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Everything posted by anders

  1. i wonder if most of the attendees to leaf games are fans of the rival team. It would be interesting to see the statistics on that...how many "real" leaf fans, how many rival fans and how many there to do business...i bet the leafs fans would be close to a minority...pretty sad the people in the nose bleeds...those are the real fans!....by the way i hate the leafs just as much or if not more then Montreal....just trying to bring the thread back to where it was
  2. yeah...fish them like you are fishing for specks and look for them in the same areas as you would with specks....small spinners, worm and slipshot, little spoons such as little cleos, and even a slip bobber set up. This all works well...they are little piggies...
  3. sucker for punishment maybe??? or its just the suits that always fill the seats working on the crackberry while a hockey game is on.
  4. No....we get it....as my previous post said..."i could be wrong and i hope i am"...i did more looking into to today...not on this site, and i found some truth.
  5. Me thinks it is deer poop, winter scat is the black jelly bean looking poo, when in summer when diet changed doo doo gets soft. haha had to incorporate as many different variations of the word crap
  6. hows this for stirring the pot? Pretty Good
  7. That was my initial thought.
  8. Thats exactly it...im sure there are gangs involved and causing most of the issues, but the fans seem to hit the street and initiate it in my mind, however, i could be wrong and hope i am. But aint it sweet that the Wings and Pens are out! There is a hockey GOD!!
  9. Congrats to the habs...they deserve a pat on the back...well done...and i hate saying that...due to that fact that i am bruins fan and despise the habs....but again...Congrats to Halak...oops i mean the habs, HOWEVER....to the fans...enjoy the win by all means, but SERIOUSLY...WHATS WITH THE RIOTING AND LOOTING...YOU DIDNT WIN ANYTHING YET!!! I would seriously worry if they did win the cup, what would happen, burn down the Molson Centre????Seriously some fans give them a bad name...i know not all are like that, but that does not look good....what would have happened if they lose?? Sorry about that...looking forward to a Bruins/Canadiens Conf Finals.
  10. thats awesome...curious though...how does a bug or rain feel at 80?
  11. seriously...how do you keep your boxes so clean? Do you guys actually fish or just collect lures?
  12. I hate the Habs dont get me wrong....however after taking the Caps to 7 and now the pens, regardless of the outcome which ever it may be, deserves a very big pat on the back and a good solid Atta Boy! Definitly well done. But still....GO BRUINS! I still have faith!
  13. Do a search on the site...question comes up quite a bit Portable Fish Finder
  14. very impressive...looking forward to seeing the finished products
  15. And Dave, and Pete and JP! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  16. Nice Lakers
  17. We are getting SNOW tomorrow. Anyone want to trade?
  18. Still works as we try to keep it as tight as possible as well, and we have never had an issue with the swivels together when fighting a fish. Almost all the Salmon fisherman up here use this system, although the length of the cheater line is varied.
  19. Many memories, however, one that will always be there is the of the one that didn't get away. I was 16 or just about 17 at the time and my dad was working in the Sault and didn't know if he was going to be up for the annual Salmon Derby. The day the derby started, i get home from school and my dad is there with the boat ready to go, i remember being so excited about not really the derby anymore but him being home. Anyways we register for the 3 day event and head out just after 5, which wasn't bad seeing how it started at 5. We start trolling and i am sure the conversation was still the same from when i was a tot, "have you ever caught a salmon here" and "ever catch a salmon on this" "what about this". Those questions my dad still answers with a smile on his face today. We trolled for about and hour and a half when we are on the North shore of the bay, when the rod beside him releases and the reel starts to sing, instincts kick in and he grabs the rod while i bring in the other rod and riggers. Shortly after, which i am sure felt like an hour, and many jaw dropping runs right below the boat, we netted a 21 lb Salmon. Not overally big, but here those fish are becoming rare. We head in to get it weighed and my brother, uncle and grandmother were volunteering that night at the check in station and saw us in our 14ft tinbanger coming up the river, and my brother said when he saw us he knew 1 of 2 things happened...mechanical trouble or BIG fish. When we drove slowly by him i lifted the fish up and he nearly jumped out of his shoes. We had it pegged at 15 lbs but when it was 21 we knew we were close. That night the fish held on and won $500 and held out for the weekend and won another $5000. Definitly one of those moments that will forever be etched in my memory.
  20. They work for us...when we get a fish, the rod releases 50% of the time, the others times its shakes...adn yes, when it does release, reel in the slack and set the hook...the swivel will then slide down the main line to the end of it.
  21. We use a large snap swivel, attached to a 6-8ft length of 20-30lb mono and attach our lure. This does the same trick no? When downrigging, your line is in a bow no matter how much slack is removed, where the bow ends up, is where your swivel should stop. We call em "cheater lines"
  22. Ah yes...time to give thanks!
  23. Ah yes...time to give thanks!
  24. Dr. was that for moose ribs? Shore...thanks! We definitly have the beer part covered (most important part!)
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