I had a chat with my local CO when I was keeping fish.. I was told that the unofficial version is nobody really cares... but that ANY fish in the tank are considered part of your possession limit... of all the fish I kept the small gar pike was BY FAR my favorite. Watching him/her eat minnows was absolutely fascinating.
Rock bass and Sunfish are very easy to keep, (You can get them to come right up and eat the worms out of your hands. Monique had them trained.. they new when they saw the white worm cup, it was feeding time.. they were pretty smart.). catfish too.. the rest are tough, pike keep bumping up against the glass , pickeral, perch and bass don't last at all. Mudpuppies.. are awesome!! (till they crawl up in the filter. I had two small ling that actually crawled outta the tank, we never did find the one.. lol maybe he made it back to the lake.
and if you have bass in the tank... make sure your pleko.. umm is bigger.. gulp.... or you'll be buying a bigger one.
the best thing i learned with those fish is that when they are not hungry... they are just not hungry. it was fun to watch a bass swim around with a 6 inch worm draped over his nose and not be in the slightest bit interested. I dont know much about fish, but i did learn alot while watching them feed... like 90% of the time they take the minnow head first!