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Everything posted by Moosebunk

  1. Nice meeting you too Sheriff. And Wayne we'll get out one of these days. Could have just been my lucky day, could have been the lure, something worked for me on the water that one day though. Won't be showing off my creation... be keeping it for next time.
  2. Been awhile. In fact, haven't been out fishing since November 3rd. Could say I was a jonzing for a tightline and a tug tug. Before Xmas one wednesday morning me and the girls loaded ourselves into the skidoo taxi (covered box sled pulled by a Bravo) and made our way to the Moosonee airport..... ....From there we were in Toronto in about 4 hours and then in the Ottawa valley by supper. Next two days were nuts with shopping. We had many to buy for, family, kids, friends, ourselves... it was done quick but done nonetheless. Sparing you the details of what others were given I'll just show the few odds and ends I picked up for myself. Remember, I don't get out shopping too often. I arrived at an Ottawa store and there was a fella goes by Plowjock waiting behind the counter. In his hands he was polishing up a litte ultralight reel. "Gidday Plowjock" I says, "What's ya got there?" With a gracious hello and how-do-ya-do he says, "Well Bunk, I remember how you were saying last time down you were looking for an ultralight reel, this here one is on sale for $68 bucks off." Taking a look I'm instantly entranced by the spectacle of rainbow colors. The aura of this foreign Quantum reel pretty much possessed me and I found myself saying to Plowjock, "OK, box it, but don't tell Bren when she comes in. And now, let me take a look at this Abu reel here too (pointing at another prize) cause it's what I came for." Days went on, and even until after Xmas I continued to pick up odds and ends. Went over to Bowzog's in Stittsville and picked up a couple interesting things in his shop. Besides lures there I nabbed my first copy of Big Jim's ragazine, and after absorbing some of it's interesting content found the paper to be quite environmentally friendly and reusable. And here's those odds and ends I picked up for the pike and walleye fishing of 2007. Could say I spoiled myself a little. Weekend went on and by Xmas eve the Moosebunk's finally got down to the true meaning of it all. Next couple days were filled with an ear infection for one, Croup for the other, lethargy, gluttony and increased bowel stimulation for me, sleep deprivation for everyone, and a jolly fat uncle in a red suit. Holy God we loved pretty much every minute of it still. By Boxing Day I couldn't find any Boxing on TV so around 10pm I met up with Ransome and we headed out of town to meet up with MuskieMagnet, RJ and Birdee and we then got our butts on the road for an overnight drive to get to our fishing destination. Ransome and I had plans to fish with Salmon from his boat for the next 2 1/2 days. When we all met at the launch the morning of the 27th at 6:30am we were quick to find Salmon had a little boat trouble. Trying to get things resolved Salmon made the decision to go for help. Shorebound, Ransome and I sunk a little into the shoreline mud in despair. Seeing others all around fishing though, Ransome and I lifted ourselves up best we could a took a few casts. Not long after, Ransome gets himself a fish. A tough bow, a good looking bow, and a bow that's been going strong and will keep going strong despite the chunk out of his tail. Took Salmon but a couple hours and he returned to us at the launch with the "thumbs up" and the "all systems go." Boarding the Legend we put the hammer down to the lake, drive right out into 8 footers with the odd 10 foot rogue wave, I turn green in like 5 minutes despite the Gravol, we can't keep the lines where we want them and so we hightail it back to the river, fish an hour or so then call it a day. That night I keep everyone up with my roaring snoring. Early December 28th we're on Lake O by 6:30am. The waves are tolerable 4-5 footers and as the day progresses the conditions turn to a beautiful calm. Water clarity though..... a bust. Things turned dirty overnight and fishing for many became tough. For me, I had the right touch, the right Captain, and the right lure. And so in due time it began..... #1. #2. After 2 lakers I felt the tug of an unfamiliar fish. The fight was strange to me. Bulldoggish a wee bit like a laker, but wily like a brookie. I says to me Capn' Salmon and co-pilot rightwinger guy Ransome, "This ain't no laker." And, it wasn't. It was in fact a brown trout. The first brooooonie I's ever caught. Shheeeeesh, I was some plum happy with myself. Smiled so big you can see all the gaps in my teeth. After the photoshoot Ransome threatened mutiny. The rest of the boat was going fishless and they both wisely attributed that to my special homemade lure. I only had one spare in the tacklebox and unfortunately for both of them it wasn't for borrow. So with my lure I continued on.... After this fish I hooked into a monster near the end of a pass Capn Salmon and crew were finding decidedly productive. Three solid headshakes then a peel and snap, gone was the lure. No needing to fret I put the back up on, and just after, Salmon gets a fish. Happier than a pig in poop that made him. Some relief for me as well for I missed an earlier fish of his when making a poor attempt with the net. Nearing the end of the day with the sun beginning to settle I couldn't help but catch just one more for the road. A nice one too. Back at the hotel forecasted winds out of the east 20km pretty much decided our fate for the last day of the trip. No more fishing. As luck would have it for me though, after having a wicked awesome day on the water, I'd have a wicked awesome night at the Poker table. Surprised a few friends I think by doing some winning. All in all, fantastic holiday with friends, family and fishes all over the greater southern parts of Ontario. Can't way to trip down there again. Next report will be on ice.
  3. Chris S, sorry to hear this fella. Cancer diseases everyones lives one time or another and it's never easy. As long as there are free radicals there will be the individuals potential to become cancerous. Sucks.
  4. Great year Terry . Good luck with 07
  5. Wellllllllllllll wellllllll wellllllllll Thanks a bunch ya'll who vote they like the reports from the north. Haven't been out for a fish since Nov.3rd but that'll all change soon and I'll try and get something up for your reading pleasure.
  6. A few favorites of the year would be Dano's Kesagami trip with his father, DanC's hosting and brook/lake trout extravaganza (lol) on Nipigon, and Sandy and KC's sturgeon trips. There were numerous other great reports over the year, but right for the moment it's those that stick out because I love pike and Kesagami, brookies and sturgeon. lol. A fella that goes by Phishfinder who may not be a poster here is one who I look out for. Spirit of adventure and the telling of the tale are his specialities. A good number of folks here should give themselves a big pat on the back. Quite a year for catches, memories and online posts. Keep at it gang, as there's no better entertainment than a steady stream of people reporting their fishing experiences as they live them.
  7. There's certainly a good few quality characters I'd share some time with. Which ones would likely know who they are.
  8. I might make a move to Nipigon once I leave this lair of muck and spruce. Thanks Dan, great show
  9. Keeping them.... feel bad.... nope. Couple falls back though I released a pike of 36", thought it was ready. Nope. By the time I pulled up anchor, turned and chased it, it sank in the fast murky current of the Moose. I felt semi-bad.
  10. Dan promises to take me fishing for a weekend and I'll behave too, 98.3% of the time. Ahem, Dan.... this is your cue.
  11. Love the avatar. That's some funny stuff. Glad I could help you rediscover your roots.
  12. What you don't realize is CCM is a Hobbit who dwells down in the Shire near the River Gumbleberryhumdingerwalleye. The fish are only 4lb'ers but in his Hobbit hands look lke 14.5's. See, if you note he only has 3 fingers...... Hobbit for sure.
  13. Those pike have more girth than Mepps. Looks like a half decent vacation spot.
  14. Steve finally went...... TO WORK. lol. I know he'll see this still. haha, kidding around Steve, but not. lol.
  15. I have this woman, once told me she doesn't like shrimp. Had never tried them and they just didn't interest her. She preferred goose. I made her eat a few garlic shrimp off the BBQ, even dipped it in the seafood sauce. And now, she'd have me cooking them every week if she had her way. Didn't think ice fishing interested me either.... until this started happening in my second year.... Now I find ice fishing quite interesting.
  16. Melaluca (sp) is a newer organic thing being put into some creams coming out of Australia. It's harmless, like aloe. Look into it more if you like. It helped very much with two very pale white kids up here. Your boy is a cute lad, great Xmas pic.
  17. Pretty good year for sure LungeLarry. Although you wouldn't know it from your pics. Seems none of those fish could make you even crack a grin, let alone, a smile. 2006 ain't over, so can't possibly post any pics here with one great last trip yet to come.
  18. Gerritt, If you're looking to try different remedies for what is "likely" a type of dermatitis partly related to your sons developmental stage, but, could be a hereditary or environmental issue here are my thoughts. Your son is teething I can see. If he is a thumb sucker, finger biter or blanket in mouth while sleeping drooler, he is keeping moisture to the outside of his face longer than normal, and, because "babies skin is sensitive" (like the commercials so truthfully say) he is causing either a contact dermatitis, heat rash, a fungal type of dermatitis very much like diaper rash, or, a combination of all. Either that, or he has eczema (often hereditary form of dermatitis) First and easiest medical treatment is..... Vaseline or any Glaxal based ointment applied sparingly to the face a few times daily. If no relief see your family doctor and they may possible prescribe creams or ointments with hydrocortisone. Cortate is a commonly used medication for dermatologic conditions. It is not an OTC medication so you will likely need a prescription. Anything med treatments like this and you should always see your doctor first. I do not know your sons medical history, they should, and they should know what is safe. Some new things are on the market, other advice can be given, but, I can't get into any trouble with this public and common medical advice posted here. I don't need my butt sued if things don't work out.
  19. Bought the wife an engagement ring. Just a little diamond people called the "Hope Diamond...?" Then she wanted this new cottage. I just about blew my top when she asked for a new fishing boat too... but, anything for my baby. 2006 set us back a little, but it was worth it.
  20. TJ, I've used a new Strikemaster and it was quicker than my Jiffy I'd say. Last year used a Husqavarna too. Thing was quiet, sleek, but after about 20 holes after just being taken out of the box, the guy bent the auger shaft on the thing. Not understanding this he kept drilling and burned the thing right out. It was insane. I like my 10" Jiffy. I hope to sometime find someone whos motor has gone and I can pick up the 6-8 or 9 auger extension and add that to my collection. Had to buy the 10 last year for pulling up big pike and bending them into the holes in 1 foot depths.
  21. 19 years in Perth. 5 years in Ottawa 2 years in Attawapiskat 5 years in Moose Factory. maybe 3 more years in Moose Factory, then probably about 15 years in the Ottawa Valley, then back to here, over to there, and travel just about everywhere.
  22. Funny ya bring this up today Doug for the past couple nights I've been storing destinations in my "favorites" for Ontario Pike, Brookies and Arctic Char (all separately) but was thinking I need a laker section for way down the road. Bumped into a few good different spots for ya, and already am aware of some others. Neultin Lake Selwyn Lake Plummer's Great Slave and Great Bear Kasba Lake Kluane Lake Athabasca Lake Anyone of them and you'd be fishing world class waters all with world class lodges. Except Athabasca, not sure...? As for Ontario.... outside of some of the Great Lakes and Nipigon.... well, I haven't really researched it. Lac Seul may have opps with all inclusive. Big Trout Lake I remember has an outfitter with an all inclusive package, and surely some great remote laker fishing, but, trying to find the website again just last night after seeing it a year or so ago, well, I couldn't. I think Nipigon for June would be prime. If considering that lake I have a link I'll pm you for something interesting to consider.
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