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Everything posted by anders

  1. whatever happened to just a small pail with a net, or even using the bag still? Anything for a buck!
  2. what the price comparison between that the vex, and the marcum? I know i could go and look it up, but its early and im tired lol.
  3. Well its official...im tired of shovelling that white Stuff already! We are getting hammered again, and i think after this is done we are going to have more snow now that we did at the end of January last year. I have shoveled my driveway 5 of the last 7 days Yeah i know... but I am getting depressed...and tired. Anyone else feel like this.
  4. Great Point! There is no catch and release in hunting. Very interesting. has me thinking more about the topic.
  5. Great pics! Good Job. The fish in the second pictures? Is it clipped? It looks like its missing the right pectoral?
  6. Great Topic, and well responded! If i were to catch a world record, or one in the area of the world record, personally i would take it with me, no matter what the species. Not to offend people, but just my opinion. Trophy fish, not the world record fish. I have two on the wall, 1 walleye, and 1 pink (male in spawn mode, quite beautiful). However i caught them when i was in then first few years in high schools, and didnt know any better. If i were to catch a tropphy of each i release after a quick pic. Actually any walleye over 4 lbs goes back know, but i degrese. If i catch a trophy and not a record, they go back, and if i choose i have the pics for a replica if i want. It was mentioned before in this post as well, I would consider the fishery in which it came as well. A lake like Erie for smallies as people talk about a record or trophy wouldnt hurt it at all, a lake around where I live for smallies...that could hurt. Anglers discretion is advised.
  7. Saw it on the news last night...brought a tear to my eye. God Bless Them!
  8. That is sweet....however we are still getting it hard...paying 94.5, and 97.9 here.
  9. Bettman is probably using the Conduct Detrimental to the league. I think the suspension is about right. It will be interesting to see what the Dallas Stars are going to do.
  10. thanks for giving me the hardwater bug. we are going out for the first time this weekend for splake and specks (stocked lake). I cant wait!! Thanks for sharing the reports with us.
  11. I know two guys in town here that run that tiller and both have nothing but great things to say about them. Funny enough, they both have e-tecs on the back too. Watched them in very very rough water in August on Superior for salmon, looked like a very smooth and dry ride.
  12. I would check out the 17ft Mirrocraft tillers as well. They make a great tiller.
  13. lets face it..theres a good chance we wont see this guy on the ice anymore.
  14. this is really a good conversation. i am enjoying it I have played hocey my whole life, like i am sure most of you have as well. I know that if i am sitting in the box for 10min at a time....that is not valuable.... at all. Penalty is a penalty...and those misconducts are the worst of all...cause you usually get them after you already been called for a penalty and cant keep your mouth shut...ive had em....no value to a team in the box...2 min..is a lot better that 10.
  15. yes he draws penalties, however, does it help your team though when he is leading the league in penalty minutes. If he was doing his job, he wouldnt be in the box. People are still waiting to see the reasoning.
  16. GP G A Pts +/- PIM Year to date: 2008-09 23 3 7 10 +2 77 On Pace: 81 10 24 35 +2 271 Those arent stats of someone that is valuable to a team to me. George Laraque is a type of valuable player, he know is role and place on the team, Avery does not. he thinks he is a superstar because he pulled a sweet contract!! He should go back to interning in New York. He doesnt have a place in the NHL. Players who play the "pest role" never, ever said things like that. Claude Lemieux, Ciccerelli, those guys were pest and value to a team. The league also suspends players for racial or derogatory slurs on or off the ice.....this is no different. The league doesnt hit the nail on the head most of the time, but they are going in the right direction this time.
  17. the new Micro fin-bore 6" AUGER folds down and can fit in a pack-sak. For where we go, its priceless!
  18. send him to Russia..i agree...that way my buddy Chris Simon can make em eat a his meat through a straw. Phyisical abuse is only tolerated for so long by the NHL....verbal should be the same way. Its unfortunate that some players had to be the scapegoat....time for Avery to be this scapegoat.
  19. LOL maybe! i was going to ask you were you usually hit, but i know its an unwritten law(up here anyways) that you dont say where we are in the park. LOL Surprising enough, though i only bumped into 1 person from the Sault in all my time up there and that was on Gamitagama. If we do see each other make sure the coffee pot is on!
  20. 100 % Lakers and Specs in Lake Superior Prov. Park.
  21. wishing you all the best, and a speedy recovery Rick.
  22. I do know wolves can get big...a lot bigger than an 80 lb dog. 4-5 feet at the shoulder for a wolf...no problem. Actually....there was a wolf attack at Kathryns Cove just south of here a few summers ago. Tests were done and the animal was sick. That was a big wolf too.
  23. Born and raised in Wawa Ontario. Moved to the Sault for school in 2000 and got a job back in Wawa. Love it here!
  24. Thanks for that! Living in Wawa, moose hunting gets my blood plumping. Thanks for sharing some of the story.
  25. Whats the story on that moose, out of curiousity? Was it one shot? How far was the shot? I am in awe..i cant stop looking at the pics.
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