she caught a second one, all by herself, about half the size of this one and bigger than the ONLY one I caught today! waaahhh.... And she is still rubbing it in my nose as I send this to you all. God bless Chanelle and Ron Hunter PS.. she wants to know if she can be an honorary member of Team 8 too? Here is a second pic to give you an idea of the length and girth of this fish >>
  6. bumped again
  7. bumped again... lets see if we can get the whole board to take a few minutes out of our day and get a little different perspective on our own lives at this very moment in time. This guy is an powerful example of spirit and grit.
  8. Sure puts my life in perspective It is pretty amazing how he adjusts his own lures and such with those kind of phyical limitations ! Maybe we can all say a prayer,each in our own way, for this guy to make the cut in one of the tournaments he enters this year. Thanks for the post. God Bless Splashhopper
  9. what temp should i be looking for the perch to start up in Pt Stanley area? thanks splashhopper London,ON
  10. i think iwas getting a "little excited" with the hits tonight as i had my little girl with me and I really wanted to get one on the line for her try and bring in... I kept trying to set the hook like it was a rainbow.... too quick on the draw i think ? the two i got on though did just as u both said, grabbed the bait and raaaannnnnnn! lol i am gonna try again on Wednesday and friday night for a few hours. right now i am just using bread balls and am getting lots of hits... no corn balls yet,,, might try "spam" too! lol any thoughts for these Lake Erie trib carp ?
  11. so until i can get all rigged up like a delta fighter from the US army, can i just use a tippet light for my rod at night?
  12. took my daughter out tonight for a couple hours. Had two on.. one wrapped me right around a log.. had to cut the line... as he wasn't moving back second one ran straight under some brush on the opposite bank... got me all tangled up in them How big were they? i But i do know, my daughter wants her own pole now and she thinks this was "fun daddy". when can we go again daddy ? cool
  13. which side of the pier are they catching the perch from and what are they getting em on. thanks splashhopper London,ON
  14. Electronic alarms? swingers and hangers? sounds like a porn movie from the deep south? what the heck are ya saying brother? splashhopper
  15. when night fishing for carp, do u use a light on the tip of your rod to let you know u have a hit? Or some other set up ? thanks splashhopper
  16. I thought the same thing Kevin... now I KNOW what these guys "see" in em.. great fight... not as tough as a big rainbow,, but one helluva tug on the 10.5ft rod and 6lb test line ! No special skills required either I caught this one and two more same size on a # 10 hook and bread ball Kneeded up real tight on a weightless line. I remembered the others here saying to let the carp take the bait and go with it for a bit before setting the hook. GOOD ADVICE as i got a little excited on the first three hits I had. lol Give it a try man,,, they are FUN !
  17. Went early morning fishing last Sunday. Had my line set up and sat down on my chair to watch the float for a few minutes in an isolated hole off Lake Huron when i hear this noise at my feet.. These little Canada geese gosling's had nestled up to my boot. After looking around for their parents for a while, I picked em up and put em inside my raincoat, shivering their little brains out. Within a few minutes they were fast asleep. A short while later a guy i fished with a few times shows up. I show him the goslings in my jacket and he asks what I am gonna do with them. I was thinking of taking them to my friends farm just down the road when he said his wife is an animal rescue volunteer and if i was OK with it, he would take them to her. No problem for me. They were all his. ( his wife called me later that day to reassure me that they would be looked after.) So much for the raccoons and fox's dinner this time. splashhopper
  18. 26" carp out of a trib on Lake Erie >>> might do this again, eh ! lol
  19. early morning fishing two weeks ago>>> 1:00 am fishing...note the look of "casper" holding this one...lol and a 4:00 am pic I had to take as my friends went home to bed!
  20. Not sure if there is carp in Pt Dalhousie but it does EVERYTHING you requested for "the perfect swim".
  21. up until recently i had an 05 Honda Element 4x4. Ia lso have a wife and two children. That vehicle was good on fuel, TON'S of room and a good ride for it's size. ( i put 40-50k/year on a vehicle) I understand the 07 has a little more power in em too. Take one for a test drive with the kids.. u might be pleasantly surprised. Splashhopper
  22. I went to a local tackle shop last night to get some pickeral rigs for perch fishing this weekend. This shop owner has been very helpful with me for the past six months, so i have no beef with him. I mentioned to him that i was going after pike and muskie in two weeks with some friends and asked about tackle and such. He also suggested a stiffer rod than my 10.5' trout rod and said that the heavier lures for the musky could snap the top half of my rod in the casting procedure. Does this make sense? I mean, I have landed a 14lb rainbow on my current outfit and it put up one helluva fight. I do realize i will need a differnent type of line due to the teeth on this particular fish and have purchased braided 10lb line with a couple of different wighted wire leaders to go with that as well. Any thoughts or suggestions for a second setup (if needed) is appreciated. Thanks again. Splashhopper
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